On the eve of sunset!

Chen Nan stopped refining!

Walking to the courtyard, Bao Zhen had already made people prepare a sumptuous dinner!

It's a barbecue!

Enjoying it in the open air is a special taste!

"Brother Chen, how was the harvest today?"

Bao Zhen asked with a smile!

Chen Nan smiled and said, "Fortunately, a total of thirty-six Zhuji Dan have been refined!" Saying that, he handed a storage bag to Bao Zhen: "Brother Bao can see how the elixir I refined!"

Bao Zhen took the storage bag with a smile, and when he saw that there were a total of forty-three Tsukidan inside, he was first stunned for a moment, and then grinned.

"Brother Chen, your alchemy ability is really amazing, you actually refined the middle-grade Zhujidan, awesome!" He laughed and was in a good mood.

Because he knew that the extra seven pills were Chen Nan showing him favor!

This favor, he is still very willing to accept!

"Come on, come, let's not get drunk tonight!"

Bao Zhen raised his glass!

After a few glasses of wine, Chen Nan said, "Brother Bao, how many defectors have come today?"

Bao Zhen thought for a while: "It seems that there are more than thirty people, well, almost!" However, they are all some ants in the early stage of foundation building, and their strength is very weak!

"If it weren't for our side continuing to expand our manpower, we wouldn't have accepted them at all!"

More than thirty people, although not much!

But these people are not good at it!

One more comes in, and it will threaten the lives of the people of Wuyang City!

Chen Nandao: "When I was traveling around before, I heard that there is a special institution in the world called the Yanhuang Guardian! It is said that their duty is to restrain cultivators and prevent them from bullying ordinary people!

Bao Zhen was shocked: "Brother Chen's words are true?

Chen Nan: "It's true!"

Bao Zhen: "You mean, beware of foreign enemies infiltrating in?"

A wry smile appeared on Chen Nan's face: "Instead of beware of me, the second leader should beware of them!"

Bao Zhen smiled awkwardly: "What Old Brother Chen said is reasonable, you have the five-layer cultivation of the foundation building period, and you are obviously not a person in the world. As for those more than thirty cultivators in the early stage of foundation building, they had to guard against it!

When the words fell, he sighed: "It's a pity, the second leader is suspicious in nature, except for us old brothers who were born and died with the tricky master, no one else can believe it!"

Chen Nan took the wine glass and took a sip of the wine in the glass, and said calmly: "Be cautious, it is a good thing after all, it is understandable!"

"Brother Chen just understands." Probably because Chen Nan bribed Bao Zhen, he also let down his guard against Chen Nan and said, "Brother Chen, what do you say, the second leader still questions you!"

Chen Nan pretended to be serious: "Brother Bao, you shouldn't tell me this!"

Bao Zhen said with a smile: "I am different from the second leader, I believe in fate, and I know that you are a trustworthy person when I see you at first glance!"

Chen Nan pouted secretly!

If I hadn't bribed you with a few Tsukidan, you would have said this?

Bao Zhen said seriously: "However, if you can help everyone refine some elixirs, you will definitely be able to dispel the concerns of the second master, so as to truly accept you and take you to meet the tricky master!" "

It's late at night!

Chen Nan also returned to the room to cultivate!

Bao Zhen returned to the hotel where Yan Xiong lived, and looked excited: "Second master, we really picked up the treasure, Chen Dong actually refined thirty-six Zhujidan today!"

"Moreover, these pills are all medium-grade pills, with more than four and less than seven pill patterns!"

Yan Xiong showed surprise, and pushed away the woman in front of him: "Hurry up, take it out and I'll take a look!" Bao

Zhen immediately took out those pills and gave them to him!

"Not bad, not bad, this guy is a usable person!"

Yan Xiong's eyes were hot, but he did not lose his measure, he looked at Bao Zhen: "You have been over there for a day, but have you found anything suspicious about him?"

Bao Zhen said: "The second boss, I always feel that we have thought too much, that guy does not look like someone sent outside." On the contrary, these people who came in today must not be prevented!

Yan Xiong frowned: "What do you mean by this?"

Bao Zhen said, "Chen Dong once told me that there is an institution of Yanhuang Guardians in the world, which specializes in protecting mortals, and the strength of those people is generally not strong!"

The corners of Yan Xiong's mouth flashed with disdain: "A group of ants in the early stage of foundation building, even if they really come to the so-called shit guardian, what are they afraid of?"

"Okay, Chen Nan's side you continue to monitor, if there is any news, tell me as soon as possible!"


After Bao Zhen left!

Yan Xiong retreated everyone, sat cross-kneeled, took the Tsuki Dan and began to cultivate!


at the same time!

Chen Nan's consciousness also entered the Immortal Mansion!

"Meet the lord of the mansion!"

The golden boy and jade girl appeared!

Chen Nan asked, "Can you two sense the number of masters in the city?"

Jade girl: "I can't!"

Chen Nan raised his eyebrows, focused his gaze on the golden boy, and just wanted to speak, the other party's voice sounded: "I can't either!"

The corner of Chen Nan's mouth twitched: "I thought you could!"

Golden Boy: "The two of us are just puppets, and we can't perceive the number of experts from the outside world!" The

jade girl said, "However, there is a treasure on the second floor!"

"This thing is called the Heaven and Earth Chessboard, if the owner is centered on Wuyang City, then all the sentient beings here are chess pieces, and you can watch the number of masters and the distribution!"

Hearing this, Chen Nan couldn't help but gasp: "This is also too against the sky, right?"

The golden boy said, "It's not a heaven-defying treasure, and it can't be included in the Immortal Mansion!"

Chen Nan sighed secretly: "But, how can I enter the second layer?"

The golden boy said: "It is very simple to enter the second layer, as long as the lord of the mansion has the cultivation of the Golden Pill period, he can unlock the second layer of space!"

Chen Nan glared at him directly: "If I have the Golden Pill Period cultivation, do I still need to find outside masters through the Heaven and Earth chessboard?" "

The golden boy and jade girl are silent!

Chen Nan said again, "Can you shield the formation outside?"

The golden boy shook his head: "I can't!"

Chen Nan's eyes lit up and focused his gaze on the jade girl!

Jade girl: "I can't either!"

Chen Nan was about to go crazy: "Why do you have to answer the questions that one person can answer, but each has to answer his own?" Did you know that this kind of behavior is easy to get beaten?

The golden boy said, "Our duty is only to help you familiarize yourself with and master the Immortal Mansion, and I am not in charge of this kind of thing of fighting!"

Jade girl: "It's not my business!" Chen

Nanqiang resisted the urge to hit people and withdrew from the Immortal Mansion, he was afraid that he would be scattered by the souls of the two who stayed behind!

At the same time, he also knew that if he wanted to find out the trickster, he could only rely on himself to shield this formation!

Three days passed in the blink of an eye!

In the past three days, he has refined a lot of pills, and each time he refining, he will give Bao Zhen a few extra pieces!

Although he did not reveal anything about the tricky master, the relationship between the two was much closer!


Chen Nan sat cross-kneeled and began to cultivate!


A man in black broke through the door and killed him with a long sword!

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