Li Mu quickly

looked at his mobile phone

! He saw that Chen Nan had already put his long sword on Yan Xiong's neck at some point

! "Lying groove, I didn't look at the eyes, did I?" Li Mu's eyes were hot

! Not only him

! Everyone who saw this scene all gasped!

Especially those cultivators, a monstrous wave rose in their hearts!

No one expected that after being hit by the Soul Locking Rope, Chen Nan could still have consciousness, and even put the long sword on Yan Xiong's neck

! Could it be that he had a magic weapon to ignore the attack

of the Soul Locking Rope? "Impossible, you obviously hit the Soul Locking Rope, how can you still be conscious?" Yan Xiong screamed, he couldn't accept this!

Although he had taunted the other party for cultivating the flesh before, he knew that once he came into close contact with this kind of cultivation of the flesh master, it was destined to be a very terrifying thing

! "I didn't expect that your so-called soul locking rope would be so weak!" Chen Nan sighed lightly, the gentleman's sword in his hand was like cutting leeks, and he quickly cut it down fiercely

! "No!" Yan

Xiong let out a heart-rending scream, his head was cut off by Chen Nan, and blood gushed out, looking shocking!

Everyone applauded him, because Yan Xiong deserved it, and it was not a pity to die

!" "Next, it's you!"

Chen Nan killed the other cultivators

! In fact, thanks to the Immortal Mansion! If it weren't for the Immortal Mansion absorbing the Soul Locking Rope, Chen Nannan would have encountered accidents! According

to what the jade girl said before, the Immortal Mansion is still a defensive immortal weapon that can ignore all spiritual attacks!

Not to mention a small soul chain

! Yan Xiong, a strong man who had completed the foundation building period, died

in the hands of Chen Nan, how could the others be Chen Nan's opponents? Even if they attacked in groups, they could not hurt Chen

Nan! "If you have a next life, don't do it!" Chen

Nan's sword pierced Bao Zhen's heart!

At this point,

all one hundred and thirty-seven cultivators under the tricky master have been killed!

Those more than 300 cultivators who had defected to the evil master were also killed by

the formation formation! Blood stained the

ground! The ground was full of bones

! Chen Nan sat casually on a corpse, smoking a cigarette

! At this time, he was covered in blood, and he couldn't see his true appearance clearly

! He looked like a god of death

! But even though he had a lot of blood on his body, he was not harmed in the slightest!

He weakly beckoned to the reporter and signaled him to step forward

! The other party agreed, and quickly trotted to

Chen Nan with the camera! Chen Nan asked weakly: "Is it a live broadcast?" The

camera brother didn't know whether he was nervous, excited, or frightened, and couldn't say anything at all, just nodded with the camera.

"Oh!" Chen Nan promised, and said into the camera: "I know, there are many cultivators watching what is happening here at this moment

!" "In that case, I will take the opportunity to say a few words!" "

I hope that the incident in Wuyang City will only happen once!" "

If anyone dares to violate the worldly balance, occupy a certain city, and harm my compatriots, I Chen Nan will definitely cut it by a thousand cuts!"

He is very domineering, which is equivalent to openly calling out to all cultivators

! This move has also made the blood of hundreds of millions of compatriots boiling

! Alone, but he dares to challenge all cultivators

! Let me ask, who has such boldness and courage today?

At this moment

, many people regard Chen Nan as a god-like existence

! In fact, there is no god in this world

! It's just that he did things that are difficult for ordinary people to do, so he became a god!


, Chen Nan's words also aroused the anger and dissatisfaction of countless cultivators

! They were high and high, but today they were ignored in public by a junior! This

is simply a slap

in the face! However,

it seems that there is no need to meet him in general

! Even if he kills Yanxiong

! But there is also a trickster of the Golden Pill Realm!

It was impossible for Chen Nan to survive under the wrath

of the tricky master! At this moment

, the battle in the air suddenly became quiet

! A headless corpse landed beside Chen Nan, making a dull crashing sound

! Then!

The sword fairy puppet carried Yanxiong's head with one hand and landed beside Chen Nan, and threw the tricky master's head in front of Chen Nan: "I still have business, take my leave first, if you have trouble, you can summon me at any time!"

Chen Nan arched his hand: "There is Uncle Lao!" The

figure of the sword fairy puppet slowly turned transparent! It

looked like it had disappeared between heaven and earth, but it had actually entered the Immortal Mansion

! The tragic death of the strange master caused countless shouts and thunderous shouts

! The people of Wuyang City in the distance shed hot tears

! It was his appearance that changed Wuyang City, turning

the originally prosperous city into purgatory!

Chen Nan sat on the corpse, stepped on Yan Xiong's head with his left foot, and stepped on the head of Yan Xiong with his right foot, looking at the camera and said: "The tricky master is dead, this is the end of harming innocent people, if you think I am provoking, you can try!"

The handsome face was stained red with blood, and he looked full of evil! Especially

the camera brother had very high shooting skills, almost lying

on the ground! Chen Nan at this angle was very tall and majestic! Many

people took screenshots

! Take pictures

! Freeze this picture

! Even if the scene is cruel and bloody

! But it is the most handsome scene in the hearts of the people!

After this battle, Chen Nan also had another name

! He was affectionately called the Great Demon

King by the common people! He was also called the Great Demon King by those cultivators!


"I just said he can do it!" Qin

Hongyu: "Yes, he is a miracle in himself, and incredible feats can always happen to him!"

I really didn't expect that our Guardian Ninth Squad actually produced a ruthless person, and his courage to call the cultivators of the world before was unprecedented!" Li Mu's

expression was instantly solemn: "He is attracting the attention of all cultivators, which is equivalent to attracting enemy fire

!" Suddenly

, his mobile phone rang, and he received a call from the Guardian Base Camp, and said seriously: "Yes, we will definitely complete the task and strive to restore Wuyang City to its original state in the shortest possible time!"

"Third Master, I have a request here.

"That's right, there are twelve brave and fearless girls who chose to sacrifice in order to gain the trust of the enemy in order to make Chen Nan the enemy.

"I want people to cast golden bodies for them and enshrine them in Wuyang City

!" "Let the world remember their merits!" The

third master whispered: "I will personally cast golden bodies for them!" ------ "

Golden boy, shield the formation, let the rescuers outside in!"

Chen Nan ordered to the golden boy

! The formation slowly disappeared!

The air of freedom instantly swept through the entire city, dispersing the pungent smell of blood over

the city! But it could not heal the damage suffered by the city!


have the descendants of Yanhuang ever feared harm and suffering?

No disaster or injury can crush a tenacious nation!

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