Chen Nan's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said, "Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and put them into

the Immortal Mansion!" Without the voice of the golden boy, Chen Nan didn't know what to do

! Even if he could hide in the Immortal Mansion, he couldn't keep Cangyun Peak!


Chen Nan squeezed his hands, and

the Immortal Mansion flew out in the center of his eyebrows! A cyan light appeared in the air, and the silhouette of an Immortal Mansion slowly appeared! From

a distance, it looked like a pagoda! The

Blood Emperor roared: "Even if you have the Heavenly Magic Weapon, it is difficult to escape today..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt a terrifying devouring force coming from the pagoda in the air

! The next moment

! The fifty-three Golden Pill stage powerhouses including him all entered another space

! This place is extremely spacious, and it is filled with rich spiritual energy!

The Blood Emperor's face was full of horror: "This... This turned out to be an independent

space?""Could it be that this is a space magic weapon?" Everyone

else was also numb, they originally wanted to use the Jindan self-explosion method to die with Chen Nan

! But now

! They can't control the power of Jindan

! Their strength is limited here

! To put it bluntly, just like mortals!

"Didn't you want to self-detonate?

Without warning

, Chen Nan appeared in front of everyone like a ghost, with a playful smile

on his face! The golden boy and the jade girl stood on his left and right! The golden boy

said: "Mansion master, the cultivation of these people has been imprisoned, you can erase them with your mind at any time!" "

Who are you? What the hell is this place?"

This is the Qingji Immortal Mansion, it is a superb immortal weapon! Er and others actually want to kill the lord of my family's mansion, it is really a grasshopper shaking the tree, and he can't measure his strength!" "

What? This is actually a superb immortal weapon?" The Blood Emperor's scalp was numb, and he was so frightened that he collapsed directly on the ground! Everyone

behind him was also stunned! Although

they had reached the Golden Pill Stage and had the ability to fly with the imperial sword, they

did not have a spirit weapon!


Senior Chen, please show your subordination and let us have a way of life, I am willing to follow your side, and it is incumbent on me to go up the sword mountain and down the sea of fire!" The Blood Emperor knelt directly

! Chen Nan can get the so-called immortal weapon at a young age, this is an existence with a great opportunity!

It seems that there is no shame in turning to him, right?

This person is gifted beyond the ability to kill a second-layer powerhouse in the Golden Pill Period with the cultivation of the eighth layer of the Foundation Building Period

! This is something that many people can do in ancient and modern times,

not to mention that even the terrifying taboo thing of the Immortal Killing Vine obeys his orders!

Chen Nan thought about it, and then felt that what the golden boy said was reasonable

! Now that the eighteen-heavenly king has entered the world, if his strength is not enough to resist!

If there are these people, he can do a lot of things!"

"Don't thank the lord of the mansion for not killing?"

The Blood Emperor was the first to take the lead in thanking Chen Nan for his grace of not killing, and as for the others, they all knelt on the ground as soon as possible to thank Chen Nan for his kindness!

The golden boy continued: "You need to drop a drop of blood to fall to the ground, so that the lord of the mansion can control the soul of Er and others, if any of you have a bad heart, hehe, the lord of the mansion will kill the soul of Er and others in an instant!"

Since he decided to follow Chen Nanming, he also had to show some sincerity

! A moment later, Chen Nan felt that the Blood Emperor, as well as the soul marks of the fifty-three Golden Pill Period powerhouses under him, were all attached to the Immortal Mansion!

The master of the house, the villain Xue Yun, is an aboriginal of the third-party small world, because he violated the rules of the third-party small world hundreds of years ago, he was sent to hell

!" Chen Nan snorted, and said: "Tell me about Emperor Yu, Xiu Wei, and where he is now!" Xue

Yun didn't know why Chen Nan asked like this, but still said: "Emperor Yu has the nine-layer great consummation of the Golden Pill Period, and his strength is above me. As for him now, it seems that he has gone

to Kyoto!" Chen Nan frowned: "What to do in Kyoto?" Xue

Yun said: "Emperor Yu wanted to invade Ultimate South Mountain before, but he was forced to retreat by the cultivators of Ultimate South Mountain, and he had no choice but to go to the world!" Chen

Nan had also heard what his father-in-law Nangong He had done during this time, and he used the Ultimate South Mountain vein to force back the strong man from hell!

Chen Nan's eyes flashed with a cold light

! No matter where Emperor Yu went, he had to find the other party and make him pay a heavy price

! It's just that

Kyoto is the foot of the Son of Heaven, and he can't send Xue Yun to kill him

! After all, both of them are strong people in the late Jindan period, if they really fight in Kyoto, they can turn Kyoto into ruins in an instant

! "Go out first!" Chen Nan's heart moved, and he released everyone!

Seeing these strong people appear

again, the Immortal Killing Vine launched another attack! The Blood Emperor and the others were about to be scared to pee

! If it weren't for the Immortal Killing Vine before, they would not have been forced to self-detonate the Golden Pill! Now that the Immortal Killing Vine is attacking again, can they not panic?

"Own people, don't do it!" Chen

Nan hurriedly called a halt

! Since these people swore allegiance to themselves, naturally they couldn't let the Immortal Killing Vine

continue to plague them!


there was a vine leaf floating towards Chen Nan, which read: I have eaten enough, I need to retreat for a period of time, and this time your agreement with me is invalid! Chen Nan

looked at the robbery clouds in all directions, and his voice was like thunder, "The Blood Emperor and the others have already defected to my Huashan Sword Sect, you can cross the calamity at ease, don't be distracted!"


are so awesome, naturally we can't lose the momentum of the Huashan Sword Sect! Isn't

it just three heavenly thunders

! What are you afraid of?

Chen Nan's words inspired everyone!

They used the spirit weapon given by Chen Nan to resist the last heavenly thunder and successfully survived the Heavenly Tribulation

! At this point, eighteen Golden Pill period powerhouses appeared in the Huashan Sword Sect!

Chen Nan's hanging heart also fell to the ground, he looked at Xue Yun and said, "Xue Yun, give you a task, if you can't complete it, then you don't have to come back to see me!"

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