There is no need to talk about the relationship between Chen Nan and Qinglong.

If the people of the Green Dragon Tribe knew his identity.

Will definitely follow his orders.

"Phoenix Tribe Phoenix Visit!"

"I also hope that the Longyuan Patriarch will show up!"

Feng Yi stood in front of Wolong Mountain, his voice was like thunder, echoing in the mountain stream over and over again.

A moment later.

A loud dragon groan came from the mountains.

An old man with a childlike appearance and a black robe flew in with more than ten clansmen.

Their strength is very strong, and all of them have reached the Divine Venerable Realm cultivation.

The person at the head was none other than the patriarch of the Green Dragon Tribe, Long Yuan.

An old monster of the same period as Phoenix.

After landing, Long Yuan showed a shallow smile on his face: "After a long time, I didn't expect that your Phoenix Tribe saw the light of day again, which is gratifying!" "

He's heard about the Phoenix Tribe.

Knowing that the Phoenix Tribe was under siege, he wanted to send someone to help.

However, the alien demon has already occupied the three heavens.

Just didn't expect that.

The Phoenix Tribe still has the day to see the light of day again.

Feng Yi sighed: "Yes, we didn't expect to see the sky again!" All this thanks to my Holy Lord.

After a pause, he introduced: "Longyuan Daoyou, this is my Phoenix Tribe Saint Lord Chen Nan, he has the inheritance of the Ancient Phoenix Ancestor.

Long Yuan looked at Chen Nan and bowed his head with a smile, which was regarded as a greeting.

With his strength.

He hadn't put Chen Nan, a junior in the early stage of the Divine Venerable Realm, in his eyes.

Even if he got the inheritance of the Ancient Phoenix Ancestor.

But the inheritance of their tribe is not inferior to the Phoenix tribe.

Feng Yi said straight to the point: "We came this time to discuss an important matter with your tribe.

"Ten thousand years ago, alien demons invaded."

"My Terran race suffered a crushing defeat, the great rivers and mountains were occupied by alien demons, and countless compatriots died tragically in the mouths of alien demons."

"10,000 years have passed."

"Should we fight back?"

Long Yuan chuckled and asked, "How to fight back?" Fight back with what? Just by you people? "

Forget it!"

"These people are not enough to stuff the teeth of the alien devil, there is no need to hit the stone with a pebble."


He didn't believe that he could defeat the alien demon with these hands.

Feng Yi had already expected the other party to say this, and continued: "There are indeed not many of us.

"But if all the forces of the Three Heavens are willing to join hands and condense into a rope."

"I believe that I will be able to kill the alien demon and restore the three heavens and one peace."

Long Yuan shook his head and sighed: "If you had this realization ten thousand years ago, how could the Three Heavens become such a field as it is now?"

Feng Qi's face changed, but he still said, "You are right, if I had this realization ten thousand years ago, the Three Heavens would not have become what they are now."

"That's why I chose to stand up against the demons!"

"The right should be..."

"You should pay for that wrong decision 10,000 years ago!"

The Bull God opened his mouth and let out a deep and powerful voice: "Chen Nan is the last hope of the Three Realms, the key to our ability to repel the alien demons and recover the God Realm, I hope you can support him!"

"You are just a demon beast, what qualifications do you have to decide who we support?" A young man's eyes were cold: "Believe it or not, Xiaoye chopped your head and drank?" "


The bull god was enraged, and opened his mouth to let out a moo that made the void tremble.

The sudden scene shocked everyone in the Green Dragon Tribe.

Long Yuan hurriedly resisted.

The divine power in the body gathered into a wall in front of him, although it blocked the moo of the bull god.

But his face was sallow and he looked very painful.

"Old cow, that's pretty much it!" Chen Nan spoke.

The bull god stopped mooing, and looked at those people of the Qinglong tribe with unhappy eyes: "Mo said that you are just people from the Qinglong tribe, even if the old thing of the green dragon is in front of me, I don't dare to be so arrogant!" Everyone

in the Green Dragon Tribe was taken aback.

I didn't expect this bull demon to say such arrogant words.

Seeing this, Feng Yu quickly explained: "Longyuan Daoyou, this is the bull god and rabbit god among the twelve beast gods!"

Long Yuan immediately saluted: "The junior has no eyes, offended the two gods, and asked the gods for forgiveness." The

Bull God said in a low voice: "We came here this time to integrate the forces of the Three Heavens, and then go all the way east to suppress the forces of the alien demons."

"I hope you think about it."

"We will never bully." Speaking of this, he raised his right front hoof and fell heavily to the ground.


The earth emitted a deafening loud noise.

Followed by.

The Wolong Mountain Range seemed to have had a super earthquake, and there was a large-scale collapse.

Everyone in the Green Dragon Tribe was dumbfounded.

You must know that the Wolong Mountain Range stretches for thousands of miles.

The power of the bull god caused the Wolong Mountain Range to collapse with a single hoof, and you can imagine how terrifying its strength is.

It's just...

You also said earlier that it was not a bully.

The next moment, he stepped on the Wolong Mountain Range.

Are you sure this is not a bully?

What's the difference between you and a sword around our necks?

"God, this matter is very important, I need to consult with the clan first!" Long Yuan said with sincere trepidation.

The nine-headed flame lion spoke, "Then you can't invite us to your clan land for a light meal?" Don't bother too much, get some mountain delicacies, and some 10,000-year elixirs. "




The people of the Qinglong tribe were stunned.

Mountain game can be had.

But when you open your mouth, you want the elixir of ten thousand years.

This is even more excessive than the alien demon!

That being said.

But Long Yuan did not dare to say anything more, and invited everyone to enter the clan land of the Green Dragon Tribe.

As with the Phoenix tribe.

The land of the Blue Dragon Tribe is also located in a small world.

It's just that the Qinglong tribe has more clansmen than the Phoenix tribe, and there are more than two hundred people old and young.

Many of them have never met outsiders.

Curious about the sudden appearance of humans, they watched from afar.

Especially some young women, they cast adoring eyes on Chen Nan.

The reason is none of it.

In this age of looking at faces.

Handsome-looking men are always able to reap the attention of the opposite sex.

Just the first impression can make the opposite sex feel good.

Even the brain makes up some plots with mosaics.

As for ugly-looking people...

They will lose a lot.

Even mating rights.

Everyone took their seats, Long Yuan took the wine jug and poured a glass of wine for Chen Nan, and said politely: "Where is Chen Xiaoyou from?" Why do I feel a familiar breath in you? We shouldn't have seen it before, right?

Chen Nan smiled and said, "We really haven't met before, but the green dragon that your clan worships is an old friend!" "


A strong anger erupted from Long Yuan's body, and he glared at Chen Nan angrily, gritting his teeth and saying, "You and Qinglong are old friends?

Chen Nan looked at Long Yuan with a stunned expression.

Why did this old thing get so hot?


Could it be that they have a feud with the green dragon?

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