Although I don't know why there are women here.

But as a kindred race.

It is impossible for him to see death without saving it.

He flew towards the dense forest where the voice came, and saw a young woman wearing a long white dress, stunning facial features, blue silk hanging down her shoulders, and a white veil on her face.

She has a superb temperament and a peerless style.

It gives a feeling of coolness.


Her abdomen was stained red with blood, and she looked shocking.

There were still many pursuers in the dense forest behind her, and although the strength of those people was not very strong, the weakest had also reached the lower God King realm, among which there were several upper God Kings.

There were even a few masters in the middle of the Divine Venerable Realm.

"Quick, we're about to catch up with Tai Shuang!" "

As long as we catch this woman, we can make a great achievement." Tangtai

Shuang's eyes were full of unwillingness.

And right now.

She saw a tall figure appear in front of her, and her face suddenly turned as pale as wax.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually blocked her way.

"Girls don't have to be nervous, I'm not with them. Chen Nan saw the uneasiness in Tangtaishuang's eyes and explained it.


Nan smiled slightly, "Are you from the Black Mountain tribe?"

This is one of the five tribes of the Three Heavens.

And the surname Tangtai is the largest surname of the Montenegrin tribe.

"Yes, dare to ask which tribe Gongzi comes from?" asked Tangtai Shuang nervously, although Chen Nanji Yuxuan revealed the mystery, but there were many pursuers behind him.

Chen Nan did not answer Tangtaishuang's words, but looked at the figures that came out of the dense forest behind him: "These people are from the Donghe tribe?"

"I really didn't expect to meet someone from the Donghe tribe here!" Chen Nan's eyes flashed with an astonishing chill.

He knew it when he entered the Three Heavens.

One of the five tribes of the Terrans defected to the alien demon and became a lackey of the alien demon.

And this tribe is the East River tribe.

He had no dealings with the people of the East River tribe.

But when they hunted down and killed Tangtai Shuang, it was not difficult to guess their origins.

And the most important point.

Except for the disciples of the four hidden tribes, there were very few disciples of a certain force who could cultivate to reach the Divine Venerable Realm.

After all, cultivation resources in the mundane world are limited.

It is difficult for a certain force to tilt all resources to a certain person to cultivate a strong person in the Divine Venerable Realm.

But the other party has many early God Venerable Realm masters, and even mid-God Venerable Realm powerhouses.

Apart from the Donghe tribe, Chen Nan couldn't think of other forces.

"Knowing that we are from the Donghe tribe, don't you still kneel down and salute and offer your treasures?" a middle-aged man who was two meters tall and as strong as an ox glared at Chen Nan angrily.

The other thirty or so clansmen of the Donghe tribe also showed playful smiles on their faces, as if they regarded Chen Nan and Lantaishuang as prey on their lips.

The middle-aged man at the head looked at Chen Nan indifferently: "I don't know which tribe you are from, I only know one thing, you shouldn't be delusional about heroes saving beauty."

Chen Nan smiled and hugged his arms: "I am meddling

in the affairs of your Donghe

tribe, what can you do to me?" A young man was furious: "Dare to meddle in the affairs of our Donghe tribe, did you eat bear heart leopard bile?"

Don't you think that the sword in Xiaoye's hand is an ornament?" The

middle-aged man raised his hand and interrupted him: "Is it necessary to meet a dying person in general?" Speaking

of this, he looked at Tangtai Shuang: "Tangtai girl, you should know that Lord Yunying has taken a fancy to you, I advise you to be more knowledgeable, and do not violate Lord Yunying's holy will."

"Otherwise, once it is blamed, your Black Mountain tribe will usher in a catastrophe."


In that case, don't blame us for not knowing how to pity Xiang Xiang and cherish jade!" The middle-aged man snorted angrily and said, "Capture Tai Shuang alive, I will bring her back to Lord Yunying!"

However, the young man who held the sword before locked his gaze on Chen Nan: "I will send you to Xitian now!"

He wielded the long sword in his hand.

The sword shines.

"Just because of some of your ants, you also want to kill me?" Chen Nan laughed at himself, and then raised his hand and waved, and a terrifying divine power burst out.

The young man who was clamoring to send Chen Nan to the Western Heaven instantly turned into a blood mist.

With a breeze blowing.

He also completely disappeared into heaven and earth.

Seeing this,

everyone involuntarily stopped the pace of attack.

The eyes that looked at Chen Nan were filled with deep shock.

No one expected it.

With a casual wave of his hand, he actually turned a powerhouse in the early stage of the Divine Venerable Realm into a blood mist.

This tactic creeps them out.

Even Zhao Xiang in the middle of the Divine Venerable Realm showed a solemn expression: "Who are you, do you know the end of going against our Donghe tribe?"

She also didn't expect Chen Nan to casually kill a powerhouse in the early stage of the Divine Venerable Realm.


The strength of this person in front of her was even stronger than she thought.

Chen Nan's face was full of anger: "There is something I can't understand.

"Why do alien demons dominate our mountains and rivers?"

"Slaughter our brothers and sisters.

"But you want to be their lackeys?"

Zhao Xiang snorted coldly: "People go high, water flows low, this is an immutable law." "

The alien gods rule Lingxiao and dominate the God Realm.

"Is there anything wrong with us obeying destiny?"

God?" Chen Nan's body erupted with monstrous killing intent, even his eyes were slightly red, he gritted his teeth and looked at the other party: "You actually call the alien demon a

god?" Although Zhao Xiang was afraid of Chen Nan's eyes, he still said: "Yes, if it weren't for the foreign god giving us the magic medicine, do you think we would have the cultivation we have now?"

Speaking of this, he added: "I don't know who you are, but you really shouldn't be our enemy!"


Our Donghe tribe is no longer the weak one we were at the beginning, and whoever dares to offend us will kill whom!"

Chen Nan's eyes froze.

The terrifying aura swept out in an instant.

In addition to Zhao Xiang.

The others didn't even understand what was happening, and their bodies exploded directly into a blood mist.

"You deceive and destroy the ancestors, and sell the ancestors for glory will die!" Chen Nan's eyes were scarlet: "You, you are no exception!" Zhao Xiang's

scalp was numb.

Why is this guy's strength so terrifying?

A low roar full of anger resounded through the heavens and the earth: "You dare to kill my lackey, are you tired of living?"

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