Chen Nan looked at the seven rays of light of different colors in front of him and muttered, "It's not so difficult to enter the Dao!" "


The nine-headed flame lion lowered its head and did not look at Chen Nan.

He was afraid that he would not be able to control his thoughts about hitting him.

Of course.

It knows the result.

I can't beat him at all.

"Maybe try to create a world!" A blazing light flashed in Chen Nan's eyes.

His expression was solemn, and his hands were pinched.

Those seven rays of light instantly became stronger, and they were woven together to build a small world.

Chen Nan had used the power of law to create a small world when he was in the immortal world.

However, there is an essential difference between the power of the law and the small world created by the Dao.


The laws of the small world created with the power of laws are the same as the outside world.

It can only be regarded as a world attached to the world.

The small world in front of you is different.

This small world has independent laws of heaven.

It's a completely independent little world.

"You you you... You actually created the world? The nine-headed flame lion's heart was numb.

Chen Nan: "As long as there are seven series of avenues, you can create the world, do you need to make a fuss about this?" "

“······" The nine-headed flame lion was speechless.

It felt that Chen Nan was pretending.

But there is no evidence.

In fact, it also knew that Chen Nan was not pretending.

Many people know that as long as they control the Seven Series Avenue, they can create an independent world.


Look at the entire three worlds.

So many saints.

Who has controlled the Seven Series Avenues at the same time?

Even a Saint Ancestor of the level of Hongjun Old Ancestor has never had this kind of perverted ability!

Chen Nan: "Go, go and sit in my little world!"

"Boss, can I become the supreme god in your small world? Is it the character similar to the Jade Emperor? The eyes of the nine-headed flame lion were full of longing.


Chen Nan agreed.

"Boss, you are so good, I love you to death!" The nine-headed flame lion let out a low roar, and then flew into the small world created by Chen Nan.

This small world is not large, only more than a hundred square kilometers.

At this time, it was deserted.

Chen Nan was quietly suspended in midair, and the earth in front of him had undergone earth-shaking changes at this moment.

A rushing river separates the land.

Steep mountains rise from the ground.

Countless trees are like mushrooms after rain, and in an instant they grow to a height of 100 square meters, covering the sky.

Countless flowers and plants also appeared on the ground.

"You can grab some creatures and put them in!" Although Chen Nan created a piece of heaven and earth, it was not enough to create life, after all, he only mastered the seven series of avenues, and creating life required the avenue of life.

And this kind of Dao, he has not yet comprehended.

"Master, you should now major in Dao." The nine-headed flame lion said, "Although you have created the world now, the coverage area of the Dao Law is too small.

"As far as I know, human beings have the power to cover millions of miles of Dao, and once someone falls into someone else's Dao, they will definitely live better than die."

Chen Nan nodded slightly.

The Tao is the same as the law.

Although there is no clear hierarchy.

But whoever has a wide coverage of the Dao, the stronger the strength will be.

He still knows that.

"Let's go to the Ten Thousand Devils Cave first, and I will retreat during this time." Chen Nan said lightly, and then came to the outside world with nine flame lions.

He looked at the firmament, and a flash of worry flashed in his eyes: "I've been in the God Realm for so many days, and I don't know what happened to Lao Li and Qinglong!"

"We must cross the Nine Heavens as soon as possible, reach Lingxiao, and recapture the Three Birthstones!"



Above Shennongjia.

The wind roared.


Black clouds cover the sky, and there is no end in sight at a glance.

Li Mu, who had white hair, held a long sword.

Panting and standing on top of a treacherous peak.

The eyes are extremely solemn.

He's old.

In front of time, everyone is like ants.

No one can resist the gentle and sharp knife of time.

Not to mention that fifty-eight years had passed since Chen Nan left.

Although in these fifty-eight years, Qinglong used secret methods to raise his cultivation to the Mahayana stage.

But it did not retain its former appearance.

Fifty-eight years.

For mortals, this is destined to be a long number.

It's the life of many people.

From landing on the ground, to toddlers, to entering school for the first time, marrying wives and having children...

But for Li Mu.

These fifty-eight years have been a snap of the fingers.

Because he's been doing one thing.

That is to find the reincarnated god and resist the attack of the alien demon.

Daxia is an ancient oriental country, and there are too many unknown places.

For example, Shennongjia.

The legend of wild people in Shennongjia existed as early as a hundred years ago.

And it has always been a mysterious, dangerous area.


Twenty years ago.

Shennongjia has always been a mysterious area.

There are only some legends about wild men.

But on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival twenty years ago.

Shennongjia, however, has a passage that links outside the domain, and many powerful alien demons enter the earth from the channel.

Fortunately, the terrain of Shennongjia is complex, like a natural magic array.

This trapped the alien demons and did not let them rush into the world.

After Li Mu learned this, he and Qinglong came here for the first time, and after the efforts of the two, they finally killed those alien demons who arrived on Earth.


But it couldn't block that entrance.


He stayed here for twenty years.

Fortunately, the strength of those alien demons who came did not surpass the Mahayana period.

All were beheaded by his sword.

But just three months ago.

More powerful aliens have entered Earth.

In the face of a more powerful alien demon, Li Mu was not an opponent at all.

A time of crisis.

The green dragon stepped forward, and this protected the earth.

However, he was also seriously injured.

No matter how strong the green dragon is, it is only a remnant soul at best.

It is simply not enough to withstand the fierce attack of the alien demon.

Like today.

Eight powerful alien demons suddenly appeared, each exuding the illusion that almost suffocated him.

He was tempted to strike.

But Qinglong said.

If you make a move, your whole village will have to open a table.


Li Mu gave up the idea of making a move very self-consciously.


He was very worried about Qinglong's safety.

Because he knows.

With the current strength of the green dragon, there is a great danger against a powerful alien demon.

Not to mention, today he is facing eight powerful demons.


A deafening thunder spread across the seas.

A shadow of a green dragon suddenly appeared in the void, and its eyes calmly looked in the direction of the depths of Shennongjia, and an indifferent voice came out of its mouth: "How many alien demons are also vainly trying to invade my Terran territory?"

"Do you really think that Long Ye is a vegetarian?"

"If you want to enter the territory of the Terran race, you need to step on Long Ye's corpse!"


A humanoid alien demon was suspended in the night sky, overlooking the green dragon high above, and made a hoarse voice: "Why is it difficult to kill you?" "

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