Chen Nan didn't know what Ruo Lan meant, but he still went to his room! Just

before arriving at the door, the door opened automatically, and then came Ruo Lan's soft voice: "Come in!" Stepping

into it, the door slowly closed

! A refreshing fragrance came to his face

! There was a sound of water splashing behind the screen!

You wait for me first, I'll answer you two questions later!" Ruo Lan's voice was soft, with a trace of inexplicable nervousness

! Although the two questions asked by Chen Nan often echoed in her mind! Chen Nan

cleared his throat and asked, "This is what you call the method of condensing

pills?" Ruo Lan said softly: "Compared to taking pills, absorbing the power of other people's golden pills, double cultivation is more secure!"

However, did you ask about my attitude?" "

You are not a decent gentleman, you should wish that I and you were a double cultivator, right?"

When they first met, Chen Nan became a satyr, a rogue, and a disciple in her heart

! In addition, she also knew that Chen Nan had many confidantes!

If it weren't for the fact that she wanted to condense the golden pill this time, she wouldn't have practiced with Chen Nan together!"

"I am indeed not a decent gentleman, but... Forget it, you better take the Nine Turns Golden Pill!" said as he put the Nine Turns Golden Pill on the table and turned and left Ruo Lan's room.

"Why did this guy change his sex?" Ruo Lan said that she couldn't accept

it, she thought that she and Chen Nanshuangxiu would definitely be very happy!

But she never expected that he had started to take a bath, but he turned away

!" "Okay, if you don't take pills, where will you put my face on hold like this? How can I stand in the future?"


"Prepare me something to eat!"

Leaving Ruolan's room, Chen Nan came to the gang room and ordered the disciples in the gang room: "

He is not hungry,

nor does he have the slightest desire to eat!"

But before his death, Master Wushan warned him to eat on time!

Chen Nan turned around and went back to his

room! A moment later

, the disciples of the guy room sent four dishes

! Two meats and two vegetarians

! In addition to a pot of wine

! "Why, want to get drunk alone?" Ruo Lan came wearing a long black dress, her long hair coiled together, and a turquoise jade hairpin inserted on it!


Lan took out two wine bowls, poured the wine, and said: "Come, Miss Ben will be drunk with you tonight!"

Chen Nan asked: "Do you want to sleep with me?" Ruo

Lan's face turned red, he didn't expect Chen Nan to be so direct, but he still endured the tension in his heart: "I just want to answer your question."

"I don't care about those two issues now!" Chen Nan picked up the wine bowl and drank the spirit in the bowl

! "You shouldn't be taken away by anyone, right?" Ruo Lan's eyes were strange, she felt that Chen Nan seemed to have changed a person! Chen

Nan shook his head, and the whole person revealed a melancholy temperament: "I should be sick

!" Ruo Lan couldn't help but say: "Heart disease?"

Chen Nan: "En!"

"If you have something you can tell me!" Ruo Lan subconsciously grabbed Chen Nan's hand, her eyes solemn: "You have now reached the late stage of foundation building, with your talent, you may one day condense the pill, thus triggering the Heavenly Tribulation

!" "If there is something hidden in your heart, you must say it, otherwise it will produce a heart demon!" Chen

Nan looked at the vast starry sky outside the window: "I also know the harm of heart demons, you may not believe it when you say it, I have also strangled my own heart demons!"

But this time, I don't know what to do!" "

Nangong Wan died tragically in his arms, making him grieve for a long time

! He was ashamed of each other in his heart

! That time

! He had a heart demon

, but also because of that incident, he learned what love is

! So!

He confessed to He Shanshan, Jian Ning, Xu Qianxin and others that he was a scumbag!"

But this time, I hurt twelve innocent girls!" He

couldn't let go of the matter of Wuyang City

! Although everyone knew that those twelve girls had become heroes,

he never had the courage to tell others about that night!


Nan's eyes flashed with pain: "I also know that they don't blame me

!" "But I can't cross the hurdle in my heart!" "I've

been asking myself!

""If I only took the two girls that night, wouldn't the others have to die?"

Have you ever thought that if you hadn't taken those ten girls, they might have been better off alive

than dead, or tortured to death?" "Although they are dead now, they are heavier than Mount Tai

!" "And in the next life, they will definitely vote for a rich and noble family!" Chen

Nan sighed: "I understand what you said, but as long as I think of that little thing in the boudoir now, I can't help but think of them, and I will think of what happened in Wuyang City!"

It's not that I can't do it, it's that I'm afraid of that kind of thing

!" Ruo Lan was speechless

! She didn't know how to comfort Chen Nan! But she knew that Chen Nan was very sick this time

! If he didn't untie his heart, he would definitely be dispersed when he crossed the calamity

! "Drink the bar, sleep or anything!" she sighed softly, and then poured wine for Chen Nan, accompanied him to eat and drink!

Until Chen Nan was drunk on the table, her eyes showed a distressed gaze

! Chen Nan evoked her inner mother's love

! This guy is only twenty-three years old after all! At

a young age, he has already borne too many pressures and responsibilities that ordinary people cannot bear...

She picked Chen Nan up, put him on the bed, and helped him take off his shoes and clothes!

She hesitated for

a long time! There was a hint of shyness in her eyes

! Slowly faded the black long skirt on her body, wearing a red belly pocket and a white profane robe, lying quietly beside

Chen Nan! She knew that Chen Nan was afraid of that kind of thing

! But now

! She had no other way

! She wanted to give Chen Nan a poison to fight poison!

This might be able to untie his heart!


next day

, when Chen Nan opened his eyes, he struck a fierce spirit! At

this time, Ruo Lan was nestled in his arms, and her petite body looked charming!

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