
Li Mu was completely furious, his eyes widened angrily, and he roared loudly: "Li Muya, I advise you to be a little more respectful and don't think anything wrong with Chen Nan!"

"This kind of person is not a good match for you at all!"

"You should find an ordinary person, a husband and a godson!"

"And not scum like him!"

"He can't give you the love you want!"

Li Muya looked at the other party blankly, as if he didn't expect him to be angry with himself!

After coming back to her senses, she smiled and took out a cigarette and imitated her idol and put it in her mouth: "I really didn't expect that you would be angry with me!"

"Come to think of it, you haven't been angry with me in almost twenty years, have you?"

"You looked really fierce just now!"

"Okay, okay, I know you're thinking about me!"

"But, do you really know what I want now?" Saying that, he pressed Li Mu's shoulder and let him sit on the sofa!

The two brothers and sisters sat face to face!

Li Muya's face also returned to her usual composure!


She lit a cigarette and recalled: "My dream when I was a child was very simple, study well, then find a stable job, find a man I like, get a husband and a godson, and live a dull life!"

"I am Chinese New Year's Eve years old, and this dream has always been with me!"

"Until last month, Wuyang City was occupied by cultivators!"

"Until hell appears before our eyes!"

"I realized that we should live in the moment more than good wishes!"

"Live every day!"

"It's enough to make every day full and wonderful!"

"Because none of us know which one will come first tomorrow and tomorrow!"

"And then?" Li Mu squinted, he couldn't remember how long it had been since he had spoken to Xiao Mei like now!

Li Muya said: "Yes, I don't deny that I used to hate scumbags the most, even now I hate scumbags!"

"But I want to ask, why do scumbags make people like?"

"Aren't they all have factors in them that make women like them?"

"As for Chen Nan, you said he was scum, but is he really scum?"

"What scumbag have you ever seen dare to make his feelings public?"

Li Mu was speechless!

Other scumbags stepped on several boats, all fearing their heads and tails, for fear of showing their stuffing!

For fear of drowning alive after capsizing!

But Chen Nan made his feelings public!

He really can't understand this operation!

Li Muya asked, "Do you know why he did this?"

Li Mu said disdainfully: "Satisfy your own ridiculous desires!"

Li Muya shook her head: "Your idea is too narrow!"

"People have desires!"

"The reason why we are not used to the behavior of others is, in the final analysis, because of envy!"

"Don't deny what I said!"

"Because you once told me that you want to become rich when you grow up, so that the red flag at home will not fall, and the colorful flag will flutter outside!"

Li Mu said embarrassed: "People change, and I don't count what I said in my childhood!"

Li Muya did not expose his hypocritical lie, and continued: "The reason why Chen Nan is honest about his feelings is, in the final analysis, respect for each other!

"Let them choose!"

"Maybe you think he's a scumbag!"

"But in my opinion, the most important thing emotionally is respect!"

"If there is respect, there will be no betrayal and deception!"

"Isn't that enough?"

Li Mu was embarrassed and angry: "Crooked reason, you are all crooked reason!"

"And, you have to understand that if you stay with him, you will lose a lot!"

"You are the pride of our family, do you really want to make a compromise for a Chen Nan?"

Li Muya said: "I said, I didn't think about tomorrow, as long as I live happily every day, I will be content!"

"Maybe you will lose a lot with Chen Nan!"

"But the satisfaction and happiness of being with such a big hero is not something that others can give!"

Speaking of this, a look of yearning appeared on his face!

"I advise you to think again!" Li Mu knew that he couldn't talk about him, and left Li Muya's apartment in a fit of rage!

"It's time for me to go to work!"

Li Muya conveniently extinguished the cigarette butt, put on a black-framed glasses, changed into high heels, and left the apartment in good spirits!

For some reason!

She feels that the flowers on campus today are particularly fragrant!

The sky is extra blue!

Even the call of the magpie, which she usually feels irritable, is particularly beautiful!

It's like congratulating her!



Chen Nan came to the door of the junior classroom!

At this time, Sheng Wendong was standing in front of the podium, talking about the knowledge related to medicinal herbs!

After hearing Chen Nan's voice, he turned his head to look at him!

A trace of coldness flashed in his eyes, and then Yin and Yang said strangely: "Yo, who should I be, dare to love is Chen Tiancai!"

"I'm sorry, I can't teach a genius like you!"

"You better go to the intermediate class, or the advanced class!"

"If you feel that listening to the lecture is boring, I can also give you the podium, and you will explain the medicinal techniques to the students!"

Everyone else looked at Chen Nan with sympathy!

You said that whose class can't you miss, you have to miss Wendong's class?

Isn't this self-inflicted unhappiness and what?

Chen Nan also felt that Sheng Wendong was targeting him, but he didn't panic at all!

He said cheerfully: "Teacher Sheng, if I come to explain the art of medicinal herbs, then aren't you laid off?"

Sheng Wendong slammed the podium and said angrily: "Hippie smiling, do you still have a little rule?"

He was furious, and the atmosphere in the classroom was suddenly much more depressed!

Although Sheng Wendong is just an ordinary teacher, the consequences of anger are still very serious!

"I know you're a genius and you've been appreciated by those professors!"

"I also know that the smoking cessation pill you developed is immeasurable!"


"It's not capital that you don't put the school rules and teachers in your eyes!"

"You really think you're a genius?"

"Ask these students in the classroom, which one is not a genius student?"

"Why do they all get to class on time, and you take time off from the first class?"

"This is the school!"

"It's not a wet market where you want to come and go!"

"Okay, you don't have to go to my class in the future, go and stand in the corridor!"

Chen Nan's face was full of embarrassment: "Teacher Sheng, I did have something just now, it's not that I don't put you in my eyes." Yes, it was Principal Li who had something to do with me, and I would only ask my grandson to help me take a leave of absence in a hurry!

"Don't be angry, I promise never to do it again!"

If he goes out to the penalty station in the first class, where will his face go?

It's no big deal to apologize!

Sheng Wendong was furious: "How? Unexpectedly used Li Muya to press me? A yellow-haired girl who has not dried up, you think I am afraid of her? As

soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked!

I never expected Sheng Wendong to say such a thing!

Right now!

Li Muya appeared behind Chen Nan, her face expressionless: "Teacher Sheng, I don't seem to have sinned against you, right?" Why do you have such a big opinion of me? "

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