Chen Nan's heart couldn't calm down for a long time

! Since the incident that night, he had suffered from a serious mental illness!


this time, Ruo Lan in his arms let out a murmur: "Why do you still carry a stick when you sleep..."

Before she finished speaking, she reacted violently and subconsciously withdrew her left hand

! Her face was red like a ripe peach

! She looked at Chen Nan and said seriously: "I thought a lot last night, I know how to comfort you!" The

trembling eyelashes revealed the tension and trepidation in her heart!

Chen Nan smiled and said, "You remind me of the previous quarrels with my two little sisters, and I was not an opponent at all when I quarreled, but when I calmed down, I always felt that I couldn't exert my due strength when I quarreled!"

"No!" Ruo

Lan's eyes were firm: "Because your original intention is to think about them, even if you think the harm is for them." And when they die, they can still get the love of big heroes like you, I think they should be very happy!" "

As the old saying goes, a hundred years of cultivation can cross the same boat, and a thousand years of cultivation

can sleep together!" "The dewy husband and wife love that night alone can make them get a lot of blessings!"

Hearing this, Chen Nan's spirit was shocked

! He had seen Hou Feifei, and according to Liu Caihe's words, she had the power of merit!

Ruo Lan immediately continued: "I also know that you are very tormented in your heart, but have you ever thought that when you told me what happened to those twelve girls last night, you were actually ready to let go in your heart!"


Lan said: "People have to go through a lot of things and make many choices in this life, and no one can guarantee that every choice will be right, but as long as you have an open heart, you have nothing to fear

!" "After all, any choice has to pay a price!"

Chen Nan was like a daigo empowerment, and his head regained his clarity!

My purpose in sneaking into Wuyang City was to rescue the people there

! Although twelve girls died tragically because

of me! But as long as they have a clear conscience, isn't it enough to be worthy of their sacrifices!

If they have spirits in the sky, they shouldn't want to see me so decadent and negative, right?

Chen Nan's face regained its original fighting spirit: "Thank you, I know what to do!" Ruo

Lan huffed and said, "Thank me, so just move your hands and feet?"

Chen Nan smiled wickedly: "Don't you want to tell me those two answers?" "


the situation? You shouldn't have crossed the hurdle in your heart, right?" Ruo Lan snorted

! Oh my God

! What kind of mind is this

? Can he recover in such a short time?

Before she could come back to her senses, Chen Nan gave all his initiative to Ruo Lan!

At the same time, Ruo Lan also got a metamorphosis

! Stepping into the pseudo-Dan realm

! Her face was red, and her belly pocket was a little messy, but she did not hide her inner excitement: "In six days, I will usher in the Heavenly Tribulation!" Chen

Nan frowned

! Six days later was the day he agreed with the Blood Emperor, and at this time the tribulation made him feel powerless!


Nan spoke: " In this way, you first leave Cangyun Peak and find a quiet place to cross the Tribulation, it's just that I can't protect the Dharma for you when you cross

the Tribulation!" Ruo Lan said softly: "You don't have to worry about me, with the spirit weapon and magic weapon you gave, I have a lot of confidence in the Heavenly Tribulation!

Chen Nan grinned: "Then you don't have to worry, since I dare to let the Blood Emperor come to the door to make amends, naturally I am not afraid of him!" Ruo

Lan was also relieved


Although she had confidence in the tribulation, but six days later is the day when the Blood Emperor came to the door!

This time, I want to simply experience the affairs of men and women!" "

Although the two of them have had it once before, it

is mainly based on cultivation!


In that case, let you know my bravery!" ------


! The two went to the room satisfied

! This cultivation not only improved Ruo Lan's cultivation, but even Chen Nan also stepped into the late eighth layer of the foundation building period

! After all, Ruo Lan is not a mortal, and both of them can benefit each other!

After lunch in the gang room, Chen Nan called a disciple and gave him a storage bag: "You go to Villa No. 95 of Jeju Banshan Villa, bury this storage bag in the back garden!" The

storage bag contained Zong Qiang, as well as the corpses of the Blood Emperor's subordinates!

In the past three days, Ruolan and Chen Nan are inseparable 'sticky' together, although she is about to cross the calamity, but Chen Nan's cultivation is a little weak, the two can

help Chen Nan improve his cultivation together! Of course, she said to help Chen Nan improve his cultivation! I don't know if she wants to help Chen Nan improve his cultivation, or he wants his body! But

it did help Chen Nan!


him enter the ninth layer of the foundation building period!


she stepped into Jindan, it would be even more helpful

to Chen Nan! At

noon this day

! Just when Chen Nan was lying in Cangyun Peak and listening to Ruo Lan playing the pipa, the voice of the golden boy came from his head: "Mansion master, those seventeen people want to come out!" Chen Nan's

eyes lit up!

Have they all broken through?

But the improvement in strength is also a good thing for him

, without much thought, he directly released seventeen people!

"Have you ever felt the signs of the Heavenly Tribulation?" asked Chen Nan impatiently.

Chen Nan frowned: "What do you mean? Can't you understand what I just said? I ask you if you feel any signs of the Heavenly Tribulation? When will your Heavenly Tribulation come?"

Isn't it the day the Blood Emperor arrives?"

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