Whether it was Chen Nan's physical body.

Or his spirit.

At this moment, it is like breaking through the cocoon into a butterfly, and there is an amazing improvement.

He quickly absorbed those Hongmeng Qi, and his cultivation also entered the late stage of the God Venerable Realm in one fell swoop.

It was only one step away from the Saint Venerable Realm.

"This Hongmeng Qi is really amazing!" Chen Nan's face was full of ecstasy, although he absorbed a lot of Hongmeng Qi, there were still a lot in the air.

"You can put the cold knife here to improve its quality. Chen Nan immediately took out the cold knife and suspended it in the Hongmeng Qi.

Although the quality of the cold knife surpasses the artifact, it is possible that it is a half-holy weapon.


Even a half-holy weapon could not resist a true holy weapon.

And to ask what is the strongest divine weapon in the three realms.


, Chen Nan wanted to give birth to a terrifying divine weapon.

"Master, master, you hurry out of customs, I'm in big trouble!"

The screams of the nine-headed flame lion reached Chen Nan's ears, and its voice was urgent, revealing endless fear.

Chen Nan's face changed.

Although the nine-headed flame lion is a great demon in the early stage of the Divine Venerable Realm, it controls the sound path and its strength is very strong.

If it weren't for the real danger.

It categorically does not shout like that.

Don't think about it.

He instantly appeared on the back of the nine-headed flame lion.

"Master, you can calculate the pass, or we will both die!" the eyes of the nine-headed flame lion were full of horror.

Chen Nan looked ahead.

I saw a sheep body and a human face, eyes under the armpits, and a big demon with tiger tooth claws blocking their way.

This demon is 100 meters tall and exudes a monstrous ferocity.

Just one glance is terrifying.

"This is the gluttony of one of the rumored four fierce beasts?" Chen Nan was also frightened by the monster in front of him.

The four fierce beasts are Chaos, Poor Qi, Qiqi, and Gluttony.

And to ask which of the four fierce beasts is the most terrifying.

Naturally, it is the gluttony in front of you.

According to legend, gluttony can devour everything and is very terrifying.

Its appearance also indicates chaos in the world, which does not bode well.

After all.

This is the ancient fierce beast of the Eight Classics.

Every time it appears, it causes disaster.

Because of this, the four divine beasts will appear after the establishment of the Heavenly Court.

The four divine beasts correspond to the four ancient fierce beasts.

One can imagine how terrifying the strength of the four ancient ferocious beasts is.

"I just saw it swallow a mountain that is thousands of miles long, and I wanted to bypass it, but this thing found me. The eyes of the nine-headed flame lion were full of fear.

It is unimaginable that this gluttony is only more than a hundred meters long.


but swallowed a mountain range that was thousands of miles long.

Even if you see it with your own eyes, it is unbelievable.

"I tried to attack it with a sound channel, but I was swallowed by this cargo!"

"It also says my vocal channels taste good. "

At this time.

The gluttony made a childlike and sharp voice: "Human, I can smell your flesh and blood, it should be delicious, right?"


It makes no secret of its inner desires.

"Want to eat me?" Chen Nan had a disdainful smile on his face: "Then you have to see if your strength is hard enough!" When the words fell, he poked out his palm.

The void stood still for an instant.

Even if time stops passing.

An unconcealable shock appeared in Gluttony's eyes.

It seems that he did not expect that the strength of this human being in front of him would be so strong.

Don't wait for it to react.

Chen Nan had already appeared in front of it.

He clenched his fists and smashed into the gluttonous head.

This punch destroys the decay.

This punch shook the world.


With a terrifying wave, the gluttonous body flew out tens of thousands of meters.

It also flew out of the coverage of Chen Nan's space avenue.


Gluttony was furious, opening his blood basin and mouth, and a twisted black hole quickly twisted in his mouth.


The void in front of it also distorted, and the terrifying devouring power instantly arrived in front of Chen Nan.

Chen Nan pointed at the air.

The void stood still again.

No matter how strong the gluttonous devouring Dafa is, it is difficult to shake the slightest.

"Your method is useless to me!" the corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose.

He was glad to have broken through in the small world.

Otherwise, it would not be enough to resist this gluttony.

The next second he disappeared in place.

Like a ghost, he appeared above the gluttony, stepping on the gluttonous head fiercely: "Fall for me!"

With a cloud of dust and smoke comparable to a mushroom cloud rises.

A large pit with a diameter of 1,000 meters and a depth of 100 meters also appeared on the ground.

Gluttonous stood up.

The eyes that looked at Chen Nan were full of hatred and fierce light, and then he opened his blood basin again.

You can't wait for it to work its magic.

Chen Nan disappeared in front of it again, which made it jump like thunder, and let out a deafening roar: "Despicable fellow, there is a kind of appearance to fight

!" "Then I will do as you wish!" Chen Nan appeared strangely behind Gluttony, his right foot burst out, and smashed fiercely on Gluttony's neck.


Gluttony is like a cannonball flying horizontally.

Crashed through a mountain about a kilometer high.

"Not to mention, this guy's flesh is really hard. "

If it weren't for the fact that I absorbed the Hongmeng Qi before, I am afraid that it would not be enough to hurt it in the flesh alone!" Chen Nan felt a little soreness in his right foot.


It's all within affordability.

"I'm going to kill you!" The

gluttony was deeply enraged, his eyes glowed scarlet, and he opened his blood basin and was about to devour Chen Nan.


Chen Nan's speed was too fast,

so fast that the gluttony disappeared before he had time to cast his innate powers.

This made the gluttonous extremely angry.

In this way, you can't kill the other party at all.

In desperation.

It turned into an afterimage and quickly fled into the distance.

"Can you escape?" a sinister smile appeared at the corner of Chen Nan's mouth, and he instantly disappeared into the depths of the void, appearing ghostly in front of a frightened gluttonous body.

"Fall down for me!"

was accompanied by Chen Nan's roar.

He raised his fist shining with divine light, like a comet hitting the earth.

Fiercely smashed on the gluttonous jaw.

Gluttony flew out upside down again.

Don't wait for it to control the body.

Chen Nan appeared in the position below it.

He slammed his punch upwards.

The gluttonous figure was like a rocket rising into the sky, quickly flying above the clouds.

Just as its body gradually loses its impact.

Just when it is about to take control of its body.

Chen Nan appeared above it ghostly.

He raised his right foot angrily, made a powerful move to split Huashan, and smashed fiercely on the gluttonous abdomen.

A mouthful of blood spewed out of the gluttonous mouth, and his body was like an aurora, exuding the power of annihilation, tearing the firmament and smashing fiercely between the mountains below.

The earth cracked, the mountains collapsed.

The scene is as shocking as the end times.

Gluttony was seriously injured and fell to the ground.

Looking at the human being who appeared in front of it, its mentality exploded and it let out a cry of grievance: "Let's both... Who is the beast?"

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