Gluttony is very aggrieved.

It is clear that it is the four fierce beasts of antiquity.


Chen Nan was even fiercer than it.


Do you want to live or die?" Chen Nan looked down condescendingly at the gluttony, like a king who ruled over the sky.

"Live!" without thinking, Gluttony gave the answer.

Chen Nan said, "If you want to live, you need to be loyal to me." ???

Gluttony's eyes showed a dazed look.

It seems that he didn't expect Chen Nan to say this.

The nine-headed flame lion was full of fried hair: "Boss, I didn't hear me wrong, you actually want this gluttonous to be loyal

to you?" "Human, I have to say that you are very good at playing!"

"I'm sorry, but I'm a noble glutton, and I can't be loyal to you."

"Unless you can kill me?" a sneer appeared at the corner of Chen Nan's mouth: "You think I can't kill you?"

Gluttony's eyes were full of disdain: "I was born from the greed of the world, unless you can kill the greed in the hearts of the world, you can't kill me at all!"

The next moment.

A dazzling golden light appeared in his hand.

A long golden stick exuding golden divine light appeared in Chen Nan's hand.

This thing comes out.

Thunder erupted in the air.

The wind whimpered.

It's like the end times.

"What is this thing?" Gluttony's eyes were full of horror, and he felt a strong sense of oppression in front of this golden long stick.

It is born of resentment, though.

But it has no doubt.

This golden stick can really kill it.

Chen Nan looked at the merit pillar in his hand, and a shallow smile appeared on his face: "I named it 'Serving People with Virtue'." Saying that, he raised the merit pillar in his hand.

Day instantly turned into night.

Black-pressed thunderclouds shrouded this heaven and earth.

Tumbling, twisting at the same time.

It can be seen that lightning bolts containing the power of destruction flicker in the thunderclouds.

The next moment.

Night instantly turned into day.

Countless lightning bolts tore through the sky and converged on the pillar of merit.

"I obeyed!" "I


!" "Please show mercy to your subordinates!"

Although Chen Nan's stick had not yet landed on its body.


Its physical body had the feeling that it was about to disintegrate, and it could not withstand this terrifying force at all.

It was terrified, and its voice revealed endless unease: "I am willing to submit to you, but I have a small condition." "I have to eat and wrap up

!" "I have this one condition, if you can't give me food and clothing, I'd rather die than be loyal to you!" The

nine-headed flame lion said angrily: "Who can afford

such a large amount of rice for you?" Chen Nan smiled and said, "If it doesn't have such a large amount of rice, do you think I will keep it?" said and put away the merit pillar.

Gluttony is one of the four fierce beasts of antiquity.

It is a frightening existence.

But there is no denying it.

The strength of gluttony is terrifying.

Thanks to his previous strength, he was nourished by the Hongmeng Qi.


He is not at all an opponent for this gluttonous head.

As for this guy's meal...


can take it to the Alien Demon's major strongholds to eat a buffet!

"Boss, do you really plan to raise this gluttony?" The eyes of the nine-headed flame lion were full of anxiety: "I see that this guy has a backbone all over his body, and I am afraid that it will be a disaster to raise a tiger if he stays around!"

I am afraid that this gluttonous animal will eat itself when it is hungry and has nothing to eat.

"Think twice

!" "You must think twice!" The

more the nine-headed flame lion spoke, the more excited he became: "There have been several gluttons in history, without exception, all of which have caused great harm to the world, and their ends are also very miserable.

"Not to mention the gluttony!" Chen

Nan said disapprovingly, "Don't worry, I can restrain it." "

Gluttony is like a double-edged sword.

One thousand wounded enemies, eight hundred self-inflicted damages.

But for Chen Nan, even if he raises gluttony, there will not be much hidden danger.

He spread out his right hand.

A golden hoop emerges from the palm.

The golden hoop landed on the gluttony's head and disappeared.

This was condensed by him using the rules of the Heavenly Dao of the Small World.

As long as there is a bad intention, he can erase it with a single thought.

Seeing that Chen Nan controlled the gluttonous spirit.

The nine-headed flame lion's toe flew into the sky above the gluttony, and said with a pretense on his face: "I am the first mount of the boss, according to the generation, you have to call me a big brother, understand?"

It had wanted to give some disgrace to the gluttony.

But I didn't expect that this guy didn't put him in his eyes at all.

Chen Nan pointed at the air.

A divine power was injected into the body of the nine-headed flame lion, and then said, "It is now the master of my world, and it can erase your soul with a single thought." Although

he didn't like the nine-headed flame lion's flamboyant and pretentious personality.

But good villains are brothers who fight side by side and experience life and death.

Moreover, he also promised to make the nine-headed flame lion an existence comparable to Hongjun Laozu in his world.

Naturally, it will not break its word.

"Little thing, are you convinced now?" the nine-headed flame lion looked like a villain.

Gluttony grinned and lowered his head.

Although not happy with the nine-headed flame lion.

But it knows it can't afford to mess with it.


Chen Nan's voice sounded: "Although your strength is good, in my opinion, there is still room for improvement

!" "From now on, you first go to my small world to cultivate!"

"It's all up to your creation!" he said, taking his gluttony into the world he created.

Then, he released a Hongmeng Qi and injected it into the body of the nine-headed flame lion.

The Qi of Hongmeng is the greatest treasure in the world.

It is a consumable.


As the world created by Chen Nan became more and more powerful, the more Hongmeng Qi was generated.


Boss, you're too strong!"

"I can't control the divine power in my body!" The

eyes of the nine-headed flame lion were full of ecstasy, and he quickly said: "What, I can't fly with you, you carry me on my back first, I need to break through!" Saying that, he directly transformed into a two-meter-long one-headed male lion, lying on Chen Nan's back like a dead dog.

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth twitched wildly.


you a little carried away?

His mind moved, and he took the nine-headed flame lion into the world he created.

Just as Chen Nan was about to continue eastbound.

In the dense forest ahead, a woman's weak cry for help suddenly sounded: "Help!"

Chen Nan frowned.

Barren mountains and mountains, how can there be women here?

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