
Many of those cultivators living in the Eastern Sang Kingdom suddenly opened their eyes.

Without exception.

There was a deep shock flashing in their eyes, and they felt that terrifying aura.

A strong panic and uneasiness arise in the heart.

Because the imperial court has a law, it is forbidden to arbitrarily release the breath of a cultivator to affect the lives of mortals, and if it is violated, it will be severely punished.


The breath just now really existed in everyone's heart.

The forbidden army in the city also felt the unparalleled aura, and the forbidden army leader immediately integrated the forbidden army and flew in the direction where the breath came.

Although the forbidden army was only responsible for the royal safety, they would not turn a blind eye when they encountered cultivators killing in the city.

What's more, that powerful aura came from the Three Highnesses' Mansion.


"Is that breath coming from Shizifu?" On the observation platform in the palace, Ye Chen's expression was more solemn than ever.

He also felt that breath.

It was so powerful that it almost suffocated him.

The subordinate said nervously: "Yes, it seems that a master has killed the mansion of the Third Highness."

Ye Chen's heart trembled: "Who is it, who dares to be so daring to kill the prince of the world?" Didn't he know the end of provoking the imperial power?


"Chen Engong, Wu is late, please forgive me!" Wu Qiong appeared beside Chen Nan, raised the branch in his hand, and directly cut off the handcuffs and leg shackles on Chen Nan's body.

Eun Gong?


The simple two titles made Chen Nan instantly guess the origin of this person.

No surprises.

He must be Wu Yue's father.

It's just that.

This man's strength is even stronger than he thought.

Although he had the peak realm of the Divine Venerable Realm, his strength was far more than that.

"Who are you? Why release the prisoners captured by His Highness? Do you know what the consequences of breaking into the Shizi Mansion at night are? Wen Zhiyuan's face was full of anger, although the other party's strength was very strong, in the East Sang Kingdom, he was only afraid of one person, that is, his father, Wen Zhongjing.

As for the others, no matter how high or low the cultivation is.

He didn't put it in his eyes.

The Black Dragon Guard was waiting to draw his long sword, and Huang Nan shouted angrily: "I advise you to quickly surrender your weapons and not resist the imperial power." Wu

Qiong clenched his fists in the air.

Huang Nan instantly let out a heart-rending scream.

His body strangely left the ground, as if held by an invisible big hand, and his body erupted with a crackling sound of broken bones.

"Use imperial power to press me?" Wu Qiong's face was full of disdain: "The inviolable imperial power in your eyes is just a dispensable existence for me." When

the words fell, his eyes froze, and Huang Nan directly exploded into a blood mist.

Wen Zhiyuan was dumbfounded.

I never expected that the other party would be so bold, not only killing Huang Nan, but also defiing the existence of imperial power.

Right at this moment.

The commander of the forbidden army led hundreds of forbidden army masters to fall in the air, and seeing him, Wen Zhiyuan, who was originally full of fear and uneasiness in his heart, hurriedly said: "Commander Du, you came just right. "

This person has no king's law, killing the soldiers in my mansion, and even defiing the imperial power, he must be cut by a thousand cuts, only in this way can he deter other cultivators."

A black banner appeared in Commander Du's hand, looked at Wu Qiong expressionlessly, and said, "I don't know who you are, I only advise you with one word, if you don't want to die, just tie your hands!" "


Wu Qiong raised his hand and slapped him, directly spitting out blood from the mouth drawn by Commander Du, and flew out more than ten meters away.

"Just because of you, you also want to kill Wu?"

"Something that doesn't measure itself."

"You are not qualified to talk to Young Master Ben." He looked in the direction of the palace, and his voice was like thunder, echoing under this heavenly dome: "Who is the emperor of the East Sang Kingdom?" If you don't want to change the dynasty, Half Pillar Xiangnei appeared in front of Young Master Ben! "


His words were like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, making hundreds of people and cultivators creepy.

No one expected that he would say the four words of changing the dynasty.

You must know that imperial power is the supreme and feared existence in the minds of the people.

And Wuqiong, it seems to be above the imperial power.

Otherwise such things would not have been said.

Chen Nan's heart trembled.

This guy actually despised the existence of imperial power.

Could it be that he came from the Ancient Protoss?


Definitely so.

Only the ancient god race can be above the imperial power, and only then can it have the qualifications to change the dynasty of a country.

This is.

He really didn't expect to meet the clansmen of the Ancient God Race in this way.

"Don't worry about Chen Engong, I will get justice for you, no matter who it is, I will make them pay a heavy price." Wu Qiong said with a smile, and then his voice changed: "Chen Engong is also a cultivator, right?"

Chen Nan nodded: "Yes."

Wu Qiong spread out his right hand, a black jade ring appeared in his palm, and he smiled and said: "This is a token of my clan, you saved my wife and daughter, you are my Wu Qiong's benefactor, this ring will be given to you first, it can be regarded as thank you for your help to my wife and daughter."

Chen Nan's eyes lit up, but he still said, "I can ask for the ring, but there is one thing I need to state in advance, I saved Xiao Yueyue's mother and daughter just because I saw them pitiful, and I didn't think about getting some kind of benefit by helping them."

Wu Qiong laughed: "Not necessarily, at least while you saved them, you gained great satisfaction in your heart and defended the justice and fairness in your heart." "

He also likes to see the road uneven, draw a knife to help.

Chen Nan didn't expect that the other party was also a temperamental person, and he was not polite, and immediately took the ring and put it on his hand.

The moment you put it on your hand.

He clearly felt a mysterious force pouring into his body, breaking the suppression of cultivation brought by the forbidden place, allowing his cultivation to instantly return to its peak.

"The peak of the Divine Venerable Realm?" Wu Qiong was taken aback: "I really didn't expect that Chen Engong was so young that he had reached this cultivation, which is really impressive!"

"I don't know what country Chen Engong is? In which famous cave house do you practice?

Chen Nangang wanted to speak.

Just listen to the sound of cranes.

I saw a white crane flying in the distance, on which stood a middle-aged man wearing a golden dragon robe with a face full of panic, although his whole body exuded a kingly aura, but his eyes were full of deep fear at this time.

Before the white crane fell, his figure fell to the ground in panic, kneeling in front of Wuqiong under the incredible eyes of everyone, shivering: "The old slave heard that Zhongjing did not know that God had come, and asked God to surrender!" "


Seeing the emperor of the Dongsang Kingdom kneeling in front of Wuqiong, he even called the other party god and begged him to surrender his sin.

Wen Zhiyuan, as well as the commander of the forbidden army, and hundreds of forbidden army masters were all stunned?

What kind of man is this man who actually made the emperor take the initiative to kneel?

And what is the god in the mouth of the emperor?

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