Jingle bells!


The end of class bell rings!

"End of class!"

Sheng Wendong took the textbook, turned around and left the classroom!

"Chen Nan, you come to my office!"

Li Muya left a word, stepped on high heels, and walked towards the office with elegant and confident steps!

Chen Nan didn't know why Li Muya called herself!

But I followed anyway!

After returning to the office, Li Muya said seriously: "I hope you can come to my team to work, and we can develop a specific drug to cure hepatitis B together!"

"I believe that it is not difficult to develop a special drug against the hepatitis B virus with your ability!"

The corner of Chen Nan's mouth twitched: "That's why you bet with Sheng Wendong?"

Li Muya shrugged undeniably: "That old thing embarrassed you in front of everyone, I can't give him a little bit of power?"

"Male god, can you help me?"

"If I can't develop a special drug against the hepatitis B virus within three months, I, the principal, will leave!"

"Do you really want to watch people leave?"

Speaking of this, Li Muya showed a little woman's posture!

Chen Nan only felt that his scalp was numb: "Don't be like this, don't be like this, I'm not used to you like this!"

Li Muya was overjoyed in her heart and hurriedly said, "Then you promised me?"

Chen Nan shook his head: "I also thought about developing a special drug to fight the hepatitis B virus, but you know that with the current medical level, it can only kill the amount of hepatitis B virus in the patient's body, thereby protecting the patient's liver function!"

"But no team has found a way to kill the hepatitis B virus!"

"Even I don't have the ability to say that I will develop a special drug against the hepatitis B virus within three months!"

Li Muya said, "Most of my team are girls!"

"And they're all beautiful women!" Said and gave him a look you know!

"Ahem!" Chen Nan looked embarrassed: "Dean Li, please don't tempt me with beautiful women!"

"If you really want this, then I can tell you very responsibly!"

"You're --- succeeding!"

Li Muya showed an intriguing smile: "Let's go, take you to my laboratory and take a look!" We have state-of-the-art equipment and a team there, if you go, you will definitely like it!

"Then go and see!"

Chen Nan secretly sighed!

He seems to know his weaknesses!


It seems that it is impossible to resist the temptation of beautiful women!

Fifteen minutes later!

Chen Nan followed Li Muya to her laboratory!

It is said to be a laboratory, but it is actually a Jiangnan garden style building!

The laboratory is located on the east side of the artificial lake, and the scenery is pleasant!

After entering, Chen Nan found that there was a hole in the sky!

Take the elevator to a depth of more than ten meters, and a huge space appears in your eyes!

At this time, more than a dozen young people in white coats were doing their work in front of various exquisite instruments!

Even Li Muya's appearance failed to attract their attention!


Li Muya clapped her hands and interrupted people's work!

For a while, everyone looked at her!

"Put the work at hand away!" Li Muya resumed her cold posture: "Today I will introduce you to a new partner, Chen Nan, everyone should be familiar with him, right?" "

There are ten teammates in the laboratory, and among them, Bai Weiwei saw Chen Nan yesterday!

As for the remaining nine people, they don't like to watch the excitement at all!

Now after seeing Chen Nan, a trace of unhappiness flashed in his eyes!

Even if he is handsome!

Li Muya continued: "Even if someone has not seen it, they should have heard that he developed a smoking cessation pill!"

"From today onwards, he is a partner on our team!"

"Moreover, serve as the deputy team leader of the project to develop hepatitis B specific drugs!"

"Boss, what qualifications does he have to be the deputy leader of our new project?" A tall woman with short ear-length hair and a cold face asked!

She looks twenty-five or six years old, with fair skin and delicate facial features!

Even standing with Li Muya is no less!

Her name is Ye Wanzhi!

It was Li Muya who spent a lot of money to recruit doctoral students in Peking University!

"Yes, even if he develops drugs to quit smoking, hepatitis B and smoking cessation are two different fields!"

"I don't think he can be the deputy leader of our new project either!"

Several people in the laboratory spoke!

"Hepatitis B is a blood disease, an infectious disease, has he ever dabbled and studied in related fields?"

They are all very proud!

I don't look down on Chen Nan's special enrollment at all!

If it were someone else, they wouldn't embarrass Chen Nan in public at all!

But this guy has developed smoking cessation pills!

This is exactly what they are tacking, and it takes a lot of time and effort!

I thought that after developing it, it would be a blockbuster in the medical community!

But they didn't expect that when they were working hard, Chen Nan developed a lower-cost drug!

This is equivalent to directly negating their previous efforts!

Killed their dreams!

They themselves hate this guy!

Not to mention that Li Muya wants him to become the deputy leader of the new project!

Li Muya looked indifferent: "Are you questioning my orders?"

Ye Wanzhi said, "Boss, we are not questioning your order, I just feel that he is not capable of coming to us!"

Chen Nan subconsciously took out a cigarette in his mouth and took out a lighter, but found that smoking was not allowed here!

He smiled: "In that case, let's have a good chat!"

"Since you have started the development of hepatitis B, may I ask, have you found a direction for research?"

Ye Wanzhi snorted angrily: "Our project just started today, do you think we can find the research direction in such a short time?"

"Are you a god?"

"Actually, I have an idea!" Chen Nandao: "Develop a new virus that is harmless to the human body!"

"Inject the virus into the patient's body and let this virus engulf the hepatitis B virus!"

"And this virus can remain in the patient's body for a long time, and once the hepatitis B virus breaks out again, it can also be controlled!"

Ye Wanzhi only felt as if a bomb had exploded in his head, and a trace of panic appeared on his delicate face: "Do you think that there will be such a virus in the world?" "

Everyone else felt numb in their scalps too!

Chen Nan's research direction was something they had never thought of!

But there is no denying it!

This is more accurate than several of their existing research directions!


Just because he can say the method of fighting poison with poison, the pattern and realm are deeper than theirs!

Chen Nan smiled: "There are countless viruses in the world, but many of them we have not found.

"But isn't that the value of us researchers?"

"As long as we understand the virulence of those viruses, we can fight the virus with poison, find a way to cure hepatitis B, and save hundreds of millions of patients!"

"After all, as the old saying goes, only magic can defeat magic!"

Looking at Ye Wanzhi's silence!

Everyone was speechless, and Li Muya's sense of worship for Chen Nan exploded again!

An intriguing smile also appeared on her cold face: "Who is still against Chen Nan becoming the deputy team leader now?" "

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