Qinglong looked up at the firmament, his face full of bitterness: "Although Chen Nan is the real savior, we can't pin all our hopes on him!"

"We can't let him fight alone!"

"We can't save the world, but we can save ourselves."

"This can be regarded as fighting side by side with him!"

After a pause, he said, "The alien demons have learned that we have found this life of the gods of the heavens, and if nothing else, it won't be long before they will enter in a big way.

"So, for your safety."

"I suggest you go to the Immortal Realm."

"The rules of time there are different from those in the mortal world, and you can also take the opportunity to improve your cultivation there."

Li Xiang: "No, if I leave, who will protect the mortal world?" Who will guard all beings?

"This is the land of origins!"

"I absolutely can't let this heaven and earth also fall to alien demons!"

Qinglong said angrily, "If you don't leave, who will guard the reincarnated gods?"

"If they die, how can they revitalize the Three Realms and retake our invaded mountains and rivers?"

"Willing to give, there is giving to gain."

"Don't blame me for making such a decision!"

"It's not a last resort."

"I... I am not willing to give up these ten thousand lights, this is too peaceful and prosperous!

Li Xiang's face was full of grief.

His mood was complicated to the extreme.

He didn't want that.

But the green dragon is a four-sided divine beast.

It cannot disobey the Blue Dragon's orders.

After a moment of silence, he said unwillingly: "Even if you enter the immortal world to avoid the pursuit and killing of foreign demons, there is no passage to the immortal world!"

Li Mu looked at the dark night sky: "The cosmic black hole can go to the immortal world, and the way Chen Nan entered the immortal world was the way he took!"

The green dragon nodded slightly: "With your strength, you can completely cross the black hole of the universe with the gods of the sky in this life."

"Brother Long, is it really necessary to do this?" Li Mu's eyes turned red and said, "It's been fifty-eight years since Chen Nan left, and this is the first time I've been away for so long since I met him.

"Even if he goes to the Immortal Realm, the netherworld will not add up to this long."

"I'm sure he'll be back soon!"

Qinglong hesitated, and then let out a long sigh: "There is something I didn't want to tell you, the purpose is that I don't want you to spend the rest of your life in despair."

"Now it looks like it's time to tell you!"

"Although we have spent a long fifty-eight years on earth!"

"But in the realm of gods... Fifty-eight days passed.

Li Mu gasped: "One day in the sky, one year on the earth, this is true?"

Qinglong shrugged undeniably: "In layman's terms, Chen Nan cured his sister in the God Realm, and it is possible that months have passed in our mortal world."

"Well, the moment we enter and exit, we have already passed several hours in the mortal world!"

Li Mu shook his head helplessly: "You're all dying, can't you be serious?"

Li Xiang: "That's it, get used to it!"

Qinglong said seriously: "Li Xiang, go, leave the mortal world with this life of the gods in the sky."

"I don't ask you to let them all recover their memories, as long as they are all alive, it will be our greatest help to Chen Nan!"

"You also don't want Chen Nan to die in this life after returning with the Three Birth Stones, right?"

Li Xiang: "Then you..."

Qinglong looked at the distorted space between the two mountains in front of him, and his eyes were full of indifference: "I'm like this, naturally it's worth dying." "

He is not afraid of death.

Because before it became a four-divine beast, life and death were put aside.

Because he knows.

The position of the four divine beasts is not a supreme honor and status for him.

It's responsibility.


Before it became a four-god beast, it was already ready to die calmly.

Li Xiang's eyes were red, knowing that he could not change Qinglong's thoughts, he turned his head to look at Li Mu: "Uncle, you leave with me, I will go to the immortal world to find immortal medicine to extend your life."

Li Mu lit a cigarette, and then smoked it fiercely, he looked up at the firmament and spit out a mouthful of smoke: "I was born on the earth, this is my home, my roots!"

"Although I also know that the fairy world is very magnificent, I still like my home."

"I love this splendid landscape and river."

"If I really want to die, I want to die here too!"

"I want my body to nourish the flowers and plants of this land after it decays."

"May those flowers and plants become chains against evil spirits!"

He had the opportunity to leave Earth.

That time.

His parents.

Younger sister.

The wives all entered the immortal world.

Only he and Chen Nan were left to fight side by side.

Because he can't let go of the world.

I can't let go of the people living in this hot land.

Although he knew that he could not change the world.

But he always wanted to do something.

Li Xiang burst into tears, bowed to the two of them, and then said, "Your second elder rest assured, I will definitely not live up to the expectations of the two of you, and this reincarnated Heavenly God will go to the immortal world!" "


Without warning.

Rolling thunder came from the nine heavens.

A monstrous demonic aura came from the distorted space between the two mountains in front.

Immediately afterwards, a demon with long purple hair led more than twenty humanoid demons to kill, its eyes were indifferent, and there was no trace of compassion: "Isn't it too late to leave now?"

Li Xiang's eyes instantly lit up with raging flames: "Then I will kill you!" The

words fell.

Hot Wheels appeared at his feet, holding a fire-tipped spear, and Aya Heaven lingered around him, killing into the air with lightning speed.

He was alone.

But he cast three heads and six arms.

Even in the face of more than twenty humanoid demons, the momentum will not fall.

The fire-tipped gun is fast and invincible, and no one can stop it.

A shot pierced out of the void and annihilated, and suddenly the blood of a humanoid demon spilled into the sky.

Li Mu couldn't help but sigh: "What a cool means!"

Qinglong's face was weak, but a shallow smile still appeared on his face: "This is the powerhouse of the top war god in the God Realm, and the means are naturally extraordinary."

Li Mu asked nervously, "Can he kill these alien demons?"

Qinglong shook his head.

He naturally hoped that Nezha would be able to resist these demons.

But the means of alien demons are also endless.

Otherwise, he would not have stepped on the Lingxiao Treasure Hall ten thousand years ago.

"I hope that Li Xiang can kill these alien demons and go to the god realm with this life of the gods in the sky."

"But I also hope that someone can protect this world."

"I really love too much... No... I really love this world!

"But where in the world is the best of both worlds?"

The voice just fell.

Even if a tall figure flew out from the distorted space, the one at the head turned out to be a middle-aged man with long black hair and black pupils.

The moment you see it.

Qinglong's pupils trembled violently, and a monstrous anger erupted from his whole body: "Return to the falcon? Are you actually alive?

The humanoid alien demon named Gui Falcon grinned and revealed an evil smile: "I didn't expect you to remember me!"

Qinglong's eyes were torn: "You destroyed my body, can I remember you?" "

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