The scene is as quiet as the drop of needles!

No one expected Li Muya to come!

Especially Sheng Wendong, his eyes were full of shock!

Although he has never been used to Li Muya, he has never thought of tearing his face with her!

After all, he has more than a year to retire!

The words just now were nothing more than words rushing to the lips!

If he had known that Li Muya would come, he would definitely not have said!

"Teacher Sheng, I have always respected you!" Li Muya walked into the classroom and said generously: "If you have any dissatisfaction with me, you can say it in front of the big guy!"

"Save the suspicion of others, did I suppress you and put on small shoes for you!"

"If not, why would you, an excellent university teacher, slander me in front of all your classmates!"

The students in the classroom felt like their hearts had stopped!

No one expected that Li Muya, who was originally humble and courteous, would be so strong at this moment!

Her words were equivalent to declaring war directly on Sheng Wendong!

Sheng Wendong's face was gloomy!

He didn't expect that Li Muya would declare war on him for Chen Nan!

But at this point, he had no way back at all!

Otherwise, I am afraid that it will be late and unsafe!

Taking a deep breath, he said, "In that case, then let me say my opinion!"

"You are not qualified to be the head of the Department of Chinese Medicine!"

"Not even qualified to be the dean of the medical school!"

Hear this!

All the students felt their scalps tingle!

Once thought that Sheng Wendong was crazy!

How else could you say such a thing?

Li Muya smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry, this is the favor of the school leader, so I was assigned to this position!"

"If you have an opinion about my ability, you can go to the school leadership office to react!"

"Favor?" Sheng Wendong snorted coldly: "What skills do you have?" Applied for 10 million funds to develop drugs for smoking cessation, and the result?

"The lab was built, and so was the team!"

"But your project that cost tens of millions is not as good as a young man, and people can easily develop drugs to quit smoking!"

"Are you worthy of the trust that the school leaders have placed in you?"

"Is it worth the 10 million R&D funds?"

This high hat is buttoned down, which shows how bad Sheng Wendong's mind is!

But Li Muya seemed very quiet: "That's it? "

That's it?" Sheng Wendong looked at her incredulously: "Why are you embarrassed to say the words [just this]?" Do you know how much taxpayers' hard-earned money that is?

Li Muyayun said lightly: "Yes, I admit that I have not been able to develop the drug I registered, but what does this mean?"

"Does it mean I'm incompetent?"

"Do you deserve death?"

Speaking of this, she showed a puzzled look: "I don't understand, why do you use a failure to deny my ability?"

"If you follow your logic!"

"Is it a time when you fail once and never turn over in your life?"

"Are you going to end up with the word loser?"

She shook her head slightly: "I feel that this idea is very unhealthy!"

"The reason why our country can prosper is to shock the nations!"

"In the final analysis, it is countless predecessors who look for experience in failure!"

"Hit your head in defeat!"

"Find experience in failure!"

"Advanced nuclear weapons have been developed!"

"All kinds of exquisite equipment have been developed!"

"Developed a spaceship that flies the moon!"

"Developed an aircraft carrier that crisscrosses the seas!"

"Failure..." Speaking of this, she smiled: "What's the big deal? Who among today's young people is afraid of failure?

As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of cheers from the audience!

First, Li Muya said that it was in the heart of the young man!

Second, Sheng Wendong, this teacher is not pleasant!

Often reprimand classmates for a little trivial matter!

There are even female classmates who have been disciplined by him to cry!

And now, Li Muya can be regarded as helping them take revenge!

"And!" When Li Muya's voice just sounded, the classroom was instantly quiet: "I did fail this time, but I have a good team and a well-equipped laboratory!"

"In general, I didn't lose much money!"

"Whether it is a team or a laboratory, it is not a hammer sale!"

"I'll use it later!"

"Oh, and!"

"I donated 10 million to the school last night in my personal name!"

"To make up for the debt I owe in my heart!"

Speaking of this, she held up the black-framed glasses on the bridge of her nose, and a charming smile appeared on her cold face: "Excuse me, is there anything else Teacher Sheng wants to say?" "

Silence is better than sound!

Sheng Wendong felt that his face was swollen by the other party!

In particular, the other party's act of donating 10 million directly negated the high hat he had previously buttoned on Li Muya's head!

But he was still not convinced, and said in a low voice: "Even if you donate 10 million, what can you do?" The members of your team are all young people under twenty-five, and I don't think you people can be of great use!

Li Muya smiled: "So, your resentment against me is that I refused to let you come to my team in the first place, right?"

Sheng Wendong's face was gloomy!

When he learned that Li Muya had established a team, he signed up as soon as possible, thinking that he could become the core member of the team, so that even if he reached the retirement age, he could return to employment outside the school and get a lot of remuneration!

But Li Muya rejected him, which is why he was so angry!

So much so that there is today!

"As for whether my team is of great use, Teacher Sheng doesn't need to worry about this!" Li Muya continued: "I have proposed a new research topic, which is about a special drug to cure hepatitis B!

"Everyone knows hepatitis B, there are hundreds of millions of carriers in China!"

"Although the life and work of hepatitis B carriers are not affected!"

"However, 80% of liver cancer patients are born from hepatitis B carriers!"

"Once discovered, it is almost a death sentence!"

"If hepatitis B can be cured, then our country will get rid of the title of hepatitis B power!"

"I remember you have more than a year to retire, right?"

"In that case, let's make a bet, if I can't develop a specific drug for hepatitis B within three months, then I will submit my resignation to the school leader!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's scalp was numb and they shuddered!

Nowadays, many scientific research teams are developing specific drugs for hepatitis B!

Not only Daxia, but also some Western developed countries are also studying!

And there has been no breakthrough in research for decades!

Now Li Muya actually said that a special drug for hepatitis B will be developed within three months!

Is she crazy, or are we having auditory hallucinations?

Not to mention ordinary people, even Chen Nan felt that Li Muya was crazy!

This is simply impossible!

Sheng Wendong endured his excitement: "If you can develop a specific drug for hepatitis B within three months, I am willing to apologize to you in front of all the teachers and students of the entire medical school!" "

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