The sudden appearance of this strange demon made Li Mu's heart tremble violently.

A sense of foreboding arose.

He could feel it.

The strength of this alien demon is very strong.

It is the most seen in my life.

He was really worried about whether he could kill the green dragon in its current form.

Once the green dragon is defeated by the other party.


He didn't dare to imagine.

"Tiger Fall Pingyang was bullied by dogs!" Qinglong let out a light sigh: "I think that when Long Ye killed all sides in the God Realm, you little brats dare to make a big fuss in front of me?" The

humanoid demon's eyes were full of disdain: "You are not who you used to be!"

"But it's not your turn to shout in front of ants like you!" The green dragon roared up to the sky, emitting a deafening dragon groan.

The Annihilation Void swallowed towards the humanoid demon with lightning speed.

But just when it was less than 100 meters away from the other party.

The humanoid demon clenched his fist in the air.

The void stood still for an instant.

Blocked the attack of the green dragon.

It then turned into a sword.

A brilliant sword qi slashed through the body of the green dragon.

This moment.

The green dragon's physical body became much more illusory.

It's like a candlelight that goes out at any moment.

It is a wisp of soul in its own right.

To be able to hold on to this point is a miracle in itself.

It is no match for this humanoid demon.

The humanoid alien demon stepped on the void and walked towards the green dragon: "Ling Xiao has long been broken, and you should also be buried in the ruins of history with the last era!"

The green dragon roared: "Who said that I should be buried in the last era?

"Even if I die, I would like to become a stone monument!"

"Witness the demise of your demons!"

"You are cruel, slaughtering the creatures of my people, and occupying the territory of my people."

"If I don't kill you all, I won't die!"

Before the words fell, it turned into a cyan aurora and killed the humanoid demon.


A cold light flashed in the eyes of the humanoid demon.

It punched out.

The terrifying power makes this heaven and earth boil.

Exudes unparalleled power.

The green dragon let out a heart-rending scream, and then slammed down in the air.

"Brother Long, are you all right?" Li Mu rushed forward with an anxious face.

At this moment, the green dragon had transformed into the form of 'Chen Nan'.

This is the flesh that Chen Nan helped shape before he left.

"I'm afraid I can't stop it!" Qinglong's eyes were full of unwillingness.

He's been trying.

But a cruel discovery.

Sometimes, hard work doesn't change the final result.


If you don't accept your life, you can't do it!

Li Mu's eyes were scarlet, he looked at the sky, and just wanted to shout but was stopped by Qinglong: "Do you think it's really us fighting?"

"If it weren't for Chen Nan taking the fruit of the Great Dao, he would be one with this piece of heaven and earth."

"If it weren't for his constant obsession, the alien demon would have killed him long ago."

"Even if you shout to the sky, Chen Nan can't hear it."

Elder Li burst into tears: "No, no, no, I believe that Chen Nan will definitely hear it, and Cangtian will definitely hear it."

Qinglong smiled bitterly, "Even if Cangtian hears it, what if?" "

Heavenly Dao... Ruthless!

"Yes, the Heavenly Dao is inherently ruthless, and this is an immutable law of eternity!" The humanoid demon flew above the two: "I have always wondered why there is a human being with seven emotions and six desires in this ruthless world?

"Don't you feel that this is a ridiculous thing?"

Qinglong supported Li Mu, stood up with difficulty, and said indifferently in his eyes: "It is precisely because the Heavenly Dao is ruthless that it can reflect the importance of the seven emotions and six desires of human beings.

"If a man is ruthless, what is the difference between that and a cold stone?"

The humanoid demon shook his head: "Human beings have always been good at sophistry, but this is not important, as long as those reincarnated heavenly gods are destroyed, the three realms will be ruled by us!"

"You, you can die!"

When the words fell, it poked out a palm.

The void was distorted, and a time-space crack suddenly appeared.

I saw a huge demon palm poking out in the crack in time and space, covering the sky and destroying the decay.

The earth under the feet of Qinglong and Li Mu instantly cracked, and the surrounding trees turned into decay.

The green dragon wanted to resist.

But there is more than enough energy.

Just when he and Li Mu thought that they would definitely die.

A strange red tear through the sky.

This red color is like a rose blooming in the ice and snow.

It's like an oasis in the endless desert.


There is also a powerful divine power.

Instantly entangled the humanoid demon.

Then came a childish child's voice, although immature, it gave people a powerful and endless hatred: "Bold demon, dare to hurt my creatures in the three realms, deceive me that there is no one in the three realms?" "


Without warning.

Two flaming wheels appear in the night sky.

A figure stepping on a hot wheel, full of killing intent, volleyed into the air.

See this figure.

Qinglong grinned: "You little ghost, you are finally out of customs!" "

It's no one else.

It was the kid named Li Xiang.


His past life was called Nezha.

Chen Nan helped him find Chaotianaya when he was on Earth, opening up some memories of his past life.

After that, Qinglong spent more than thirty years to help him find Hot Wheels and Fire Spike Guns.

After that, Li Xiang couldn't come out.

I didn't get out of customs until today.

And he also resumed his cultivation at the peak of his previous life.

"Long Ye, leave the next thing to me!" Li Xiang stepped on the Hot Wheel, and his whole body was shrouded in monstrous flames, as if a demon child was reborn.

The words fell.

He clenched his fist violently.


The Mixed Sky Aya suddenly contracted, causing that alien demon to erupt into a red blood mist.

"Too weak!"

"I really didn't expect that Ling Xiao would be trampled by this creature ten thousand years ago!"

"The gods of the sky will be broken one by one by this garbage!" Recalling his previous life, a trace of helplessness appeared in Li Xiang's eyes.

Qinglong said weakly: "One humanoid creature is not terrible, and ten heads are not terrible, but when the enemy has a hundred times or a thousand times stronger people in the same realm than us, it can crush us just in momentum!" "

Long Ye, don't talk first, I have already recovered my former strength, help you heal your injuries first." Li Xiang fell to the ground, wanting to input divine power to heal the green dragon.

Qinglong: "Save it, it's useless!" "

He knows more about himself than everyone else.

It was a wisp of a remnant soul.

It has recovered in the dragon egg for thousands of years, and it may be able to recover in tens of thousands of years.

However, when Chen Nan of the Divine Realm was in distress, he forcibly broke out of his shell, which had injured a wisp of the existing remnant soul, and he had been living in Chen Nan's body since then.

Otherwise, he would have been gone.

Not to mention that he has been fighting the alien demon during this time, which has made his injuries even worse.

There is simply no cure.

"For decades, alien demons have been spying on the world." Qinglong said weakly: "Now that we have found the reincarnation of the gods in the sky, the alien demons will definitely attack in a big way.

"Because they know."

"Just kill the reincarnation of the gods in the sky."

"Even if Chen Nan is the last hope of the Terrans, we Terrans have no chance of victory!"

Li Xiang asked nervously, "Then what should we do now?" "

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