"Braised fish head."

"Stewed fish balls."

"Spicy fillet of fish."

"Braised Earth Dragon."

"Crab noodles..."

Chen Nan ordered several signature dishes from the restaurant, although he usually didn't like to eat fish, but he also wanted to try the signature of this restaurant.

The reason is also simple.

He has been to the fairy world, the netherworld, where the food culture is very backward.

Although the food culture here is not as good as the mortal world, the gap is not very large.


As soon as Xiao Er, who ordered food, walked out, the door was violently kicked open.

Wen Ningyang walked in with some little brothers, with a playful smile on his face: "Offended Xiaoye, you still have the mind to eat here?"

"You shouldn't think that if you offend Xiao Ye, you will be safe and sound?"

"Why are you so naïve?"

"Do you know who I invited today?"

"Are you afraid of the Tiger Gang Song Gang Leader?"

"It's too late to be afraid now!"

Speaking of this, he said to Song Dahu behind him: "Song Gang Master, it is this turtle sun who offended me.

Song Dahu looked at Chen Nan with a stunned expression, obviously he did not expect to meet this evil god here.

After coming to his senses.

He whispered, "Wen Ningyang, if you don't want to die, kneel now!" "

What?" Wen Ningyang gasped, obviously he didn't expect Song Dahu to say such a thing, and after returning to his senses, he couldn't help but say: "Gang Master Song, did I hear it wrong?" You put me on my knees?

"Yes!" Song Dahu's face was expressionless: "I just let you kneel."

Wen Ningyang was directly stunned.

What happened?

Why would the big guy I invited make me kneel?

Just before he could come to his senses, Song Dahu said to Chen Nan with a flattering smile on his face: "Brother Chen, I really didn't expect to meet you here."

"What, I'll host today's meal, and I can be regarded as thanking you for your help to me."

Chen Nan asked lightly: "Do you think I will lack money for a meal?"

"No, no, no, you are naturally not short of money, the main thing is that I want to express my gratitude." Song Dahu was still very jealous of Chen Nan.

Because he knows.

Chen Nan was able to get rid of Jiang Zhuo easily.

Killing him must have been easy.

"No need, take your people and roll!" Chen Nan did not have the slightest good impression of Song Dahu, after all, this guy had despicable means and kidnapped Cheyenne Ruo's mother and daughter to blackmail him.

Had it not been for his oath not to kill this person.

Song Dahu will definitely not live to this day.

"Okay, okay, I'll get out, and this guy will be at your disposal!" Song Dahu hurriedly exited the room, knowing that Wen Ningyang wanted to find trouble with Chen Nan, and it was impossible for him to come here.

Watching Song Dahu leave the private room like a stream of urine, Wen Ningyang also came back to his senses in shock.

He seemed to have guessed Chen Nan's identity.

Otherwise, it would not scare the existence of Song Dahu, a big guy, and flee in the desert.

"Young Master Chen, I have no eyes, you don't want to see with me." Wen Ningyang's face was full of nervousness, and his body trembled uncontrollably, he didn't expect that Chen Nan was the super ruthless person who killed Jiang Zhuo.

If it had been known beforehand, he would have befriended him and not offended him.

"What, I'm here to compensate you, and I hope you adults don't remember villains."

Chen Nan: "I'm in a good mood today, don't see you in general, take your people and roll!"

"Good, good, good!" Wen Ningyang was amnestied, and immediately took someone out of the room, probably really wanting to befriend Chen Nan, he even went downstairs to help Chen Nan pay for the meal.

Although this silver tael is like a drop in the bucket to him, his attitude is obvious.

"Young Master Wen, shouldn't we really want to please that guy?" A young man named Liu Wei couldn't help but ask, he was beaten very badly by Chen Nan before, and he held a grudge against him.

The corners of Wen Ningyang's mouth flashed an intriguing arc: "Do you think anyone can hit Young Master Ben's face?" No, I'm just paralyzing him, and when the time comes, I'll let him know what happened to him.

He looked back at the restaurant and grinned: "Let's go, he will soon kneel down and beg me." His

younger brothers were all excited.

Because they know.

Wen Ningyang is a man of his word.

Since he said that he would make Chen Nan pay, it would definitely become a reality.


"Our table was settled?"

When Chen Nan and Xuan Qingying came downstairs to settle the account satisfied, they unexpectedly learned that their account had been settled, and immediately asked, "Who settled it?"

"It's Young Master Wen."

Chen Nan was relieved, he didn't expect Wen Ningyang to settle the bill for himself.

Could it be that the guy really realized his mistake?

It doesn't matter anymore.

It's just a small person.

He couldn't hurt himself in the city, and even if he really left the capital of Dongsangguo, he couldn't pose any threat to himself.


the next day.

Chen Nan came to the hunting ground in the north of the city.

This hunting ground is the Huang family hunting ground, which is extremely large, and there are two large mountains about a kilometer high in the hunting ground, and there are many wild beasts on the mountains.

Not long after Chen Nan appeared, the other contestants also arrived.

After Wen Ningyang saw Chen Nan, he walked over enthusiastically, as if he had forgotten the unpleasantness that happened yesterday, and said, "Brother Chen, I received an internal elimination before

." "Don't tell me what you know!" Chen Nan interrupted him, always feeling that this guy's purpose was not pure.

Wen Ningyang smiled awkwardly: "Just as the so-called don't fight and don't know each other, it's saying that it was me who suffered a loss yesterday, why should Brother Chen be worried?" I really have no ill will towards you, and I can swear to heaven. "

What was the inside information you said earlier?" Fat Wu Di came over, his face full of curiosity.

Wen Ningyang whispered: "It's about the assessment of the second level, only a hundred of the second level can advance, and if you want to advance, it is very simple, get the top one hundred in the assessment results." "

This level is a test of riding skills, but you can attack each other, and the best way to do that is to work as a team."

"Brother Chen, you also know that my five younger brothers were eliminated by you yesterday."

"If you don't mind, how about we team up?"

"If we team up, the probability of promotion will be much greater."

"On the contrary, it will be difficult."

Wu Di was taken aback when he heard this, but he didn't expect the rules of the game to be so brutal, he also looked at Chen Nan and said, "Brother Chen, in my opinion, let's form a team!"

"You don't want me to be eliminated either, do you?" Speaking of this, he showed an embarrassed but polite smile, as if to say, if we don't team up, then those identity tokens you gave me yesterday will be worthless.

"Then form a team!" Chen Nan didn't refuse, he wanted to test whether Wen Ningyang really wanted to team up with him.

If he is not well, why not eliminate him?

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