Chen Nan suddenly opened his eyes!

Assassination in the Night?

What the hell is this?


Don't think about it!

He dodged in embarrassment, and a long sword appeared in his hand, directly meeting the opponent's sword move!

The strength of the man in black is not weak, and he has actually reached the peak of the fifth layer of the foundation building period!

Although he seemed to be a little higher than Chen Nan's cultivation, Chen Nan himself was a cultivator of the eighth layer of the Foundation Building Period!

With his strength, he couldn't hurt Chen Nan at all!


With the sound of weapons clashing, the two hit the outside!

Chen Nan pretended to be weak and said angrily, "What are you?" Why sneak attack?

"I'm the one who wants your life!"

The other party roared, and the long sword cut through the night sky, and launched a fierce attack again!

Chen Nan's face was gloomy!

Because he couldn't figure out who the other party was, the purpose of assassinating him was to test him, or really wanted to kill him!

No matter!

Let the other party test themselves!

Think of this!

His move showed a flaw, and he was cut through the chest by the opponent's sword!

Blood stained the ground, shocking!

Then he was kicked out!

"If it weren't for the fear of revealing my identity, why would I be so embarrassed!"

Chen Nan wants to cry without tears!

With his cultivation, he can easily crush the other party!

And now, you have to pretend to be weak!


The middle-aged man stabbed a sword into Chen Nan's chest!

Thanks to Chen Nan's extremely fast reaction, he controlled his heart to move by a fraction with True Qi, otherwise this sword would most likely cost him his life!

"You... Who are you? I have no grievances with you, why are you killing me? Chen Nan vomited blood and looked extremely weak.

"Why should a dying man know so much?"

The middle-aged man's face was full of frost, and he was pressing towards Chen Nan step by step!

The long sword in his hand emitted an icy chill under the night!

Chen Nan panicked!

Not because of fear of death!

It's that this scene is about to be unactable!


The middle-aged man angrily raised his long sword and slashed at Chen Nan's neck!

Just when Chen Nan was about to fight back!


A flying sword flew in the distance, piercing the middle-aged man's chest, and also splashed a piece of blood on Chen Nan's face!

Chen Nan sat on the ground like a wooden chicken!

Flying swords?

A flying sword appeared just now?

In other words, Wuyang City has a strong man in the Golden Realm?


Doesn't it mean that there is only one Pseudo-Dan Realm powerhouse?

The situation became more and more complicated, which also made Chen Nan feel a great sense of oppression!

It also made him feel a pang of fear!

Thanks to the fact that he did not act rashly, if not he would have died a long time ago!

"Brother Chen, are you all right?"

Yan Xiong, Bao Zhen and others came when they heard the news!

"Can't die yet!"

Chen Nan stood up weakly and asked puzzledly: "Second in charge, Big Brother Bao, what's going on?" Why did this guy want to kill me?

Yan Xiong glanced at the middle-aged man's appearance and said coldly, "He is an arrogant person!"

Chen Nan frowned.

Unlocked a big man again?

Bao Zhen explained on the side: "Arrogance is the enemy of the big boss, and when I heard that the big boss occupied Carefree City, he sent some internal traitors to blend into the city.

"I think he knows that you help everyone refine pills, so he wants to kill you to draw money from the bottom of the cauldron!"

Yan Xiong also let down all his guard against Chen Nan at this time, and said, "Brother Chen, you recover your injuries first, and when your injuries heal, I will take you to see the tricky master!"

"Did the trickster save me just now?" Chen Nan couldn't help but ask.

Yan Xiong nodded slightly: "Yes, the tricky master has condensed the golden pill, and every move of the entire Wuyang City is under his control!" If he hadn't made a timely move, you'd probably already been killed by someone arrogant!

Chen Nan was relieved: "I have to thank the tricky master in person for saving his life!"

"Okay, heal your wounds!" Yan Xiong said and turned to leave.

Chen Nan was helped back to the bedroom by Bao Zhen, and then took out the pill and began to heal his injuries!

He was very glad that he had been hiding his cultivation just now, and if his true strength was exposed at the moment of life and death, he was afraid that he would not spare him lightly!


Even if he could see the tricky master after his injuries healed, he didn't feel the slightest relaxation!

Even if he has always dreamed of seeing the trickster as soon as possible!

But the problem is!

The other party is a strong person in the Golden Pill Realm!

I can't beat each other at all!

Although you can send a sword fairy puppet to kill the opponent, the most important thing is to destroy the formation!

Another three days passed!

Chen Nan's injuries had healed, and then he went to the Wuyang City Museum under the leadership of Yanxiong and Bao Zhen, which had become the private territory of the tricky master!

"Meet the big boss!"

Yan Xiong and Bao Zhen saluted the crane-haired childlike old man wearing a black robe and in good spirits!

"Meet the tricky master!"

Chen Nan also saluted, he had seen the appearance of the tricky master in the video!

Recognize the identity of this person at a glance!


He didn't have too strong an aura on him!

The tricky master's eyes were flat: "I heard that you are good at refining elixirs?"

Chen Nan said modestly: "Back to the tricky master, the junior has just come into contact with the art of alchemy, and now he can only refine some first-class pills!" The

trickster nodded slightly, letting Yan Xiong and Bao Zhen retreat, leaving Chen Nan alone in the museum hall!

He waved his right hand!

An ancient Danfang flew towards Chen Nan!

The sly master said, "Can you refine this elixir?"

Chen Nan looked at the Danfang, his expression was very solemn: "Trickster, this should be a third-level Danfang, right?" With the current strength of the junior, he has not yet come into contact with a third-level elixir!

The sly master said lightly: "You are right, this elixir is called Fuling Pill, and it is an extremely rare treasure!" If you can refine it, I will definitely not lose you!"

Chen Nan said, "The tricky master is serious, the junior comes here to take refuge, and it is within the responsibility of serving the tricky master!" As for the elixir... The juniors will definitely go all out!

"Go, let Yanxiong in!"

"But remember, today's events must not leak half a word!"

The trickster slowly closed his eyes!

"The junior retreats!"

Chen Nan exited the hall and let Yan Xiong enter to meet the tricky master, and then he followed Bao Zhen out of the museum.

On the way back, Bao Zhen asked curiously, "Brother Chen, what did the tricky master say to you?"

"It's nothing, just a few casual conversations!" Chen Nan didn't say anything about the other party letting himself refine the pill!

Bao Zhen said seriously: "Brother Chen, help the tricky master to do things, the tricky master is the most emotional, if you can help him a lot, he will not treat you badly, and then it is very likely that you will take the position of the second master!"

Chen Nan casually asked, "What benefits can the position of the second leader bring?"

Bao Zhen said in a low voice: "The second leader holds the Qiankun Array Plate, except for the tricky master, he is the supreme existence of this city!"

"It turns out that Yan Xiong controls the formation plate!"

A burst of excitement rose in Chen Nan's heart!

Since this is the case!

Then I have to refine the Fuling Pill as soon as possible and get the approval of the tricky master!"

In this way, the recapture of Wuyang City is just around the corner!

However, it is imperative to find out what the use of the Spirit Pill is!

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