
Ye Wanzhi's eyes dodged!

She didn't expect Chen Nan to say such a thing at all!

Although he had said in front of Tang He before, if Chen Nan wanted to take advantage of her, let him take advantage!

But what was said at the time was angry!

"What, I still have business, so I'll go back first!" This question, Ye Wanzhi chose to escape!

"So shy?"

Chen Nan touched the tip of his nose with a smile!

I thought that a woman like Ye Wanzhi would be very open-minded, but it gave Chen Nan a shy feeling!


Just when Chen Nan and Sun Er were eating breakfast in the cafeteria!

Tang He carried the dinner plate and walked over under the unexpected eyes of many classmates!

Although Tang He's beating happened yesterday in the boys' dormitory, who doesn't know the entire Department of Chinese Medicine?

Chen Nan smiled: "Senior Tang, do you still want to hit me?"

Tang He forced a smile and said in a low voice, "Senior Brother Chen Nan said and laughed, I came here to apologize to you." Well, after all, yesterday was wrong with me, I shouldn't have hit you.

"What? Apologize? Did I hear you right? Chen Nan was shocked, and his voice was very loud!

At this moment, Tang He's face turned green!

Although the punishment given to him by the school leader was very light, he still felt very faceless to apologize to Chen Nan in public!

Especially this one is shouting!

It's just punching him in the face!

This guy is clearly cheap and sells well!

Seeing that everyone looked over, Tang He took a deep breath and said, "You heard it right, I came to apologize to you, please forgive my impulsiveness last night!" Saying that, he bowed to Chen Nan!

There's nothing wrong with being a generous person!

Tang He could only comfort himself like this!

Chen Nan also lost interest, and said with a little impatience: "Okay, Master Xiaoye doesn't remember the villain, don't see you in general, hurry up and play!" Tang

He's face was gloomy, and he turned to leave!


Chen Nan went to Li Muya's laboratory!

By this time, ten other partners had already arrived, all wearing white coats and masks working in front of the instrument and microscope!

Since Chen Nan is a part of the laboratory, he naturally has to do what he can!

Although those instruments were subtle, he learned them and quickly mastered how to operate them!

After a day of testing!

They also extracted 136,000 germs from the hair and blood of thirty animals!

It may seem like a staggering amount, but it's not much!

Not to mention animals, even humans carry a lot of germs!

The next thing to do is to cultivate the pathogenic flora, and then fuse with the hepatitis B virus to see what collisions will occur!

This may seem simple, but many times the simpler things are, the more difficult it is to do!

It takes a long time!

Five o'clock in the afternoon!

The day's work has come to a successful end!

Li Muya: "Chen Nan, you come with me!" "Good


After Chen Nan took off his work clothes, he followed Li Muya and left the laboratory!

On the Land Rover, the corners of Li Muya's mouth rose: "No, you, you didn't seize such a good opportunity?" The

corners of Chen Nan's mouth twitched!

He knew that Li Muya must have guessed that he pretended to be injured and got the opportunity to kiss Fangze with Ye Wan!

"There is something you may not know, Ye Wanzhi seems to... It seems that there is a bit of a deformity in that aspect! Li Muya drove the car intently: "As far as I know, she has been pursuing students in college for several years, but she has not confirmed her relationship with anyone!"

"On the contrary, there is a girlfriend who has a good relationship!"

Chen Nan's heart trembled: "You mean, Ye Wanzhi is Lala?"

"I didn't say that!"

Chen Nan thoughtfully!

No wonder Ye Wanzhi refused to answer his question last night!

It turns out that there is another inside story!

Li Muya said and took out her mobile phone, her expression became indifferent: "I'll call Han Jinghui to see if he rejects me like you said!" "

Li Muya and Han Jinghui have just confirmed that the relationship is less than three months!

As long as she calls Han Jinghui, no matter how busy he is, he will pull out!

Moreover, every time is the first to connect to her phone!

But this time!

The phone beeped several times before it was connected!

Immediately, Han Jinghui's slightly apologetic voice came: "I'm sorry Muya, I was taking a bath just now!"

Li Muya said: "I'm a little tired today, let's go to the hot spring together!" "

Han Jinghui once invited Li Muya to soak in the hot spring!

But it was rejected by Li Muya!

After all, she and Han Jinghui have just confirmed their relationship, how come they don't know what men think?

That's why she proposed to go to the hot springs today!

"I'm sorry Muya, I have something tonight!" Han Jinghui said, "My uncle is seriously ill and has just been transferred to the Third Hospital, so I have to go over and take care of it!"

Although Li Muya guessed this result, she couldn't help but feel a tingling pain in her heart!

She said, "I'm familiar with the three courtyards, do you want me to say hello?"

Han Jinghui said, "Thank you, if necessary, I will talk to you!"

"Okay, feel free to get in touch!" Li Muya said and hung up the phone!


the other side!

Han Jinghui hung up the phone and drove directly out of school to a high-end residential area on the edge of the fifth ring road, which is his and Liang Yuanyuan's love nest!

To come here today is to fulfill the three-day covenant!


When you open the door, your home is empty!

A sense of foreboding suddenly arose in Han Jinghui's heart, in case Liang Yuanyuan wanted to turn his face with him!

An absolute disaster for him!

Not only will Li Muya break up with him, but even he will be punished accordingly!

As for the rating... Don't even think about it!

Without much thought, he quickly dialed Liang Yuanyuan's mobile phone!

After the phone was connected, he said: "Yuanyuan, I have gone home, where are you now?"

Liang Yuanyuan said, "I'm on this side of the Bayi Reservoir!" Han

Jinghui's eyes lit up!

Bayi Reservoir is where they determine the relationship!

He didn't expect the other party to go to the Bayi Reservoir!


Definitely an opportunity for him!

"Yuanyuan, you wait for me there, I'll pass!" Han Jinghui's eyes were excited, the location of the Bayi Reservoir was remote, which could be convenient for him to start!

An hour later, Han Jinghui came to the Bayi Reservoir!

Came to the shore where he and Liang Yuanyuan confirmed their relationship!

In the distance, he saw a flaxen tent and a white Beetle car!

He bought this tent online, and the two have come out camping many times!

And that white beetle was also his birthday gift to Liang Yuanyuan!

If he hadn't met Li Muya, he would definitely marry Liang Yuanyuan and have children!

But after meeting Li Muya, he knew that Li Muya was his true daughter!


After getting off the car, Han Jinghui came to the tent, and at this time Liang Yuanyuan was sitting in front of the oven in the sunset and intently roasting food!

Moreover, all of them are Han Jinghui's favorite ingredients!

Liang Yuanyuan looked at him, her eyes full of nervousness and expectation: "Can you tell me your answer?" "

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