An old man said in a low voice, "Li Mu is right, if this is the case, it is no different from the devil!" That taboo weapon can't be used anyway! "

Everyone knows that once nuclear weapons are used, all living beings in the entire Wuyang City will die tragically in an instant!

And the radiation from the explosion of a nuclear weapon will also affect the people of nearby cities!

This is contrary to their original intention to save people!

The third master's eyes were complicated: "I'm sorry, I didn't consult with you on the matter of activating the world annihilation!"

"I have decided on this matter, and you will persuade me!"

"Although I don't want this either, the situation in front of us is not under our control at all!"

"Actually, you all know that after the trickster occupied Wuyang City, there were many cultivators who were about to move!"

"I want to emulate him and occupy a city as the emperor of the soil!"

"It's just that those people are very wise!"

"Been waiting for our final statement!"

"Therefore, we must show our attitude, even if we use 'Annihilation' to destroy Wuyang City in one fell swoop!"

"Now, the only thing that can deter them is only a taboo thing of the level of extinction, right?"

Annihilation, the most advanced and terrifying forbidden weapon in the Great Xia Dynasty!

Once this forbidden thing is used, let alone pseudo-dan, even the golden pill, and even the strong people in the Yuan infancy stage will not be able to survive!

This is a knock on the mountain!

The old man in the middle, named Gu Tuo, was the founder of the guardian, and he sighed lightly: "However, there are millions of living beings in Wuyang City after all!"

"If you use taboo things, I am afraid it will cause panic and unease among the people!"

A wry smile appeared on the third master's face: "A million living beings?

"Are there still so many people in Wuyang City now?"

"Wuyang City has been occupied by Wei Ye and others for twenty-three days!"

"For so long, we didn't get any internal news at all!"

"Moreover, after such a long blockade, what do the people eat?"

"Whose surplus can last so long?"

"As for what the people of the world will think... I think they should understand!

"The people of Wuyang City will surely forgive us for using taboo things!"

"I agree with the third man's proposal!" A yellow-robed old man suddenly said.

"Mozi once wrote in [Datori]: Kill one person to save the world, and do not kill one person to benefit the world; Killing oneself to save the world is killing oneself for the benefit of the world. In the midst of things, the weight is important. Please, not also. Take the lesser among the evils, seek righteousness, and seek righteousness.

"Right now, we simply don't have any other choice!"

The third master narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "This matter is my personal decision, and I don't need your support and consent!" "

Obviously, he wants to be that wicked man!

Immediately he looked at Li Mu: "Li Mu, I will give Chen Nan three days in the end, if he fails to transmit any news before six o'clock in the evening three days later, I will personally activate the forbidden thing and carry out a devastating attack on Wuyang City!" "

I know Third Master!"

Li Mu couldn't see any emotion on his face!

To put it bluntly, he is just the captain of the ninth squad of the guardians!

There is no ability to change the choice of these five ceilings at all!

Of course!

Even though he said that he could not activate forbidden things, he knew in his heart that only by activating forbidden things could he fiercely deter those ambitious cultivators in the world!

In order to protect more ordinary people!

Thirty miles west of

Wuyang City ------, there is a mountain called Anzi Mountain, more than a thousand meters above sea level, and at the top of the mountain, you can overlook the entire Wuyang City!

"Boss, what's going on up there? Did you think of any countermeasures? "

When Li Mu comes back.

Qin Hongyu hurriedly asked!

Meng Guo said: "Boss, where is the elbow?" Didn't you bring me back with an elbow?

Li Mu took out a storage bag and gave it to Meng Guo, and his eyes looked helplessly at the huge city silhouette in the distance: "Three days later, in the evening, if there is no news in the city, the third master will personally activate the forbidden things!" Meng

Guo just took out an elbow, but his body was shocked because of Li Mu's words, and even the colorful and fragrant elbow in his hand fell to the ground.

His eyes were filled with mist: "Is there no other way?" Is it really going to be like this? "

They all know it!

Once the forbidden thing is activated, Wuyang City will disappear into the world in an instant!

All houses, humans!

It will also evaporate instantly!

This is nothing less than cruel for the people in the city!

Li Mu muttered, "Unless there is a miracle!"

"I believe Chen Nan!" Meng Guo said, "To put it bluntly, that guy grew up as we watched, from an ordinary cultivator to the new head of the Huashan Sword Sect!"

"Moreover, he came back unscathed after going to Kunlun!"

"How can a tricky master be difficult to live with him now?"

"If I'm not mistaken, Chen Nan is definitely looking for an opportunity, and when he finds an opportunity, he will kill the trickster with one blow!"

Qin Hongyu also said, "I also believe in Chen Nan!" "


inside Wuyang City!

A group of Miaoling women are being played and humiliated by the trickster and his subordinates!

If someone does not comply, they will be mercilessly erased!

Blood is like a river, shocking!

Chen Nan's eyes were torn!

He couldn't see these women suffering like this!

But now, he hasn't completely refined the formation plate!

You can't turn your face with them at all!

"Brothers, today is a day of great joy, it is not appropriate to see blood!" Chen Nan smiled and took out some pills: "This is the Zhuxing Pill that the trickster asked me to refine, and I promise to let these beauties get carried away after taking it, and I can't wait to eat everyone!" As

soon as the words fell, he waved his hand casually, and those elixirs floated in front of those cultivators!

"It's a good thing!"

"Little lady, come, take it and let's play together!"

"Eat it for me!"

"Don't eat? I can't resist you! "

More than one hundred and thirty cultivators directly forced the elixir into the mouths of those women!

After a moment, those women seemed to have changed as individuals!

They lost consciousness!

Become extremely active!

Chen Nan's heart is like a knife!

He doesn't want that!

But it had to be like this!

Because it saves their lives!

"Brother Chen Dong, there are countless beautiful beauties in front of you, why don't you choose a few people to be happy together?" The trickster hugged two women left and right, and they had lived in hell for hundreds of years, like monks.

To be free now, you must indulge and indulge!

Chen Nandao: "Thanks to the attention of the tricky master, the heavy responsibility of controlling the formation plate is entrusted to me, I just want to refine the formation plate as soon as possible, as for the woman..." There are many Wuyang City, and there will be a chance to be happy in the future!

The trickster smiled gratifyingly: "I like a pragmatic guy like you, in that case, you should go back to refining the formation plate first, and staying here will affect your progress!" "


Chen Nan got up and picked up a glass of wine: "I salute everyone with this glass of wine, I wish the brothers an unforgettable night, I will leave first!" Then

he raised his head and drank the wine in his glass, and then walked outside!

When he walked out of the museum, his face instantly became gloomy!

Have fun!

When I take control of the formation, it will be the end for all of you!"

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