Just after a thousand players gathered.

Ye Chen and nine other judges appeared in the hunting ground.

"Let me talk about the rules of the game." A referee stood on a high platform overlooking the thousand people below, and said: "The rules of the second round are very simple, you each choose a horse, set off at the same time after the whistle, run around the hunting ground, and the first hundred who reach the finish line can advance to the next round."

"Of course, along the way, you will encounter attacks from wild beasts, attacks from companions, and experts from us to block them."

"Okay, you can pick your own horses."

"After a blaze of incense, the game officially begins."

The rules are simple.

But everyone knows.

Getting to the finish line unharmed is no easy task.

Everyone quickly ran towards the stable, trying to choose a strong steed, after all, a strong steed can save them a lot of time.

"Go aside, let the little master choose first!" Wen Ningyang is a typical bully, after coming to the stable, he drank many people away with a word, and then looked at Chen Nan: "Brother Chen, do you want me to help you choose a horse?"

"No need."

Although Chen Nan did not ride many times, he also knew which horse had enough endurance and strong explosive power. In the end, a black steed was chosen, which was strong and graceful.

The muscles of the whole body seem to contain terrifying explosive power.

"Brother Chen has a unique vision, the younger brother admires, this horse you chose can definitely travel thousands of miles every day." After Wen Ningyang chose a horse, he was impressed by Chen Nan's eyes.

And when he saw the horse chosen by Wu Di, the whole person was stunned.

And not only him.

Even Chen Nan looked at Wu Di with a confused expression, at this time Wu Di was leading a thin old horse, that horse not to mention running with people, and even gave people a sense of déjà vu that could be blown down by a gust of wind.

"Fatty, are you sure you're not kidding?" Chen Nan couldn't help but say, "With your size, if you ride it, I promise that it will be crushed in less than ten meters."

Wu Di smiled: "I may not be able to advance if I choose other horses, but if I choose this old horse, I will definitely win." "

Old horses don't understand human language.

But there was a resentful look in his eyes.

I'm all this age, please be a person, let me live!

Wen Ningyang said, "Fatty, if you can advance, from now on, I Wen Ningyang will recognize you as a big brother." Listen to my advice, change to a strong horse! He

somewhat regretted that he shouldn't have let the fat man team up with him.

This is coming to the game.

It's just!

"Don't worry, I have my own measure, I promise to surprise you, you just need to cover me later!" The fat man had a confident smile on his face.

"The time has come." The referee in the distance made a loud voice: "Everyone get ready, the game officially begins!" "

Listen to this.

Everyone gathered in front of the starting line, then turned over and waited for the whistle to sound and prepare for the start.

"Why don't you get on the horse?" Chen Nan looked at Wu Di, who was holding the old horse.

Wu Di smiled: "Who said that you must get on the horse?" You don't have to worry about me. "


Chen Nan looked strange, not knowing what kind of medicine this guy was selling in his gourd.

Right at this moment.

A high-pitched whistle sounded.



Everyone grabbed the belly of the horse at the same time as the horse whipped, and the horse under him ran out quickly, and the horse's hooves stepped on the ground and made a hurried sound.

It's like a war drum beating.

Just when Chen Nan rode out on a horse and looked at Wu Di from the corner of his eye, his eyes almost didn't fly out.

"Oh, what are you doing?"

Wen Ningyang's scalp was numb and he let out a piercing scream.

He stared like a hell at the fat man who carried the old horse on his shoulder.

Although the fat man carried the old horse, his speed was very fast, faster than normal people riding horses, and he shocked everyone.

Even Ye Chen and their nine referees were dumbfounded.

People ride horses, they see too much.


This kind of tumultuous operation of horse riders is unheard of, let alone seen with their own eyes now.

"Commander Ye, is this guy foul?" A referee looked at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen came back to his senses in stunned, and a wry smile appeared on his face: "The assessment of the second level is riding, and the rider needs to choose a horse and ride to the end.

"But... The rules don't seem to say whether it is a man riding a horse or a horse riding a man, right?

"Although I also feel that this fat man has fouled, one thing I have to admit is that everything he did was in line with the rules of the second level."

"If you want to blame, blame the rules we have made are not perfect!"

One referee said: "This product is really a fucking pervert, it is fat like a ball, who would have thought that the speed would be so fast, even carrying a horse on its back can surpass others, it is simply a monster."

Everyone nodded, all thinking that the fat man was a monster.

The old horse on the fat man's back showed an intoxicated gaze.

I lived for so many years.

Ridden all his life.

Today it's finally riding.

It's a great feeling!

Maton humanity.

Otherwise, it will not become a mount for humans.

Even in ancient times, many stories of the savior of horses became a good story and were widely spread.


When the fat man carried the old horse and rode to the dust.

The horses under the other nine hundred and ninety-nine contestants were stunned.

Why the same horses.

This old horse can be carried.

And we are going to carry people?

Is this fair?

The Law of Law!

The horses protested en masse, raising their front hooves angrily and stopping, imagining that they would be carried over the key line like the old horse.


The atmosphere was chaotic, and no matter how much the men waved their whips, the horses refused to keep running.

"Brother Chen, Brother Wen, you guys run!" The fat man shouted while running lightly in the clouds.


Chen Nan let out a low roar, and the soul power was injected into it, causing him and the horse under Wen Ningyang to let out a scream, and quickly moved forward with their hooves.

Although the speed is also fast, it is not as fast as the fat man carrying the old horse.

"This product is really awesome!"

Chen Nan rarely admired a certain person, but now he was convinced of this fat man.


Just when the three people and three horses ran almost one-fifth of the way, a fierce tiger suddenly appeared in front of them to block their way, which was arranged in advance, in order to increase the difficulty of the race.


When the roadblocker saw a meat ball carrying an old horse with rippling eyes, his pupils suddenly trembled.

Oh hey!

How many meanings does this mean?

Didn't I intimidate the Terrans on horseback?

Why are horses riding people now?

Why is this guy so perverted?

Don't think about it.

The roadblock instantly retracted into the grass, shivering as he watched the fat man carrying the old horse galloping past in front of him.

On the high platform, a middle-aged man looked at Ye Chen and asked, "Commander Ye, the existence of this guy has affected the order of the game, do you want to kick him out?" "

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