The year is approaching!

Chen Nanlai came to Nanshan as a gift, and the old man who can't beat is covered in wounds, right?

To this!

He can only choose to dodge!

After all, the old man had just unified the forces of the entire Ultimate South Mountain, and if he beat him with a blue nose and a swollen face, where would his dignity fall?

"Isn't it good to hide and compete with each other?"

Nangong He looked irritable: "Did Mu Chen tell you to crush all the forces of Nanshan for your father, and you are afraid?" Don't do this, you and I have a relationship with my son-in-law, I must pay attention to proportion!

"Master, it's not good!"


A disciple ran in with a panicked expression and said, "Two strong people have appeared under the mountain, and they are killing towards the mountain!"

A trace of anger flashed in Nangong He's eyes: "Is it the person who ran out of hell again?" "

These days, there are also men who run out of hell to end Nanshan, but they are all killed by Nangong He!

In the final analysis, he still wants to defend against foreign enemies!

"Who is the head of the Fire Cloud Cave, quickly come and answer!"

A loud roar was like thunder, exploding in the sky above the Fire Cloud Cave!

"Go, go out and meet each other for a while!"

Nangong He turned around and walked outside, and saw that two old men in black robes had already arrived in the mountain.

Their faces are wrinkled and look like they are approaching, giving them the impression that they can be blown down by a gust of wind!

But the eyes of the two flashed with poison!

Especially the breath exuded by the two!

It made Nangong He feel a great sense of oppression!

You don't have to think about it!

The other party should be a powerhouse in the fourth layer or even the fifth layer realm of the foundation building period!

This kind of master is not something they can compete with at all!

The old man with the hook nose of the eagle slowly spoke: "You are the head of the Fire Cloud Cave?" "

Yes!" Nangong He asked without humility, "I don't know which famous mountain the two seniors are cultivating in, why did they come to my Fire Cloud Cave?" He

knew that the more he faced this kind of strong person, the more he could not be intimidated!

"We are cultivators under Lord Yuhuang, but you killed the two juniors Nanyang and Liyuan?" The old man with a hook nose has an indifferent voice, but it gives people the feeling of being high and judgmental.

Nangong He said, "Back to the seniors, the younger generation has never seen the two Daoist friends of Nanyang and Liyuan. The

old man with the hook nose frowned: "What you said is true?"

"What the junior said is true, and there has never been half a lie!" Nangong He said, "If the seniors don't believe it, the younger ones can swear to the sky!" "

This matter, Nangong He really dares to swear!

After all, it was Chen Nan who killed the Nanyang Daoist and the Yuan Daoist!

What does it have to do with him Nangong He?

"Those two are just nobodies, dead and dead." The old man with the hook nose said, "The purpose of our coming here is to dominate the South Mountain, so as to prepare for the arrival of Lord Yuhuang!"

"I heard that you are now the strongest master of Ultimate South Mountain, are you willing to be loyal to Lord Yuhuang?"

Nangong He asked puzzled, "Who is Lord Yuhuang?" The

old man with the hook nose said: "You just need to remember that he is a very powerful strong man, don't inquire about the rest!"

Another old man made a hoarse voice: "If you are not willing to give allegiance, we can only kill you and replace you!"

Nangong He snorted: "It is our honor to serve Lord Yuhuang!"

"You're still knowledgeable!" The eagle hook-nosed old man said, "Don't worry, Lord Yuhuang is a person who will not be loyal to him!" Prepare the wine and dishes, I want to have a drink with Shi Xiang Daoyou! "

Two seniors inside, please!" Nangong He made an invitation gesture and instructed Mu Chen to prepare the wine and dishes.

Chen Nan couldn't understand Nangong He's operation.

After all, Nangong Wan was forced to die alive by Nanyang Daoists and Liyuan Daoists!

And Emperor Yu is their mastermind behind the scenes!

It is said that this is an enemy who does not share the heavens!

Moreover, with Nangong Heganglie's character, it is impossible to turn to the other party!

If he was willing to be Emperor Yu's lackey, the Fire Cloud Cave would not have been in danger of being destroyed in the first place!

However, he didn't say anything, but wanted to see what kind of medicine was sold in Nangong Crane Gourd!

Anyway, with him here, these two guys from the sixth layer of the foundation building period can't turn over any waves!

"Two seniors, please sit down, I have asked people to prepare wine and dishes." Nangong He brought the two to the main hall and personally made tea for the two.

Soon, the disciples of the gang room brought hearty dishes.

There are also two altars of good bamboo leaf green!

Nangong He served tea and water to the two like a waiter, waiting for the opportunity to ask some questions, such as where the other party came from and so on!

In fact, he knew the origin of the other party in his heart, just to know when the real strong man would come to the world!

"Your cultivation is too weak, don't ask if you shouldn't ask, knowing it is not good for you!" The old man named Shi Xiang looked indifferent and ignored Nangong He's courtesy.

Nangong He smiled and said yes!


Two altars of wine are down!

Both of them also had some slight drunkenness on their faces!

Seeing this, a cold light flashed in Nangong He's eyes: "Have the two seniors eaten well?" If you eat well, can I send you two on the road? "

On the road? Where to? The eagle hook-nosed old man Yutian Daoist frowned.

"Yin Cao Di Mansion!" Nangong He grinned: "Oh, something I forgot to tell the two seniors just now, the meal you ate is called the severed head meal."

"Although the junior cultivation is low, there is blood coagulation in your wine and food."

"This thing is colorless and tasteless, and drinking it with alcohol can make the drinker's blood coagulate!"

"Even if the strong in the foundation building period obey, they will lose their cultivation for a short time and become a lamb to be slaughtered!" Speaking of this, a long knife appeared in his hand.

"Aren't you curious why I did this to you?"

Nangong He's eyes bloomed with astonishing killing intent: "It was Nanyang Zhenren and Liyuan Zhenren, it was they who forced my beloved daughter to death and killed hundreds of my disciples in the Fire Cloud Cave!"

"But everyone related to them is my Nangong He's enemy!"

"You are!"

"The Yu Emperor in your mouth is too!"

"Since you sent you to the door today, I will naturally find a way to cut off your first rank!"

Yutian Daoist grinned: "I really didn't expect that you were so able to endure and be so insidious." If you can't beat it, you can actually poison it, this method will be laughed at in the cultivation world!

Nangong He gritted his teeth and said, "As long as I can kill you, what if I can use the means of the next three abuses?"

Shi Xiang smiled and shook his head: "If people in the world have never seen the world, the blood coagulation may be terrifying to you, and it can kill people invisibly."

"But, in hell, poisons that are more poisonous than this abound!"

"Moreover, there are more interesting elixirs!"

"Have you heard of the Ten Thousand Poison Pill?"

"As long as this elixir is taken, it will be invincible!"

"What do you mean?" Nangong He's scalp was numb, and a sense of foreboding spread in the bottom of his heart!

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