At this moment

, Chen Nan experienced what an unforgettable pain was

! He also realized that in the eyes of cultivators, mortal lives were as cheap as grass

! Agreed

! Yan Xiong's behavior also deeply angered him

! His eyes were scarlet, and his pupils were bloodshot

! "Give me death!" He

held a gentleman's sword, shrunk the ground into inches, raised his long sword, and cut down without order!

Chen Nan fought like crazy, and he was defeated and retreated, and there was no way to fight back

! But the other party was in the realm of great consummation in the foundation building period after all, even Chen Nan could not hurt him in the slightest

! It is not that Chen Nan's strength is too weak, in the final analysis, he is now controlling the formation, and he has released six doppelgangers to protect those mortals!

With your strength, you can't kill me at all!" Yan Xiong laughed loudly, his words full of disdain

! Chen Nan gasped and kept attacking the other party

! Even if it was difficult, he had to kill him as much as possible!

Yan Xiong kept provoking: "Chen Nan, if you take back the six doppelgangers, the shielding formation may be able to kill me, but now, you are destined to not burst out with all your strength!"

If I were you, I would definitely give up the lives of those ants to concentrate on killing the enemy!" Chen Nan shouted angrily: "If I give up their lives, what is the point of blending into Wuyang City?"

"Mansion Master, you can block the formation, this can save your mental power!" The golden boy's voice sounded in Chen Nan's mind! Chen Nan

was dumbfounded: "If the formation is blocked, many of them will definitely take the opportunity to escape!"


Nan's eyes lit up

: "You can?" "Yes!" Chen

Nan immediately said: "Well, you will help me control the formation and protect those people, I will kill Yan Xiong and the others!"


is the transition period for the golden boy to control the formation plate! After the transition period is passed, the large array is instantly urged to the extreme by

the golden boy! One after another sword light and shadow flashed in the air, slashing towards those cultivators

! Although the golden boy is a puppet, his attainment in controlling the formation is incomparable to Chen Nan's! At

this moment, the formation has also exerted its top power under the control of the golden boy!

But if it is given to a painter, he can paint a beautiful and lifelike painting

! The reason is the same

! "What's going on?" Yan Xiong gasped! He

could feel that the formation seemed to be controlled by others

! The power was far more powerful than before

! "Eat my sword!" Chen Nan spat out thunder, and slashed Huashan towards Yan Xiong with a force!

Yan Xiong was caught off guard, and set up a tiger head knife to resist in front of

him! Boom! When

the two weapons collided together, a terrifying energy poured

into Yan Xiong's body through the blade! Yan Xiong didn't want to let this energy inject into his body

! But

he couldn't

help it! That energy didn't listen to him at all, like a flash flood, torturing his

flesh and blood and meridians!

It also let his figure fly back tens of meters, the mouth of the tiger trembled slightly, and he could see the red blood slowly dripping down the blade

! "Kill him!" "Kill him!" "Kill

him!" "It was he who killed my daughter, I want to cut him by a thousand cuts!" Seeing

Chen Nan's momentum prevail, people in the distance all shouted excitedly!

"Don't you want me to go all out?"

You actually showed the strength that made me go all out!" Chen

Nan's figure was like the wind, appeared in front of Yan Xiong, and launched a powerful attack again

! It was still a simple sword move, but this time it made Yan Xiong miserable

! The other party's physical body is too strong, even he can't reach it!

However, he was looking for an opportunity, and when Chen Nan showed his flaws, he waved his right hand: "Lock the soul rope!"

A thin red line flashed away, and instantly disappeared into

Chen Nan's body! It also made Chen Nan's figure stunned in place, looking like a sculpture from a distance

! Yan Xiong laughed: "We are cultivators, what are cultivators competing in? It's magic, and magic weapons, little brother! Have you seen a few fools who specialize

in the flesh like you?" "No matter how strong the flesh body is, what is it in front of the magic weapon?"

"The soul locking rope is a magic weapon specifically aimed at the soul, once hit by it, anyone will become a lamb to be slaughtered

!" "Yes, this time Chen Nan is dead!" Yan

Xiong looked at the camera that was broadcasting live in the distance, and with a wave of his right hand, the cameraman and the camera flew in front of him.

He was facing the camera and said defiantly to hundreds of millions of people: "See? This is the hero you selected, do you think he can kill us

?" "Huh!" "Ants who do not measure up their strength, how can you provoke our strength?" "

Today I will kill him in public, so that you know the end of our enemy!" His

words aroused the anger of hundreds of millions of people!


if they didn't want Chen Nan to be killed, they couldn't save him

! Anger

! Helpless emotions filled

people's hearts! Some cultivators who were watching the live broadcast showed playful smiles

! If Chen Nan could really retake Wuyang City today, it would definitely be able to hit the arrogance on the cultivator's side and prevent some unscrupulous people from following the example of the tricky master!

! But if Chen Nan is killed today, this side of the secular world is equivalent to not succeeding in the master

! In this way, they can act arbitrarily in the mundane world


------ "Lying groove, how can this be?" They

were outside the gate of Wuyang City, originally thinking of picking up Chen Nan here and leading the people who came to help into Wuyang City!


Hongyu suddenly said, "Did we underestimate Chen Nan too?" "

Think back, he impressed us every time!"

The forbidden weapon is about to be activated, didn't he unseal Wuyang City in the last ten minutes, let us know the situation inside, and thus avoid a doomsday catastrophe?"

"I believe that he will still not let us down this time!"

The Soul Locking Rope is an extremely vicious magic weapon, specifically aimed at the soul, once hit by the Soul Locking Rope, there is no possibility of survival!" Qin

Hongyu let out an excited scream: "Look, Chen Nan seems to have moved!!

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