It's not just Chen Nan!

Everyone else also had incredible expressions!

It was clear that Chen Nan had already refused to control the formation plate, but why did the boss give the formation plate to him to control?

Seeing the doubts in everyone's hearts, the sly master explained: "The formation plate is related to the life and death of our brothers, and it takes a person with a calm mind to control it!"

"In my opinion, Brother Chen is just right!"

"Big brother, he is only a five-layer cultivator in the foundation building period, can he control the formation plate?" A middle-aged man obviously did not support Chen Nan controlling the formation plate.

"Also, wouldn't it be too arbitrary to put our lives in his hands?"

"Are you questioning my way of looking at people?" A trace of anger flashed in the tricky master's eyes!

As soon as these words come out!

The scene suddenly fell silent!

Many people did not dare to contradict him!

The trickster said in a low voice: "I fought with arrogance before, Jin Dan was injured and cracks appeared, it was Senior Brother Chen who helped me refine the elixir, and I was able to recover."

"Can't you believe this kind of kindness?"

The crowd was amazed!

I didn't expect that the tricky Jindan was actually injured!

"As for strength... I seem to have told you that you can't use a person's realm to evaluate someone's strength! The trickster smiled: "I'm sure that Brother Chen's spiritual power is not inferior to your Yuanying in the slightest."

The middle-aged man named Yuanying showed a contemptuous smile: "Big brother, I have the mid-eight-layer cultivation of the foundation building period, and my strength is second only to the second master.

"Although Brother Chen is a master of alchemy, I'm afraid he can't be compared with me!"

The sly master said, "In that case, how about you two have a try?"

Yuanying's eyes were hot: "How to compare?"

The tricky master spread out his hand, and a spirit stone the size of a ping-pong ball was suspended in his palm, and he said, "The two of you use spiritual power to plunder this spirit stone, if anyone can win, this spirit stone will belong to whom!"

Yuanying said excitedly: "It must be compared!"

"Big brother, I want to compare too!"

"Can I participate?"

"I want to try it too!"

Many people are not calm anymore!

Spirit stones are extremely rare, even they don't!

The trickster looked at Chen Nan and said with a smile: "Brother Chen, what is your attitude?"


Chen Nan didn't want to hide it, after all, the trickster had set up a stage for himself, and he had to perform well!

After all, opportunities are rare!

The trickster looked at the others again: "You can also participate, it should be to help today's dinner!" "

The voice just fell!

A middle-aged man was the first to release his spiritual power, wanting to plunder that spirit stone!

Not to be outdone, the spiritual power roared out!

The strong in the foundation building period have the means to separate the air, although they cannot carry heavy objects, but a spirit stone is not a big problem!

One after another terrifying spiritual forces collided in the air, tearing!

So much so that it makes the void tremble, giving people a sense of déjà vu that it will be annihilated at any time!

However, with the presence of Wei Ye, a strong man in the Golden Pill Period realm, he can still stabilize the situation!

"Brother Chen, if you don't make a move, this spirit stone will be taken away by others!" Bao Zhen said with an anxious look!

Chen Nan's eyes froze, and the surging spiritual power roared out in his mind!

It's like a long sword out of its sheath!

Incredibly powerful!

In an instant, spiritual power wrapped that spirit stone and flew in front of Chen Nan under everyone's shocked eyes!


"What is the situation?"

"How can this guy's spiritual power be so terrifying?"

"He's the devil, right?"

This moment!

Everyone looked at Chen Nan's eyes full of fear!

A junior of the fifth layer of the foundation building period actually snatched that spirit stone abruptly in front of a group of strong people in the seventh layer or even the eighth layer of the foundation building period?

Even if they see it with their own eyes, it is difficult for them to accept it!

The trickster laughed: "Do you really think that alchemists can only play with fire? If you think like this, it is a big mistake, the spiritual power of every alchemist is different from ordinary people! "

Although Senior Brother Chen only has a five-layer cultivation in the foundation building period, he can refine a third-level elixir, and it can be imagined that his spiritual power is very strong!"

"There are so many strong people in the foundation building period present, which means that the bear can crush him!"

"Everyone else is a younger brother in front of him!"

Yuanying arched his hand: "Brother Chen, my brother has completely obeyed you, I have nothing to say if you come to control the formation!"

"I'm okay with that!"

"The second leader is about to retreat and attack the pseudo-dan, even if it is about seniority, it must be Brother Chen who controls the formation!"

In an instant, those masters who had originally obstructed Chen Nan spoke!

Although they didn't want Chen Nan to control the formation, but now that the overall situation has been decided, it is better to go along the water!

After all, this person is an alchemist!

If you can make good friends with it, it will definitely be beneficial!

"Second brother, give the formation plate to Brother Chen!" The trickster spoke!


Yan Xiong took out a black wooden formation plate in the shape of a gossip and explained, "This formation is called the Upside Down Five Elements Array, and it is a high-level Five Element Law Array.

"To be on the safe side, I will continue to control the formation!"

"Until you drive out all my spiritual power!"

"This can also prevent the formation from stalling, so that someone can take the opportunity to do things!"

"Well, with your spiritual power, you should be able to control the formation plate in three days!"

Chen Nandao: "Everything is at the second master's disposal!" "

Don't call the second master, call the second brother, from now on you will be the third leader of Wuyang City!" The trickster laughed: "With you, a third-level alchemist, the strength of our Wuyang City will definitely advance by leaps and bounds!"

"In your modern words, the future is promising!"

"Come on, come on, drink!"

The atmosphere is harmonious and bursts of laughter!

But the base camp of the guardians is oppressive!

At the round table, the five old men sat quietly!

They all have white hair, wrinkled faces, and they have already stepped into their old age!

One of the slightly younger old men said, "Li Mu, is there no news from Wuyang City yet?"

"Back to the fifth master, there has been no news!" Li Mu's expression was solemn, as of today, it had been more than twenty days since Chen Nan entered Wuyang City, and every day was a long and tormenting for them!

The fifth master sighed: "Chen Nan's strength is certainly good, but in the face of the Pseudo Dan Realm powerhouse, it is too weak, this son has not heard from the news for so long, I think he has encountered an accident!"

"Fifth Master, I believe Chen Nan!" Li Mu said, "Of course, Chen Nan's strength is not as good as that tricky master, but it will not be much worse. And that guy has a lot of means, even if there is a fierce fight with the tricky master, our people can sense it!

"However, Wuyang City is calm these days! No signs of a strong fight were detected!

A gray-robed old man clenched his fists and made a hoarse voice: "Three days, I will give Chen Nan another three days, if not, I will personally order the nuclear attack and destroy Wuyang City!"

Li Mu's scalp exploded, and he looked at the old man incredulously: "Third Master, those enemies are punished according to their crimes." But there are millions of people in Wuyang City, do you really want to do that? What's the difference between you doing this and those demons?! "

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