"Madam, what does Chen Engong look like?" Wu Qiong asked curiously.

He only felt that the name Chen Nan was somewhat familiar.

I don't remember where I saw it.

Cheyenne Ruo said, "I have only had a relationship with him, as for Chen Engong's appearance..." Tall, skinny, and handsome. Although

she had a relationship with Chen Nan, she did not seriously watch Chen Nan's appearance when the two met.

Wu Yue said, "I drew a portrait of Uncle Chen before. Saying that, he quickly took out a portrait of Chen Nan in a cabinet, although the little girl had not studied the art of painting, but her painting skills were very exquisite, and she painted Chen Nan's three-point charm on the paper.

"I've seen him." Wu Qiong's eyes were solemn: "When I entered the city before, I met the Black Dragon Guard to arrest this person. "

Black Dragon Wei is the private soldier of the Third Highness, why are they arresting Chen Engong?" Cheyenne's eyes were full of incredulity.

"Yes, Uncle Chen has become the inner guard of the palace, how dare the Black Dragon Guard arrest him?" Wu Yue's face was full of doubts, she had nothing to do before to watch the selection of guards and saw Chen Nan, and then she kept paying attention to Chen Nan's movements.

After learning that he had become an inner guard, the two women were happy in their hearts. Because they knew that if Chen Nan became the inner guard of the palace, no one would dare to touch him at all.

But now.

The Black Dragon Guard of the Third Highness arrested him.

Cheyenne Ruo was taken aback: "That is to say, the backer behind the Oolong Gang is the Third Highness?"

"There should be no other possibility." Looking at his wife and daughter's anxious looks, Wu Qiong comforted softly: "Lady, you and Yueyue rest at home first, and I will go to rescue Chen Engong."

Wu Yue asked nervously, "Can you beat those Black Dragon Guards of the Third Highness?"

A sneer appeared on Wu Qiong's face: "Third Highness? What a thing he is! "



Chen Nan was bound to a cross-shaped wooden frame with iron chains, and although his strength was infinite, his body was invincible, but the handcuffs and leg shackles did not know what kind of material they were made of, which imprisoned his strength.


What imprisoned him was his physical strength, making him like a pool of mud, Mo said that it was too hard, and even raising his head became an extremely difficult thing.

"Three Highnesses have arrived!"

With a loud voice, the Third Highness Wen Zhiyuan wore a white brocade robe and held a folding fan, and walked over with elegant steps with a group of subordinates.

He looked like a personable nobleman with a gentle smile on his face.

When he stopped five meters away from Chen Nan.

The subordinate behind him quickly put the prepared chair behind Wen Zhiyuan's butt, and another subordinate carried a table in front of him, and then the maids who landed successively put the pastries, fruit plates, and tea they were carrying on the table.

It can be seen that this is a man who enjoys life very well.

Wen Zhiyuan gently fanned the paper fan in his hand and asked calmly, "Is it Jiang Zhuo that Song Dahu instructed you to kill?"

Chen Nan smiled: "Since the Third Highness knows about this, why don't you kill Song Dahu?" Why bother me as a little person? A

cold light flashed in Wen Zhiyuan's eyes: "Do you still need a little person to teach you to do things in this world?"

As soon as the words fell, he casually waved a fan.


A powerful divine force flew out on the fan and instantly hit Chen Nan's chest.

A dull sound was emitted.

"Well?" Wen Zhiyuan frowned, and an incredible light appeared in his eyes: "After withstanding the blow of the son of this world, you didn't even vomit blood?"

Huang said: "Your Highness, this son's strength is extremely good, he has defeated more than ten Black Dragon Guards at the city gate before, if it were not for my personal attack, I might not be able to subdue this person." "

Is it so strong?" Wen Zhiyuan's face was full of surprise, and then a sneer appeared on his face: "Even if the strength is strong, what is the use?" Didn't you come here and become a little sluggish? Said and laughed unscrupulously.

Masters are the most useless thing in this world, because in the forbidden land, only absolute imperial power is the supreme existence.

It can even be above the cultivator.

"Third Highness, you should know about me becoming an inner guard, right?" Chen Nan looked very calm, even if he had received a blow just now, he only felt some slight pain, only malicious.

Even if he has no strength at all, he can't use any strength.

But his physical body could not be easily harmed.

"Are you threatening me?" Wen Zhiyuan snorted coldly: "Even if you become an inner guard?" Do you think His Highness will be afraid of you?

"Also, don't you think that the inner guard will come to your rescue?"

"If that's the case, I advise you to die this heart!"

"Ye Chen is back though."

"But he certainly won't be coming tonight."

"Because he does not dare to bring the inner guard to His Highness's mansion to ask for someone, although he has this right."

"Even if he wants to come, he will wait until dawn to see his father and queen."

"But by then, your body should have been cold, right?"

Wen Zhiyuan is very smart.

It is not that the other world's sons are unlearned and unskilled.

Because of this, he chose to attack Chen Nan at night, because he was sure that Ye Chen did not dare to lead the inner guard to the mansion to ask for someone, although the power of the inner guard was also very large.

But there is also a degree.

Not big enough to be above the royal family.

Unless he dared to risk the wrath of Long Yan.

And he is different.

Even if he killed Chen Nan, he was just an inner guard who had just completed the assessment, and he had not yet undergone the training of the inner guard.

Even if he kills, all he bears is a reprimand from his father.

That's all.

"Come, give me eight pieces of this guy, I want him to know the end of going against His Highness!" A cold light flashed in Wen Zhiyuan's eyes.


The two Black Dragon Guards pulled out the long swords at their waist.

The sharp long sword emitted an icy cold light under the moonlit night, and even Chen Nan was a little nervous when he saw it.

At the moment when the two raised their long swords.

A terrifying aura erupted in the moonlit night, like a giant beast waking up in its slumber, making the heavens and the earth tremble.

"What's wrong? Who has such terrifying strength?

"What does he mean by releasing this terrifying aura in the city?" Wen Zhiyuan let out a piercing scream, he had lived for so many years, this was the first time he felt such a terrifying aura.

This raised a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

"What a strong breath!"

Chen Nan also showed a solemn gaze, although he didn't know who it was, this aura was too terrifying, at least he had to have the strength of the peak of the Divine Venerable Realm.


With a deafening roar, there were desperate screams from Shizi Mansion.

Followed by.

A middle-aged man holding a branch walked into the backyard murderously.

Wen Zhiyuan screamed and looked at the other party in horror: "Who are you, do you know that it is a capital crime to break into the Shizi Mansion at night?" "

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