Cui Huai said disdainfully: "Who has the ability to kill us?"

"Chen Nan, it's you who damn

it!" "Not only you, but even your senior uncle will be buried in the hands of the Blood Emperor!"

Those Jindan period powerhouses in the distance laughed loudly!

Cui Huai's eyes were indifferent: "The surname Chen, what means can be used, let me see how strong you are..." Poof..."

Before the words were finished, an unexpected scene happened

! An emerald green vine broke through the soil, like a green light, breaking through Cui Huai's valley and pouring into his body

! "What the is this?" The

severe pain made Cui Huai scream, and he subconsciously raised his long sword to cut off the vine under him

! But at this moment,

a green vine more than half a meter long appeared strangely from his mouth!

"For... What will... So... How come there is one here... Genies..." Cui Huai's body is aging rapidly, and his consciousness is gradually blurred

! The Immortal Killing Vine not only devours the blood and flesh of the cultivator, but also can swallow the soul of the cultivator

! Just the kung fu between breaths, Cui Huai's body becomes a dry corpse

! Weird! Terrifying

! This picture makes everyone's scalp numb and shudder! That

is a strong man in the nine-layer realm of the Golden Pill Period!


Who would have thought that at this moment, they would be killed by a vine on the spot

, even if they saw it with their own eyes, it would be difficult for them to accept

it!" "The strength of this elf is very strong, everyone pay attention to dodge, don't be hit by it!" Lu Tong roared lowly, and then locked his gaze on Chen Nan, he knew that this elf monster was Chen Nan's last hole card!

Lu Tong raised his hand and shot out a flame, vainly hoping to destroy

the vine through the flames! After all, the vine belongs to wood in the five elements, and the flame is its nemesis

! Unfortunately, that vine was not affected in any way, passing through the flames released by

Lu Tong! "Not good!" Lu

Tong exclaimed, he instantly took out

the sword! One after another terrifying sword qi, cutting the vine into pieces

! ! The emerald green juice fell to the ground, and it was still emitting fluorescence!

A trace of disdain flashed in Lu Tong's eyes: "In my opinion, it's not very good!"

Although Lu Tong killed a vine just now, no one underestimated that monster

! After all, it had just killed Cui Huai, a powerhouse of the ninth layer of the Golden Pill Period!

Someone recognized the Immortal Killing Vine, and he was so frightened that his face was bloodless and he directly collapsed on the ground!

"Oh my God, how can there be such a terrifying existence in this world?"

"Run!" "Yes, all of us have to die if we stay here!"

For example, if it has swallowed the strong people of the Golden Pill Period, its strength will reach the Golden Pill Period, and it is an invincible existence in the Golden Pill Period

! Although there are more than a hundred Golden Pills under the Blood Emperor, they don't think they can defeat the Immortal

Killing Vine!" "Ah

!" "Get away

!" "Don't eat me!" The

Blood Emperor's subordinates wanted to escape, but the Immortal Killing Vine didn't give them a chance at all!

Vines wrapped around their ankles and waist, dragging them into the ground in an instant

! Although some people temporarily dodged the attack of the Immortal Killing Vine

! However, they didn't know where to escape

! Because the surrounding thunderclouds had gathered, and those elders of the Huashan Sword Sect were all crossing the calamity!

Chen Nan, you should be really ruthless, you actually fed the Immortal Killing Vine and let him mutilate us! Aren't you afraid of being punished by heaven for this kind of behavior?" came

the angry roar of the Blood Emperor in the air

! He never expected Chen Nan to have such a method

! If it weren't for that damn blue-shirted man, with his cultivation, he could have completely escaped from here! But now! The blue-shirted man

is pestering him!

Chen Nan laughed angrily: " "

I mutilated you?" "I was punished by heaven

?" Speaking of this, his eyes suddenly became cold: "You sent people to seize the Huashan Sword Sect, causing more than a thousand disciples of my Huashan Sword Sect to die tragically, didn't you think at that time that this was mutilating others?"

I, Chen Nan, have a bright and honest life, and I have a clear conscience, how can I be afraid

of the punishment of heaven?" The Blood Emperor was furious: "But the Immortal Vine is a taboo thing, it is an evil thing, and

it is against the way of heaven for you to collude with it!" Chen Nan was amused: "Cultivation is going against the sky, you tell me that it is against the way of heaven?"

"Why did you just leave hell, but this time you are going to the real hell?" The

masters of the Golden Pill Period brought by the Blood Emperor collapsed

! They finally left the eighteenth small world, although it was called hell, but it was only a difficult environment

! And now, they are about to go to the real hell!

"I don't want to die..."

A desperate scream was heard

in the distance! He escaped from Cangyun Peak, but he strayed under someone else's thundercloud

! Instantly triggered heavenly thunder, causing his soul to scatter

! Of course, he was not alone in this situation

! Several experts of the Golden Pill Period escaped from Cangyun Peak and escaped from the attack range of the Immortal Killing Vine

! But thunderclouds were covered in all directions!

He brought more than

a hundred powerhouses of the Golden Pill Stage realm

! But now, in just the blink of an eye, more than half of them were killed and injured

! He felt his heart dripping blood!

"Chen Nan, don't fight, I am willing to shake hands with you and make peace, and I am also willing to express condolences to the disciples who died in Cangyunfeng, and repent

!"If he didn't surrender, these people he brought with him would all be devoured by the Immortal Killing Vine!

Chen Nan shook his head: "I'm sorry, I gave you the opportunity, but you didn't take it!" The

Blood Emperor was furious: "What do you mean?"

Chen Nan's eyes showed a cold light, and the killing intent boiled: "I want all of you to pay for the disciples who died in Cangyun Peak!"

The Blood Emperor erupted into a landslide-like momentum: "You are nothing more than this monster to dare to be the enemy of this emperor, if it weren't for it, you would have died eight hundred times

!" "Since you want to kill all of us, then this emperor will die with

you!" "Everyone obeys my orders

!" "Self-detonate Jindan, even if you die, let Chen Nan and this monster pay for our lives!" Chen Nan's

face changed!


only will the Cangyun Summit be razed to the ground, but even the eighteen elders who have crossed the calamity will be scattered!

The voice of the golden boy sounded in Chen Nan's head: "Don't worry, the lord of the mansion, I can put them into the Immortal Mansion for you to slaughter!"

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