Accompanied by an angry roar.

I saw the black cloud pressing the realm.

A humanoid demon four meters tall with long fiery red hair appeared in mid-air with thousands of alien demons.

Condescendingly overlooking Chen Nan and the others on the ground.

"It's over!" Tangtai

Shuang froze in place like a lightning strike.

She recognized the origin of this humanoid demon, it was Yunying, a super powerhouse of the ruling level.

Perhaps the strength that Chen Nan showed before was very strong.

But she didn't think Chen Nan would be able to kill Yunying.

Not to mention that Yunying was followed by thousands of humanoid demons.

These are all powerhouses comparable to the Divine Venerable Realm.


Yunying, help!" Zhao Xiang seemed to have caught the last life-saving straw, and shouted to Yunying in the air: "This son is too deceitful, he can kill me, but I will never allow him to blaspheme your divine power."

"I have to kill him, I have to cut him by a thousand cuts, only then can I let him know the end of offending Lord Kamui!"

He did not deny Chen Nan's strength.

At the very least, he must be a strong person in the late stage of the Divine Venerable Realm.

With his strength.

Even if he cultivates for another thousand years, ten thousand years may not be able to defeat him.


Yunying is a super powerhouse who is one of the nine leaders under the Demon King.

Although it is also the realm of gods.

Yunying slowly fell to the ground, his eyes looked at Chen Nan indifferently: "Human, how do you want to die?" The

corner of Chen Nan's mouth flashed a sneer: "Just because you also want to kill me?

Yunying was taken aback.

Obviously, he didn't expect Chen Nan's strength to be so terrifying.

Without much thought, it instantly appeared thousands of meters away and dodged Chen Nan's fatal blow.

"Human, you're finished, you're finished!" Zhao Xiang said angrily, "You don't know the height of the sky, you shouldn't be disrespectful to Lord Yunying, and you shouldn't make a move on it."

"Who are you?" Yunying looked at Chen Nan with solemn eyes.

As soon as Chen Nan made a move, he felt his horror.

It has a hunch.

Chen Nan is definitely not an ordinary person.

"There are many alien demons who want to kill me. Chen Nan was not in a hurry, as if he was saying a trivial matter: "For example, Hatu, send noon, unfortunately, they all died in my hands."

Yunying's pupils trembled violently, and exclaimed, "Are you Chen Nan?"

Naturally, I heard about Hatu and sent the matter of being destroyed at noon.

And the mastermind behind this matter is Chen Nan.


It didn't expect to meet Chen Nan here.

Because in its intelligence, Chen Nanzheng led the powerhouses of the Terran and Demon Races all the way east.

"Since you know my name, you should know. If you meet me, you can't possibly survive!" Chen Nan's eyes were cold, and the Space Avenue centered on him, instantly covering 20,000 meters.

At the same moment.

Cloud Shadow, and the subordinates it brought with them, all gasped.

They all felt that their bodies had lost the ability to move.

This means made Yunying and the others shudder.

Because Chen Nan was even more terrifying than the intelligence it got.

"Look, this is the god in your mind!" Chen Nan turned his finger into a knife, and a azure blue knife intent burst out from his fingertips.

The knife intent flashed through the air.

The void trembled.

"No, no..." Yunying's scalp was numb, and an unprecedented despair rose in his heart.

Don't wait for it to come to its senses.

The knife was intended to sweep over its eyebrows.


accompanied by a pitch-black mist of blood appeared in the air.

Yunying was directly split in half by Chen Nan.

Out of one's wits.

"Impossible, impossible, this is impossible!"

Zhao Xiang seemed to be crazy.

He couldn't accept that Yunying's powerful leader would be killed by Chen Nan in a second.


The void instantly twisted violently.

It's like a ripple on the surface of a lake.

Those alien demons covered by the space avenue all let out heart-rending screams, and their flesh was crushed into meat mud by the distorted space, and blood spilled into the air.

The scene is shocking, as if you are in an endless purgatory.

After controlling the Dao Law, Chen Nan's strength was no longer what it used to be.

It can instantly kill thousands of alien demons of the God Venerable Realm.

An incredible light also appeared in the beautiful eyes of the Tangtai Frost.

How could this man's strength be so strong?

She never imagined it.

A person can be so powerful.

This kind of terrifying strength even if you look at Ling Xiao before it was broken ten thousand years ago, very few people can do it.

Chen Nan looked at Zhao Xiang and asked calmly: "Yunying is the god you follow, now that it is dead, are you embarrassed to live alone?

The expression on Zhao Xiang's face froze sharply.


Some faults can be forgiven, and some faults cannot be forgiven!" A cold light flashed in Chen Nan's eyes, and Zhao Xiang let out a heart-rending scream, and his flesh exploded directly in place.

Chen Nan doesn't like to kill.

But Zhao Xiang deserve to die!

Even the East River tribe should die.

"Tangtai girl, I have a medicinal herb here, you can take it first to restore your cultivation!" Chen Nan took out a 10,000-year elixir that he carried with him and gave it to Tangtai Cream.

"Oh, good, thank you!" Tangtai Shuang looked a little nervous, although Chen Nan had just saved her life, the way he had just killed the alien demon was too terrifying.

It made her palpitate.

She took the magic medicine handed over by Chen Nan, immediately sat cross-kneeled, and then took the magic medicine.

A moment later.

The effect of the miracle medicine was refined, and the wound in her abdomen was also restored at this moment.

"Thank you seniors for saving your life!" Tang Taishuang got up and bowed to Chen Nan with a slight restraint, she didn't even dare to look at Chen Nan squarely.

Chen Nan shook his head with a smile and said, "You and I are the same age, so don't take a bite of a senior." My name is Chen Nan, you can call me by my name.

After a pause, he asked, "You should know the location of the Donghe tribe, right?"


He wants to destroy the entire East River tribe.

Kill this tribe that deceived the ancestor and turned to the alien demon quickly!

Tangtai Shuang said respectfully: "The Donghe tribe is more than two thousand miles away from here, located on the bank of the East River, I can take my predecessors to the Donghe tribe."

"Then there is the Lao Tangtai girl!" said Chen Nan politely.

Tangtai Shuang hurriedly said, "For seniors..." It is my honor for Brother Chen to serve.

Chen Nan stretched out his hand and hugged her willow waist under the woman's stunned eyes.

At this moment,

Tangtai Shuang felt as if time had stood still.

She could even smell Chen Nan's body.

This made her heart beat faster, and a ridiculous thought could not help but arise in her heart.

Shouldn't he covet his beauty and want to double cultivate with himself?

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