Bao Zhen asked in a low voice, "Brother Chen, who provoked you?" You tell me, I'll help you kill him! "

Chen Nan hasn't given him any benefits these days!

Tsukidan alone gave more than a hundred!


He was standing with Chen Nan!

"Trickster save me!"

Liu Xintong knelt on the ground with a snort, his face was bloodless, like a frightened bird!

Keep kneeling towards the tricky master!

"Brother Chen, has this Liu Xin ever offended you?" Yan Xiong sat at the bottom left of the tricky master, frowning at the moment!

Liu Xin hurriedly said: "Second master, I didn't sin him, I just said what I did for my trickster, and he wanted to kill me."

"If I'm not mistaken, he must be an internal traitor sent from outside, yes, it must be!"

He could feel Chen Nan's killing intent towards him!


Don't care if he is guilty or not, you have to pour a basin of dirty water on him first!


"He turned out to be an internal traitor?"

"Wouldn't you?"

Those subordinates of the tricky master all talked about it!

Although many of them were meeting Chen Nan for the first time, they had all taken the elixir refined by Chen Nan!

The medicinal effect is fierce, and their strength has also improved!

Bao Zhen looked anxious: "Tricky master, I can swear that Brother Chen is definitely not an internal traitor!" This Liu Xin is a bloody sprayer!

Yan Xiong's eyes showed fierceness, and he said angrily: "Shut up you, don't think that Laozi doesn't know that Chen Nan has given you a lot of benefits!" As for whether this guy is an internal traitor, the boss has his own conclusion! "

Yanxiong doesn't like Chen Nan!

Even if he refined a lot of pills!

But also because of this, he felt that his position was provoked!

"Brother Chen, why did you kill Liu Xin? Is it really because of what he did? The trickster looked at Chen Nan with a smile, vainly wanting to see his inner thoughts on his face!

Chen Nanyan said succinctly: "Yes!"

Liu Xin's face was full of excitement: "Weiye, see it, I really didn't lie, he is really a spy sent by the outside world!"

The trickster looked over: "Shut up!" "

This moment!

Liu Xin's scalp was numb, and he felt an invisible big hand choke his throat!

Let him feel like he is passing by death!

Trickster: "Brother Chen, don't you have anything you want to justify?"

Chen Nan said without humility: "The reason why the junior killed Liu Xin is not to avenge the people of this city, nor is it a spy from the outside world!"

"In the final analysis, it is the junior who cannot tolerate betrayal in the eyes!"

"Especially Liu Xin is proud after betraying this city, which really makes the younger generation unbearable!"

Yan Xiong said cheerfully: "Listening to what Brother Chen means, could it be that you have been betrayed?" "


The trickster continued, "That's it?

Chen Nan asked rhetorically: "Dare to ask the tricky master, who is better than you and the arrogant strength?"

The trickster didn't know why Chen Nan asked like this, but he still said, "Arrogance is stronger than me, if it weren't for that, I wouldn't be seriously injured!"

Chen Nan: "In other words, arrogance will still come to your trouble?" The

trickster nodded slightly: "Between us, there will be a battle after all!"

Chen Nan continued, "Did the tricky master ever think that it was very likely that an arrogant person would infiltrate Wuyang City? Have you ever wondered if Liu Xin would betray you and turn to arrogance at that time?

"Trickster, no, I will not betray you, don't listen to his nonsense!" Liu Xin was completely panicked.

Although he poured a basin of dirty water on Chen Nan, he never expected that Chen Nan would also do this trick!

The difference was that the basin of dirty water that Chen Nan poured on him made him unable to wash it!

Chen Nan said in a low voice: "There are only 0 betrayals, and countless times!"

"Liu Xin can betray the homeland that gave birth to him and raised him for the sake of glory and wealth, and the same clan."

"Do you really believe that he can be loyal to you in a matter of life and death?"

The scene was silent!

Everyone was savoring Chen Nan's words!

After a long time, a middle-aged man spoke: "Big brother, Brother Chen is reasonable!"

"Yes, our wealth cannot be placed in the hands of a mortal!"

"Should kill this guy!"

There was a killing sound in the hall!

The trickster said lightly: "Since Brother Chen said so, then kill this guy!"

Liu Xin's scalp was numb: "Tricky master, don't..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Nan exploded his head with a true qi!

Such people should die!

You can't stay in the world for a second!

It can also be regarded as an explanation for the dead creatures!

"Brother Chen, come and come, sit on my side!" The trickster smiled and beckoned, and after Chen Nan sat down, he said with a smile: "Actually, I didn't doubt your identity!"

"Any idea why?"

Chen Nan said puzzled, "The junior doesn't know!"

The trickster showed a meaningful smile: "Because I know the secret in you!" "

Chen Nan snorted!

What do you mean?

Could it be that he knows his identity?

The sly master said, "Actually, you are very clever, knowing that you can't keep that spirit weapon pill furnace, so you came here to seek my protection!"

Chen Nan breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out to be the reason!

"You are very smart and capable, which I still like!" The trickster sighed: "Don't blame the second elder for tempting you, in fact, you can't blame him, if our brother is not careful, it is estimated that he will die in hell!"

"Big brother, today is a happy day, don't talk about those unhappy things!"

"Yes, let's have a drink today to celebrate your injury!"

Everyone toasted!

The tricky master laughed, picked up the wine glass but put it down again, and said with a serious expression: "Before drinking the first glass of wine, I have something I want to discuss with your brothers!" Everyone

looked at the tricky master in unison!

The trickster looked at Yan Xiong and said, "The second elder has already stepped into the ninth layer of the foundation building period, plus we have an alchemist, I mean let Senior Brother Chen refine more foundation building pills, and strive to let the second elder condense the pill as soon as possible!"

"Even if you can't condense the pill, it's a good thing to become a Pseudo-Dan Realm powerhouse!"

"But if you do this, you will lack a controller who controls the formation plate!"

"My idea is to let Brother Chen control the formation plate!"

"Big brother, this is not appropriate, right?" Yan Xiong looked anxious: "There are many eight-layer masters in the foundation building period among our brothers, so we can completely hand over the formation plate to them, isn't it a little inappropriate to hand it over to Chen Dong?" It's

not that he has any prejudice against Chen Nan, he just simply doesn't like this guy!

"The second leader is reasonable, Chen Dong only has a five-layer cultivation in the foundation building period, and he can't control the formation plate at all!"

"Isn't it good to let him concentrate on refining elixirs? Why give him the formation plate? "

Everyone is talking!

Chen Nan didn't expect that they would be unanimously exclusive, which was very different from what he expected!

The trickster looked at Chen Nan and asked with a smile: "I don't know what Brother Chen's attitude is?"

"I also feel like I'm not enough to control the formation!" Chen Nan sighed secretly, even if he wanted to control the formation plate, he couldn't be too anxious at this time!

Otherwise, it is very likely to arouse the suspicion of the other party, these people, one is more difficult to deal with than the other!

The trickster nodded slightly: "In that case, the array plate is under your control!" "


Chen Nan was stunned, and once thought that he had auditory hallucinations!

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