Shi Xiang said apologetically: "I'm sorry, your poisoned wine has no effect on us!" "

You sent us to the Yin Cao Di Mansion to report the idea..."

"I'm afraid it's going to be the biggest regret in your life!"

Yutian Daoist laughed at himself, took a glass of poisoned wine, and sighed: "If you don't say these words, we will definitely not detect your evil intentions."

"Of course, I don't blame you!"

"The reason why things have come this far is ultimately related to your ignorance!"

"If you knew that there was such a thing as the Ten Thousand Poison Pill, you wouldn't dare to use such a low-level trick, right?"


The matter has come to this, Nangong He is no longer talking nonsense!

Although there was a big error in things and what he imagined, there was no turning back from the bow!

The long knife in his hand tore through the air and slashed at Shi Xiang's neck fiercely!

"The three-layer ants in the foundation building period also want to hurt me? Too self-defeating, right? Shi Xiang laughed at himself and didn't even turn his head, but the true qi in his body blocked Nangong He's attack.

One is the third layer of the foundation building period, and the other is the sixth layer of the foundation building period!

There are three big realms difference between the two!

With Nangong He's strength, he couldn't hurt the other party at all!

Even if Nangong He injected all the True Qi, he would not be able to break through the opponent's defenses!

After all, the gap between realms is difficult to bridge!


Chen Nan moved, and as soon as he grasped the back of the knife, he pressed forward sharply!


Shi Xiang's protective body true qi was instantly broken!

The long knife in Nangong He's hand was even embedded in Shi Xiang's neck, and blood spurted outward!


Nangong He gasped!

I never expected Chen Nan's strength to be so terrifying!

Unexpectedly injured a strong man in the middle of the foundation building period realm!


Shi Xiang was furious and slammed a punch at Chen Nan!

"Get out!"

Chen Nan slapped him in the face and blasted his whole person out!

But his body and head were split in two!

"Yutian Daoyou, help me kill them and help me take revenge!" Shi Xiang's eyes were unwilling, and he used his life strength to let out the last roar!

Yutian Daoist instantly appeared outside the hall!

The environment is spacious, so you can go all out if you really have a vicious battle!

"Where to run?" Chen Nan instantly followed out: "Since Lord Father-in-law wants to send you to Huangquan Road, you all have to die!" As soon as the words fell, he squeezed his hands, and the wizen vine technique shrouded this small world, forming a prison cage.

"Who are you? Why is there such a powerful cultivation? Tamata Daoist asked in a low voice.

He could feel that Chen Nan's strength was very strong!

At least above him!

Chen Nan pressed forward step by step like a killing god: "Don't you want to know who killed Nanyang Zhenren, and Liayuan Zhenren?" It's me!

The Yutian Daoist shouted angrily: "Such a big dog, who dares to kill Lord Yuhuang, today I will kill you to avenge the three of them!" In

an instant, a terrifying True Qi erupted out of his body!

His cultivation was like riding a rocket, breaking through in place and stepping into the early stage of the seventh layer of the foundation building period!


He blasted out with one palm, breaking the shackles of the wizened vine technique!

This moment!

All the disciples of the Fire Cloud Cave felt a powerful sense of oppression!

It was difficult for the people oppressed by the breath of the seventh-layer powerhouse in the foundation building period to breathe!

It was as if a big invisible hand held their heart!

Life and death are only between each other's thoughts!

Chen Nan lit a cigarette and said lightly: "Do you think that stepping into the seventh layer of the foundation building period can defeat me?" Isn't it a little too self-conscious? The

eyes of the Yutian Daoist were full of killing intent: "Why is it difficult to kill you?" Said that a long sword appeared in his hand, and his figure was like the wind, silently appearing in front of Chen Nan.

The long sword in his hand is like a core swallowed by a poisonous snake, which is deadly and very vicious!

"Virtuous son-in-law be careful!"

Nangong He's heart mentioned the eyes of the throat!

The other party has the cultivation of the seventh layer of the foundation building period, even if Chen Nan has the resources of heaven, I am afraid that he cannot defeat the other party, right?


The voice of the Yutian Daoist was like thunder, and a sword slashed towards Chen Nan's waist!

Chen Nan's right palm appeared in the shape of a dragon's claw, holding the opponent's long sword in his palm!


This scene!

Shocked everyone!

Whether it was the Yutian Daoist or those disciples of the Fire Cloud Cave!

All are stunned, and the scalp is numb!

That was the attack of a seventh-layer powerhouse in the foundation building period!

So he resisted it with his hands?

Do you want to be so perverted?

"One magic weapon is not enough to hurt me!" Chen Nan raised his left hand and slashed at the long sword of the Yutian Daoist!


With a crisp cracking sound!

The long sword in the hands of the Yutian Daoist was suddenly cut off!

Pieces of debris fell to the ground with a crisp sound!

The scene was silent!

Everyone looked at Chen Nan dumbfounded!

It felt like my heart had suddenly stopped!

Is this guy the devil?

Not only resisted the opponent's sword move with his hand!

Even destroyed the opponent's magic weapon with one palm?

Let's not bring such courage, okay?

"This is a top-grade magic weapon, a high-grade magic weapon, you broke it for me?" Yutian Daoist looked strange, like a ghost.

It's normal that the magic weapon is destroyed!

But the problem was that it was destroyed by Chen Nan with his physical body...

It's quite incomprehensible...

Chen Nan kicked the Yutian Daoist out tens of meters!

Yutian Daoist was furious!

Just control your body's balance!

A wave of gravity came instantly!

Let him fall to the ground with five bodies!

And then.

Chen Nan appeared in front of him like a ghost, stepped on his chest, and looked down on him condescendingly: "Not only will I destroy your magic weapon, I will also destroy your head!" "

Get out!"

Yutian Daoist's chest stirred, and a terrifying True Qi erupted, hoping to repel Chen Nan in this way!


Chen Nan stomped on his chest!

"The seventh layer of the foundation building period also wants to kill me?"

"You're too self-sufficient!"

Chen Nan had a disdainful expression.

The eyes of the Yutian Daoist were empty, and they didn't expect Chen Nan to be so powerful!

Even if he burned his essence blood and ascended to the seventh layer of the foundation building period!

But in front of Chen Nan, there was no way to fight back!

He was even trampled on by the other party and burst his chest!

After returning to his senses, he smiled miserably: "Even if you can kill me?" When Lord Yuhuang comes to this world, he is bound to kill you and avenge us!"

"You think I'm afraid of him?"

The killing intent in Chen Nan's heart was ignited: "If it weren't for the so-called shit Yuhuang in your mouth, my woman wouldn't have been forced to die alive!" If he dares to appear in the world, I, Chen Nanding, will peel his skin and light his sky lantern!" "

Words fall!

He stomped on the other party's head!

Blood mixed with milky white liquid splashed everywhere!

Many disciples who had never seen a big scene vomited on the spot!

He also regarded Chen Nan as a god-like existence!

After all, he had just killed a super powerhouse of the seven-layer realm of the Foundation Building Period in seconds!

To put it bluntly, a strong person of this level is also a master among the masters when looking at the Eight Great Sects!


Nangong He's voice sounded: "Your strength is so strong, why didn't you keep dodging when you fought before?"

Chen Nan cleared his throat: "I'm afraid I accidentally hurt you!" "

Nangong He almost didn't spew out a mouthful of blood!

I'll go to your uncle!

With so many disciples guarding, can't you save some face for Lao Tzu?

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