
Bao Zhen looked at Yan Xiong with a puzzled expression, and couldn't help but say: "Second master, what means did this guy use?" Why are those women so obedient?

Yan Xiong said, "If nothing else, it should be related to that black aromatherapy!"

Bao Zhen sighed: "It is said that alchemists can refine a lot of strange things, and today it is really worthy of the name!"

Yan Xiong whispered: "Continue to stare at this guy, I always feel that there is something strange about him!"

Bao Zhen patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely monitor him, if he is really someone sent by the outside world, he will definitely cut off his dog's head!"

Yan Xiong looked into the distance and muttered, "How good it would be if he really turned to us!" "


the night is getting deeper!

The suite also fell silent!

Chen Nan constructed a dream and pulled Ma Jingru and her classmates in!


Some are crying!

Because a lot of them have boyfriends!

They think they're sorry for them!

Even if they are forced!

"Ma Jingru, tell them the truth!" Chen Nan sighed, if it weren't for the last resort, winning the trust of the other party, he couldn't have moved these women!

Even if he's a scumbag!

Even if he is!

But never did anything to force others!

"You... Why are you different from before? Ma Jingru exclaimed!

The others also raised their heads to look at Chen Nan!

Straight figure, sword eyebrows!

Deep eyes like stars!

Especially his hesitant temperament at this time made everyone feel their hearts beat violently!

Chen Nan forced a smile: "This is what I really look like!"

"Are you Doctor Chen?" A woman named Hou Feifei exclaimed!

Chen Nan frowned: "You know me?

Hou Feifei burst into tears: "Doctor Chen, I took my mother to see you last year, and you cured the tumor in my mother's body!"

Ma Jingru also breathed a sigh of relief: "Feifei, since you know Brother Chen, it is much easier to explain, is it like this..." She said Chen Nan's identity, and asked them to keep to themselves, it was best to cooperate with Chen Nan!

Because only in this way can Chen Nan protect all of them!

"Brother Chen, if all of us listen to you, wouldn't this be too abnormal and arouse their suspicion?" A girl asked weakly.

Chen Nandao: "No, I lit an aromatherapy before, which can control the consciousness of ordinary people, which I can explain!"


"Tell me what you know!"

"For example, where is the tricky master!"

Everyone shook their heads!

Ma Jingru said: "We were directly caught in this five-star hotel, and we have never seen what the tricky master looks like, let alone where he is!"

Chen Nan sighed secretly!

The situation here is more complicated than he thought!

The city has electricity though!

But communication was all lost!

Can't send information outside at all!

It is also impossible to receive information from the outside world!

If you want to find out where the trickster is, it is difficult!

It's hard!


the next day!

Bao Zhen came to knock on the door with a bad smile on his face: "Brother Chen, the second head of the family invites you to the restaurant for breakfast, and discuss the matter of alchemy by the way!"

"Okay, I'll change my clothes and go!" Chen Nan said and closed the door!

But at the moment!

Ma Jingru and the others threw him to the ground as if crazy!

"The surname Chen, die!"

"Are you crazy?" Chen Nan was furious, he never expected that this group of women would attack him!

Although it can't hurt him!

But this behavior is very irrational!

Ma Jingru had a relieved smile on her face: "Brother Chen, we can only help you to this point!"

"Yes, if you kill all of us, the other party will definitely let down their guard and accept you from the bottom of their hearts!" Hou Feifei also smiled.

"But there's no need for that!" Chen Nan's eyes were torn!

Things have developed beyond the imagination of the other party!

He couldn't accept it!

"Brother Chen, you don't know something, Yanxiong will search for souls, and if he performs a soul search method on us, your secret will be revealed!"

"We can't hurt you!"

"Can't harm a million people in Wuyang City!"

"Hey, people will die sooner or later if they live, this method of death should be heavier than Mount Tai, right?"

"Brother Chen, the future of Wuyang City depends on you!"

"I want to say, who says women are inferior to men?"

Chen Nan's heart is like a knife!

He was touched by these people!

I also feel the burden and mission on my shoulders!

It's just that!

Although they chose generosity and righteousness, he became an executioner!

"Give me all to die!"

A roar sounded in his mouth!

The terrifying True Qi instantly blasted everyone away, causing them to die tragically on the spot!

The blood stained the suite red, shocking!

"Brother Chen, what happened?" Bao Zhen broke through the door and heard the roar and roar of those women before!

It's just that!

After seeing the picture in front of me, I couldn't help but gasp!

It is said that the second in charge is ruthless!

However, this guy seems to be more ruthless than the second boss!

He actually killed these women who served him last night!


Chen Nan's eyes were scarlet, and he spat viciously: "Damn slut, you actually want to murder Lao Tzu, do you really think that Lao Tzu is a soft persimmon?"

"Even these women who have no chicken power want to kill me?" Do you have the strength?

"I knew that they should have been killed after using them last night!"


"It's not fun at all!"

"Waste Lao Tzu's feelings!"

Bao Zhen laughed: "Brother Chen, don't be angry, there is one thing you don't know, this Wuyang City is the most beautiful, why bother to see a group of dead people?" "

Let's go for dinner!"

"If you like women, I'll send you another batch in the evening!"

"It's guaranteed to be even more beautiful than those last night!"

He knows.

These women must have known what Chen Nan did to them last night, and this will make the dog jump off the wall!

Chen Nan sighed: "The twisted melon is not sweet, and the ancients sincerely do not deceive me!"

Bao Zhen said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if it's sweet or not, as long as it's to quench your thirst!"

Chen Nan was stunned and said with a smile: "Your words are reasonable!" Okay, I'll change my clothes and go to the restaurant together!

Bao Zhen snorted, and then called a little brother: "Take these people down and bury them!"

Chen Nan's eyes widened: "Isn't it too cheap to bury them?" In my opinion, they should be fed to the dogs!

Bao Zhen smiled bitterly: "I really didn't expect that Brother Chen was also a person with a vendetta, but these people are all dead, so why should they see them in general?"


Chen Nan said and got dressed, and followed Bao Zhen to the restaurant!


Yan Xiong's right-hand man, Hai An said in a low voice: "The second boss, it seems that we have thought too much, this guy does not look like an internal traitor sent from outside!"

"If he were someone sent from outside, he shouldn't be so ruthless and kill those twelve women who had a night with him, right?"

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