Yan Xiong chuckled: "Don't you feel, is all this what we want to see?"

Hai An was stunned and asked puzzled, "Isn't this a good thing?"

"It's a situation we want to see, but I always feel like it's all going too well!" Yan Xiong organized the following language: "Yes, this is like a seamless scam, the more flaws there are, the biggest flaws!"

"The second master, you have thought too much!" Hai An said: "I have watched the history of the secular world over the years, as well as the methods of the secular law enforcement bureau, they put the lives of the people first, even if they cost their own lives!"

"If Chen Dong is really someone sent from outside, this is contrary to their mission!"

"And the most important point, the cultivation of secular cultivators is very low!"

"Not to mention that Chen Dong is still an alchemist!"

Yan Xiong nodded slightly: "It seems that I overthought it!" "


Chen Nan and Bao Zhen walked into the restaurant side by side!

"Why is Brother Chen so bad?" Yan Xiong had a shallow smile on his face, which belonged to knowingly asking.

Chen Nan said angrily: "It's not the women who the second boss rewarded me last night, I originally wanted to be gentle, so I used the soul incense, who expected those women to wake up this morning and want to kill me!"

"So, I can only kill them!"

Yan Xiong said with a smile: "A few ants, don't affect Brother Chen's mood!"

"It's just a few ants, naturally it won't affect my mood, but I hate killing people in the morning!" Chen Nandao: "Don't say it, don't say it, eat!"

Yan Xiong winked at his subordinates, and the other party quickly sent a hearty breakfast.

"There is a thousand-year-old mansion in Wuyang City, located in the core area of Wuyang City, which is quiet in the middle of the noise, which can be regarded as a blessed land." Yan Xiong said, "I have already asked people to arrange the Earth Fire Array for Brother Chen there, and Brother Chen can live there and refine pills in the future!"

"Of course, I will also send some beauties over from time to time for you to enjoy!" Speaking of which, hand him a look you know!

Chen Nan waved his hand: "Don't!"

Yan Xiong's face was full of curiosity: "Why?"

Chen Nan said, "I can do anything usually, but once I refine the elixir, I don't like others to disturb me!" If necessary, I will ask people to tell the second master!

Yan Xiong suddenly realized: "So it is!"

Chen Nan suddenly said, "Dare to ask the second master, when will I see the tricky master?"

"Why do you want to see the tricky master?" Yan Xiong asked with a smile.

Chen Nan: "Why?"

"yes, why?" Yanxiong's smile remained unchanged.

Chen Nan was amused: "I came to Wuyang City because of the ambition of the tricky master, naturally I want to admire his supreme demeanor, is there any other reason besides this?"

"That's what you said!" Yan Xiong smiled: "The tricky master is now in retreat, and I am in charge of everything in Wuyang City." But don't worry, when the trickster is out of customs, I will take you to meet him as soon as possible!" "Good


Chen Nan didn't say much, he always felt that Yanxiong was still wary of him!

But this kind of thing cannot be rushed!

"Second in charge, there is a situation!"

At this time, a middle-aged man came over and whispered a few words in Yanxiong's ear!

Yan Xiong nodded slightly and said, "Brother Chen, there are some more defectors outside the city, I will go to explore the void first, and Bao Zhen will send you over after you have eaten!" "

The second boss is busy first!"

Hearing that some more defectors came outside, Chen Nan was also relieved!

The appearance of these people can attract the attention of Yanxiong!


Bao Zhen asked the driver to drive Chen Nan to a mansion with a sense of age!

This house covers an area of more than a thousand acres, and before that, it was the oldest building in Wuyang City and a 5A-level scenic spot!

But since the people who beat the tricky master occupied Wuyang City, this place has become the private product of the tricky master!

In addition, a lot of maids are arranged!

Without exception, all of them are the sons and daughters of the major giants!

That's more than a hundred!

"From now on, Brother Chen will be the master here, if any of you dare to disrespect Brother Chen, don't blame me for sending you to the Yin Cao Di Mansion to meet your relatives!"

"Did you hear that?"

Bao Zhen yelled at those people!


Those people were so frightened that they lowered their heads and didn't even dare to look at Chen Nan!

Chen Nan sighed secretly!

The appearance of this spooky group has upset the balance of the city!

You must find an opportunity to find the trickster and kill him with one blow!

"Brother Chen, follow me, I'll take you to the alchemy room!"

Bao Zhen took Chen Nan to an antique room!

All the furniture in the room has been cleared, and the foundation of the ground fire array can be seen on the ground!

Chen Nan pinched the trick with one hand, and the Earth Fire Array was instantly activated, and a blue flame appeared!

"It's a great place!"

Chen Nan nodded slightly!

Earth fire is also divided into strong and weak!

And this place is the core area of the earth vein, where refining pills can play a role in multiplying the results with half the effort!


Chen Nan waved his hand!

The incinerator fell heavily on the ground!

"This object is a horcrux?" Bao Zhen's eyes showed a hint of a different color!

Horcruxes are also expensive for them!

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Chen Nan's mouth: "Big Brother Bao now knows why I turned to the tricky master, right?"

Bao Zhen came back to his senses and smiled: "I did have some doubts before, but now I understand!"

Chen Nan sighed: "The cultivators of my generation are very conceited, and no one is willing to live under others unless they are forced to!"

"I can still travel around before you strong people come, although our strength is not very strong, but in the world, how many people can hurt me?"

"But now, countless strong people have descended on the world!"

"If I let them know that I have a horcrux, how can I live?"

"They will definitely kill me at all costs and seize the spirit weapon in my hand!"

"Instead of that, it is better to seek a big backer!"

He looked helpless, and said the unwillingness and helplessness of the cultivator with the treasure!

Bao Zhen patted him on the shoulder and said, "Brother, I had a similar experience with you, but unfortunately, my treasure..." Hey, don't say it! Chen

Nan was overjoyed!

Could it be that Bao Zhen also had a similar experience?

If so, you can make a fuss!

"Brother Chen, I'll go wait outside, you refine the elixir!" Bao Zhen turned around and left very wisely, although he hid deeply, Chen Nan also saw loneliness in his eyes, as well as unwillingness!

Chen Nan knows!

Bao Zhen is the most important link for him to bring down the tricky master!

However, before that, I have to give him enough benefits!

As long as I give enough, I am afraid that it will not be used by me?

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