Ye Chen asked, "Has this fat man ever violated the law?" The

middle-aged man said nervously: "Although he did not violate the rules, everything he did was not in line with the rules."

"As long as there are no violations, that's enough." Pass the order down, let the three of them clear the level, and don't let people intercept it. Ye Chen said calmly, although the fat man running with the horse on his shoulder caused the horse to be agitated and protested.

But as long as they are allowed to pass the hurdle first, the horses will soon recover.


"Hey, doesn't that mean there will be a lot of trouble on the road?"

"Why is no one stopping us?"

When the fat man ran to the last stretch, he developed symptoms of wheezing.

Chen Nan smiled bitterly: "You are so perverted, who dares to stop you?" They want you to finish the course as soon as possible, so that the other runners can continue to evaluate. The

fat man was overjoyed: "Even if we don't team up, I can ride the dust?"

"Brother Wu, the little brother's admiration for you is like a gushing river, you are awesome!" Wen Ningyang gave a thumbs up and sighed sincerely.

He thought that the assessment of the second level would be difficult.

But I never expected it to be so simple that it was like watching flowers.

That's it.

The three reached the finish line with ease.

"Your name is Wu Di, right?" Ye Chen asked.

Fatty: "Yes!"

Ye Chen nodded slightly, and asked again: "You have a lot of strength?" The

fat man thought for a moment and said, "I can lift items that weigh twice as much as me." "

Twelve hundred catties?" One referee was taken aback.

In fact, for cultivators, lifting a thousand catties and ten thousand catties of items is very simple. However, it is rare to use the power of mortals to lift a thousand pounds of heavy objects.

Ye Chen asked, "Why are you being a guard?" The

fat man smiled: "Is it a reason to manage the meal?"

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Count!"

"That'll do." The fat man didn't say much, the reason why he signed up was because he became a bodyguard and ate and covered, although he didn't care where he lived, but eating was very important.

Not only do you have to eat well.

And also to be full.


an hour later.

The competition is officially over.

The game was a little longer than expected, and it came down to something wrong.

If it weren't for the emotions of those horses who saw the fat man galloping with the horse, it is estimated that this competition would have ended in half an hour.

Although there was a small episode, the second round of assessment was finally completed.

It's just that except for Chen Nan and the three, the other contestants were more or less injured, after all, this journey was not very peaceful for them.

"The third test is archery, the competition time is set for tomorrow noon, you can go back and prepare." The referee said something about the assessment time of the third level.

Everyone withdrew from the hunting ground one after another, and Wen Ningyang suggested, "Brother Wu, we can easily advance today thanks to you. So what, don't say much else, I invite this meal at noon, I will pay for what you want to eat, I promise to make you full and eat well!

"Okay!" The fat man agreed to come down, his favorite thing is that others invite him to dinner, after all, ordinary people invite him to eat and have to go bankrupt.

Speaking of this, he looked at Chen Nan: "Brother Chen is also together, right?"

"Although something unpleasant happened between you and Young Master Wen before."

"But as the old saying goes, if you don't fight, you don't know each other."

"What do you say?"

"Let's have a light meal together!" Chen Nan did not refuse, although he did not have a good impression of Wen Ningyang, but Wu Di, the fat man, still had a very good appetite for him.

That's it.

The three of them went to a large restaurant in the city, and ordered a large table of mountain and sea delicacies.

The fat man feasted and was addicted.

Because he hasn't eaten this delicacy for a long time.

"This should be the best restaurant in Dongsangguo, right?" The fat man held a deer leg in his left hand and a bear paw in his right hand, eating a mouth full of oil.

Wen Ningyang thought for a while: "To be precise, it should be the restaurant with the best taste in the East Sang Kingdom. The

fat man was stunned and couldn't help but ask: "Is there any difference?"

Wen Ningyang said with a smile: "Naturally, there is a difference, although the taste of this restaurant is good, but looking at the East Sang Kingdom, it can only rank second." The

fat man asked curiously: "Which is the first place?"

Wen Ningyang asked, "Does Fat Brother know about Lingxi Mountain?" The

fat man frowned: "Lingxi Mountain three hundred miles west of the East Sang Kingdom?

"Yes." Wen Ningyang nodded and said, "Lingxi Mountain is a holy place in the eyes of our Eastern Sang Kingdom cultivators, the ingredients there are all some rare demon beasts, cultivators can improve their cultivation after eating it, and mortals can eat it to prevent all diseases and prolong life."

"Little brother once had the pleasure of going there, and the taste there is truly unforgettable."

Fatty: "Isn't it cheap there?"

Wen Ningyang snorted: "Last time I went with a friend, I ate 100,000 taels of gold for one meal. The

fat man was shocked: "This is also outrageous!"

Wen Ningyang: "That's not it, it's all some spirit birds flying in the sky, sacred fish swimming in the water, and the price is naturally expensive." The

fat man's eyes were firm: "I have to become a guard in the palace as much as possible, save more money, and say that I have to go to Lingxi Mountain to eat a good meal."

"If you don't know, if you don't eat, you always feel that you will have regrets in your life."

Wen Ningyang took the wine glass and took a sip of wine, and pondered for a moment: "Otherwise, if our brothers can become guards in the palace, I will be the host, let's go to Lingxi Mountain to rub a meal?" The

fat man was overjoyed: "Will it be too expensive?"

"Look at what you said, if our brothers don't fight or know each other, can no matter how much money we spend can compare to the relationship between us?" Wen Ningyang laughed: "Come and come, don't say anything, drink." "

Three people toast.

The fat man asked: "Young Master Wen, I heard that your family is superior and you have no worries about food and clothing, but why do you want to be a guard?" It's not an easy job!

Wen Ningyang sighed and said, "My old man hates me all day long for not learning and waiting for death, which is why I want to do something to show him."

"Although being a guard is hard, it can also impress the old man of my family."

Chen Nan: "This does not match your identity.

Wen Ningyang smiled: "I have long thought about it, after being a guard for a while, I will spend some money, make some relationships up and down, and get an easy position."

He did not hide his inner thoughts, after all, the Wen family was also capable enough to help him make some connections.

Chen Nan was relieved.

To put it bluntly, Wen Ningyang became a guard because he wanted to use this position as a springboard, and then jump higher through the Wen family's connections.

Wen Ningyang picked up the wine glass and said seriously: "Brother Chen, fat brother, you two rest assured, I Wen Ningyang and the two of you will see each other as soon as they see each other, and I will definitely not forget the two of you after I soar."

"Come on, let's dry this drink!"

"I wish us an excellent result tomorrow!"

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