Chen Nan felt a little embarrassed.

When he said the relationship between the green dragon and himself, he just wanted to narrow the sense of alienation from the green dragon tribe.

Make the relationship between the two parties more harmonious.

But now it seems.

Even if the Green Dragon Tribe believes in the Green Dragon.

But their relationship is not as harmonious as they imagined.

Long Yuan glared angrily at Chen Nan and pointed out the door: "Get out of our tribe, people related to Qinglong are not welcome in our tribe!" The

nine-headed flame lion was furious: "Old thing, dare to be disrespectful to my family boss, give you face, right?" "

The cow god did not make a sound though.

But it erupted with a powerful demon qi.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little unpleasant, Feng Yi hurriedly asked, "Longyuan Daoyou, what happened?" Why are you so angry?

Long Yuan glared at Chen Nan and said angrily, "Why is there such a big fire? Hmph, if it weren't for the Divine Dragon Old Ancestor's original retreat cultivation, do you think the Green Dragon is qualified to become a Four Divine Beasts?

"It became the Four Divine Beasts by despicable means."

"And that position should have belonged to the Divine Dragon Ancestor."

Chen Nan's eyes were full of curiosity, but he didn't expect that there was such a past.

It's just that.

With his knowledge of the green dragon.

The guy is a little colored, though.

But it is not enough to do such a dangerous behavior.

There may be something else going on here.

Feng Yi smiled bitterly.

Unexpectedly, Long Yuan hated Qinglong because of this relationship.

Just as the so-called dragon gives birth to nine sons, the son is different.

The dragons have many branches.

The green dragon is only a very high-ranking existence in the dragon clan.

And in the dragons.

There are people whose strength is stronger than the green dragon.

"I've heard some of the old things back then!" Feng Yi spoke: "Actually, you can't blame Qinglong Senior for that incident.

"When the Divine Realm selected the four divine beasts, the Divine Dragon Old Ancestor once said."

"Its goal is to become stronger and become a strong person at the level of the Dragon Ancestor."

"Because of this, he chose to practice in retreat when selecting the four divine beasts."

"Because the Divine Dragon Ancestor knows the ambition of the Qinglong senior."

"He really wants to protect the Three Realms when he becomes a divine beast."

Long Yuan said angrily, "Even if what you said is true, then why did the green dragon come to my tribe to force us to change our names after becoming a divine beast?" "

Why do we betray the Divine Dragon Ancestor?"

Speaking of this, he was angry in his heart.

He was a toddler.

I saw my grandfather, who was the patriarch, wiping his tears late at night.

He also said that he was incompetent.

After that.

The Shenlong Tribe was renamed the Blue Dragon Tribe.

It was also from that moment onwards.

Long Yuan hated Qinglong in his heart.

Feng Yu gave his opinion: "I don't think it's a mistake for Senior Qinglong to let you change your name.

"You shouldn't dwell on it because of it."

"If I'm not mistaken."

"At that time, the Heavenly Court had just been established, and there were thousands of races in the Divine Realm, as well as powerful tribes."

"Even the Heavenly Court is helpless against them."

"It coincides with the retreat of the Divine Dragon Old Ancestor."

"You have lost your strongest backer."

"If you don't seek a new backer, do you think your tribe can still pass it on?"

"Senior Qinglong is using this move to protect your tribe."

Long Yuan's pupils trembled violently, and he lost his voice and screamed: "Impossible, absolutely impossible."

"Grandfather told me that the reason why the Blue Dragon let us change its name is because it became one of the four divine beasts."

"In terms of status, he surpassed the Divine Dragon Ancestor."

"The status of the dragon clan is second only to the dragon clan."

"That's why he makes our tribe submit to him and believe in him."

"Just because of this!"

Chen Nan said softly: "I have known Qinglong for half my life, and I still know a little about its character." "

He's a guy who doesn't express himself."

"But I believe he said that."

"It's really just for your tribe's sake."

"If you don't believe it, I questioned him the day."

"They may be right." An elderly man walked in with weak steps.

See this person.

The clansmen of the Green Dragon Tribe saluted one after another.

His name is Dragon Seven.

He is the most respected person in the Qinglong tribe.

It is also a living fossil of the Blue Dragon Tribe.

Long Yuan asked unwillingly, "Seventh Uncle, even you think that Qinglong did that for the sake of our tribe?"

Long Qi was helped to sit on a futon, and said weakly: "The practice practiced by our Qinglong tribe is called the Divine Dragon Technique, which is the self-created technique of the Divine Dragon Ancestor, and its power is extremely terrifying.

"This exercise is indeed powerful."

"But it has a fatal flaw, and it is difficult to break through after cultivating to the fifth layer."

"Not only that."

"Cultivators will end up with a miserable end because of the revolt of the exercises."

"There is no need to say more about this, elderly people will remember that one late night, a certain clan member was eaten back by the exercises and died."

"No way, we are human."

"The Divine Dragon Technique was not created for us."

"Even if the Divine Dragon Old Ancestor continues to improve this technique, it has only perfected it to the fifth layer."

"However, since the green dragon came."

"There have been some slight changes in the Divine Dragon Technique on the Dragon Tablet."

"The clansmen have also broken the curse of cultivating to the fifth layer."

"Not only has the cultivation reached great consummation, but there are not even any side effects."

"Although many people say that it is the Shenlong Old Ancestor who appeared and changed the content of the Shenlong Recipe."

"However, I once saw the green dragon leave the Holy Land extremely weakly."

A young man's scalp was numb, and his tone trembled and asked, "In other words, it was the green dragon who perfected the content of the Divine Dragon Technique?"

Long Qi nodded slightly: "Apart from this possibility, I really can't think of who perfected the Divine Dragon Technique."

Long Yuan's face turned sallow: "If it really perfected the Divine Dragon Technique, then why didn't he tell us?" Why hide merit and fame?

Long Qi sighed lightly: "The green dragon let us believe in it, let us change our name to the green dragon tribe, this matter is unbearable for the clansmen." Many people hate it, if it tells the truth, do you think there will be anyone who cultivates the Divine Dragon Technique?

Long Yuan was speechless.

But the heart suffered greatly.

He has always regarded the green dragon as an enemy.

But he never dreamed of it.

Things are not what you imagined.

Long Qi said weakly: "And Chen Xiaoyou is right, Qinglong is really a god who is not good at expression and is respected."

After a pause, he looked at Chen Nan: "Excuse me, how is the Qinglong senior doing now?"

Chen Nan sighed: "That battle hurt its vitality, its body was annihilated, and now there is only a wisp of remnant soul left. I want to recover completely... Elusive!

Long Qi hesitated, then looked at Long Yuan and said softly, "Perhaps, you can take Chen Xiaoyou to the Holy Land and help Qinglong!"

Long Yuan's pupils trembled violently: "Seventh Uncle, are you sure you want to do this?" "

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