After returning to your accommodation!

Chen Nan's soul entered the Immortal Mansion!

The way of alchemy is as vast as the sea, and there are too many strange pills!

And each elixir has a different effect!

Now that the trickster asked him to refine the Revenge Pill, he had to figure out the usefulness of the Revenge Pill!

Only by knowing the tricky master's thoughts can he better make the next plan!

"Do you know what the Fuling Pill does?" Chen Nan asked towards the golden boy and jade girl.

The golden boy said, "Did the lord of the mansion ask me?"

Chen Nan: "Yes!" Golden

Boy: "Return to the mansion master, I don't know the purpose of the Fuling Pill!"

Chen Nan looked at the jade girl, and before she could speak, the jade girl said, "I don't know!"

"Are you two seriously ill?" If you don't know, say you don't know, what's the point of twittering crookedly? Chen Nan snorted angrily, and then began to flip through the books related to pills on the first floor!

In the end, he found the Revenge Pill!

"This is a pill that specializes in repairing the cracks in Jindan?"

"Does it mean that the tricky master's Jindan is injured?"

Chen Nan thought of the scene when he saw the tricky master!

If it weren't for the fact that he had used the Imperial Sword Art to kill the person who assassinated him before, Chen Nan would not have believed that he was a Golden Pill Period powerhouse at all!


He knew why the trickster had allowed himself to refine the Spirit Revenge Pill!

His Jindan was injured and needed to restore the Jindan!

"Since you want to recover your strength, then I'll help you!"

Chen Nan's eyes flashed with essence!

In fact, a tricky master is nothing at all, he has a sword fairy puppet, and there are four remaining spirit stones, why can't he kill the tricky master?

What he wants is the formation plate in Yanxiong's hand!

This is related to the net worth and lives of millions of living beings in Wuyang City!

The refining of the Fuling Pill is extremely difficult!

Even if Chen Nan was serious about refining, it took half a month to refine successfully!

After the refining was successful, he went to the museum as soon as possible and found the tricky master!

Respectfully sent the elixir to the other party's eyes: "Tricky master, the junior is fortunate to have refined the Rejuvenation Pill!"


"Very good!"

"Old Immortal didn't look at the wrong person!"

The trickster let out a loud laugh, and then said, "You go down first, after I have taken the pill to recover my strength, I will be rewarded for my merits, and you will refine some pills that help you!" "


Chen Nan bowed and retreated!

Thinking of the other party allowing him to refine the elixir that helped him refine it, a killing intent rose in his heart!


Many innocent women are destined to suffer!

If he really refining the elixir that helps Xingxing, it is equivalent to helping to cause abuse!

But if you don't refine it, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction from the other party!

Everything you did before will be lost!


He didn't have a choice!

Another three days passed!

A handsome young man wearing a black suit came to Chen Nan's side: "Mr. Chen, the second leader asked me to pick you up for the banquet!" "

Let's go!"

Chen Nan looked indifferent and followed the other party outside!

"Mr. Chen, please get in the car!"

The young man respectfully opened the rear door, and after Chen Nan sat in, he appeared in the driver's seat and drove away from the mansion in a black Rolls-Royce!

"Are you a man of the world?" Chen Nan asked casually.

The young man smiled and said, "Yes, the villain's name is Liu Xin, and he used to be an ordinary person!"

Chen Nan asked lightly: "Listen to what you mean, you are not an ordinary person now?"

Liu Xin hurriedly said: "No, no, no, the villain is also an ordinary person now, but he has been appreciated by the tricky master, and is now responsible for the operation and management of this city!" "

Although he is a red man in front of the tricky master, he knows that Chen Nan's status is very high, and he does not dare to pretend in front of him!

Chen Nanbai was puzzled: "How could the tricky master put the heavy responsibility of managing the city on you, a mortal?"

Liu Xin smiled and said, "The main thing is that after the tricky master entered Wuyang City, I was the first to join his old man!" And it was I who led someone to level the law enforcement agencies, and it was also I who turned off the power of the communication base station!

"In addition, the juniors are more familiar with the mundane world, and the juniors have gained the attention of the tricky master!"

"Oh, and!"

"Those women you enjoyed before were also captured by my order!"

He was proud and said what he did!

It seems to have made countless achievements!

A burst of killing intent rose in Chen Nan's heart!

He had thought before that Wuyang City had an internal traitor, otherwise Wuyang City would not be easily occupied!

Especially the matter of interrupting communication information, cultivators don't understand it at all!

As he expected, there was really an internal traitor here!

Chen Nan looked at the empty street: "If I'm not mistaken, before the arrival of the tricky master, this place should be full of traffic and very prosperous, right?"

Liu Xin: "Yes, it was indeed prosperous before!"

"But the prosperity here has nothing to do with me!"

"I'm just the humblest person in this city, and no one even cares about my life or death!"

"And now, I am deciding the lives of millions of people in this city!"

"Whoever I want to give birth to will be born, and whoever I want to die, he will definitely not live until dawn!"

"Let's just say that the car I drove was worth more than ten million!"

"Before that, it was difficult for me to meet once on the road!"

"And now, I have many!"

"Especially women, those women who looked down on me before have all become my playthings!"

Chen Nan chuckled: "So, for your own selfishness, you let this city become a purgatory on earth?"

Liu Xin said disapprovingly: "This city itself is about to become a purgatory on earth, I just accelerated its growth and brought some benefits to myself by the way, I should be right?"

Chen Nan asked rhetorically: "Then the people living here are at fault?"

Liu Xin was stunned and couldn't help but say, "Why did Mr. Chen help those ants speak?"

Chen Nan said indifferently: "I am sinful, and I have never favored anyone!"

"I just hate betrayal!"

"I hate people who stand proud of the bones of others!"

Perhaps feeling Chen Nan's explosive killing intent, Liu Xin quickly closed his mouth, for fear that Chen Nan would kill him in anger!

Almost twenty minutes later!

Liu Xin brought Chen Nan to the museum!

The original banquet hall has now become a banquet hall, with a lot of wine and food!

One hundred and thirty-seven of his subordinates gathered here!

In fact, there are now more than three hundred cultivators in Wuyang City, except for this one hundred and thirty-seven, everyone else has turned to them one after another these days!

It's just that those cultivators have not been recognized by Yanxiong, their qualifications are insufficient, and they are all guarding the city gate!

"Trickster, Mr. Chen has arrived!"

Liu Xin looked at the red light, and the sly master sitting at the top said respectfully!

Seeing Chen Nan appear, Wei Ye's eyes lit up, and he was very happy with this alchemist who had cured himself, and got up and said, "Come on, Brother Chen sits by my side!"

Chen Nan hugged his fist and said, "Tricky master, before taking a seat, the junior has a reluctant request, hoping that the junior can give the junior a pardon!"

Everyone frowned curiously!

The sly master was puzzled: "What are you going to pardon for?"

Chen Nan burst out with monstrous killing intent: "I want to kill someone!" "

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