Nangong He sighed: "You guy is simply a pervert!"

"I thought I could defeat you after cultivating to improve!"

"But you are still outrageously powerful!"

Chen Nan smiled: "Even if I am outrageously strong, isn't it still your son-in-law?" Saying that, he put the body of the Tamagota Daoist into a storage bag.

Although the other party is dead, he is also a strong person in the early stage of the sixth layer of the foundation building period.

This is the favorite staple food of the Killing Immortal Vine!

Then he checked the storage bag of the Yutian Daoist and Shi Xiang, thinking that there was some treasure, but he found nothing!

The fun of killing and licking bags is not at all!

"Father-in-law, this is a hundred second-level elixir spirit pills. Don't refuse this thing, with them, you can make the strength of the Fire Cloud Cave go to a higher level, and you can also step into the fourth layer of the foundation building period! Chen Nan took out the prepared Spirit Jiao Pill.

Nangong He's heart was full of emotion!

He could feel that Chen Nan regarded him as his father-in-law from the bottom of his heart!

It's not just a title!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have given him such a valuable elixir!

Chen Nan continued, "If there is chaos today, have you considered joining a certain force?"

Nangong He smiled: "It's not as good as relying on anyone!"


Nangong He interrupted him: "Follow me!" "

Chen Nan followed Nangong He to the cave where he cultivated!

On the stone wall was a topographic map of Mount Junnan, which he had never seen before!

Looking at the traces, it should have just been carved not long ago!

Nangong He asked, "What do you see on this picture?"

Chen Nan: "Dragon?

Nangong He nodded slightly: "Not bad, there is a dragon vein under the final South Mountain, although it is not as good as Kunlun Mountain, not as good as the two dragon veins under the palace!"

"But this dragon vein can be controlled!"

"Now that we have found a way to control the dragon vein, we are in the run-in period, if a strong enemy comes to kill us in the future!"

"You can completely control the power of the dragon vein to retreat from the enemy!"

Listening to him say this, Chen Nan's hanging heart also landed!

Nangong He continued, "If I'm not mistaken, that so-called Yu Huang wants to gain a foothold in Ultimate South Mountain, it should also be the idea of fighting this dragon vein!"

"No, it's possible!" Chen Nandao: "Since ancient times, Dongtian Blessed Land has been a must for cultivators, and if the other party wants to gain a foothold in the mundane world, it is the most important thing to compete for a famous mountain!"

Nangong He said, "Chen Nan, I don't have much ambition, and I know that I have a few pounds and taels, so I can only do my best to protect these cultivators of Ultimate Nanshan."

"As for the world... It's up to you young people!

"The world, can't mess up!" Chen Nan suddenly said, "I found Nuan Yu."

Nangong He's pupils trembled!

Obviously, he didn't expect Chen Nan to find the legendary warm jade!

"However, I don't know which link went wrong, Wan'er is still sleeping, even if Nuan Yuhe failed to recruit her soul!" Chen Nan looked frustrated, and his eyes were full of pain!


He's only twenty-three years old!

Normal people have just graduated from college!

Just entered society!

And he has become the head of the Huashan Sword Sect!

He has become a strong person with six layers of great consummation in the foundation building period!

He's human too!

There are also joys, sorrows, and sorrows!

But no one confides!

Nangong He patted him on the shoulder and said softly, "In everything, just do your best!" "

How about we have some drinks together?" Chen Nan quickly recovered his condition.

Nangong He smiled: "I'm not your opponent in fighting, but Lao Tzu hasn't been afraid of anyone about drinking!" "

It turns out!

Nangong He is a strong king!

Although he said that he had never been afraid of anyone!

But who would have thought that it would be a three-cup pour?


Chen Nan left Ultimate South Mountain!

After returning to Jeju!

He first threw the corpses of those two six-layer powerhouses in the Foundation Building Period to Immortal Killing Vine!

Then he took out the spirit stone and arranged a spirit gathering array for the first time!

Gathering Spirit Array!

As the name suggests, gather all directions of Spiritual Qi together!

Cultivating in the formation can have a multiplier effect with half the effort!

Of course.

Even if you are not in the array, living around the Gathering Spirit Array can also have the effect of nourishing the flesh and invincible to all diseases!

The moment the Gathering Spirit Array was activated, the surrounding auras surged and converged over Villa 95!

Although it's winter now!

But in villa 95 there is a warm spring-like feeling!

"I have now reached the six-layer great consummation of the foundation building period, and I must step into a higher realm before the succession ceremony!"

Chen Nan knew.

The succession ceremony of the Huashan Sword Sect is very grand!

At that time, the other seven top forces will also go!

If you let them know that they have the six-layer cultivation of the foundation building period, they have to laugh off their big teeth!


He must be a blockbuster!

Recognition of those who win!

"If I can step into the seventh layer of the Foundation Building Period, I should be able to control more flying swords with my ability!"

"If you can master the nine swords at the same time, even if you face the great consummation in the late stage of the foundation building period, even the powerhouse of the pseudo-Dan realm will have the power of a battle!"

Nine songs is a set!

Only the Nine Swords in unison can exert greater power!

That's his biggest hole card!

Early in the morning ------

Chinese New Year's Eve, Chen Nan was woken up by He Shanshan: "Hey, get up quickly, it's time to post the Spring Coupling!" Looking

at the sky outside, Chen Nan yawned: "Grandma, what time is it, is it too early to post the Spring Union?"

He Shanshan said, "The family home of the steel mill has to be posted, right?" "

I have to stick it at home, right?"

"The villa has to be pasted too, right?"

"If you finish pasting it all, it will definitely take a long time, get up quickly, if you behave well today, Sister Jian Ning and I will consider giving you a vacation!"

As soon as I heard that I was going to take a holiday.

Chen Nan suddenly came to the spirit!

As long as he can take a holiday, let him do anything!

After getting up and washing, after eating breakfast, Chen Nan and He Shanshan left the villa area in the mid-levels!

The two came to the steel mill family home!

This is the home where Chen Nan grew up!

Parents and two little sisters have already gone to live in the small world!

I don't know how they live now!

"When I have time, I have to visit them in the small world!"

Chen Nan thought secretly in his heart!

After a busy morning, Chen Nan and He Shanshan completed the task of sticking the spring coupling, and then returned to the mid-level villa!

After posting the spring coupling of the mid-level villa, He Shanshan was busy with lunch and preparing the Chinese New Year's Eve dinner for the evening!

Although the days are uneventful, they are very warm!

Especially at night!

The villa has become very lively!

Not only Jian Ning is also here!

Even Xie Churan's mother and son, as well as Yue Qimeng, and the Yue Qiluo sisters also came!

Watch so many beautiful people come together!

Chen Nan has a kind of happy trouble!

These people said that they came to congratulate the Chinese New Year, but how did he not know what was going on in the other party's mind?

Especially Xie Churan!

When people were not paying attention, he secretly ate Chen Nan's tofu, and after eating, he looked defiant: "I'll pour a few more cups of Ling'er later, and when she is unconscious, I'll send her home, let's play a big ticket, okay?" "

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