Han Jinghui sat beside her and held her hand tightly!

The golden afterglow fell on the two, making the atmosphere very warm and romantic!

Han Jinghui picked up a skewer of roasted meat, looked at the fiery red clouds in the west, and said softly: "I have already thought about it, sir, this child!"

"After all, he is the crystallization of our love!"

"When my work really settles down, we'll have a wedding!"

"Like you said, the wedding and the full moon wine go together!"

Hearing this, Liang Yuanyuan's eyes flooded with crystal tears!

It was the answer she had always wanted!


She didn't expect that Han Jinghui was really ready to let her give birth to a child!

This surprised her!

It makes her feel a little strange!

But I didn't think much about it!

Perhaps, he has become more mature!

Han Jinghui's face was full of longing, and he said while eating: "However, I feel that it is a little unfair to you that the wedding and the full moon wine are held together!"

"Weddings are a big event in life, and you are the only protagonist on that day!"

"If you hold our child, it will definitely steal your limelight!"

"I thought so, wait until he is a year or two old to have a wedding!"

"Yes, let him be the flower girl of our wedding!"

Han Jinghui's words aroused the infinite fantasy and expectation in Liang Yuanyuan's heart, and she pursed her lips and nodded repeatedly: "Listen to you, you can hold it whenever you say!"

Han Jinghui rubbed her head dotingly: "Wait for me, I'll go get some drinks in the car!" "

Liang Yuanyuan's face is full of happiness, and she is concentrating on grilling meat!

A moment later, Han Jinghui came back with two bottles of juice: "Oh, your favorite hawthorn juice!"

Liang Yuanyuan: "Thank you!"

Han Jinghui sat beside her and said softly: "Yuanyuan, you should have told me about pregnancy in the first place!"

"After all, the first three months of pregnancy are the hardest, and I see that your whole body has lost a lot of weight, I think you have morning sickness, right?"

"If you tell me, I can be by your side to take care of you!"

Liang Yuanyuan took a sip of hawthorn juice and said softly: "You are so busy at work, I don't want you to be distracted by me!"

Han Jinghui sighed: "Isn't it supposed to take care of you?"

"I'm already happy that you can say that!" Liang Yuanyuan hugged Han Jinghui's arm tightly, leaned on him, and quietly looked at the sunset in the distance!

It's just that for some reason, she feels that her eyelids are a little heavy, and she has a drowsy feeling!

She was a little puzzled!

I just slept by the reservoir!

How can you feel tired now?

Until she saw that the color of the two bottles of hawthorn juice was somewhat different!

A terrifying thought arose in my heart!

She thought of Han Jinghui's girlfriend who accidentally fell into an artificial lake!

Thought of her flesh and bones that she was also pregnant with Han Jinghui!

Thinking of this, she forcibly bit the tip of her tongue!

Use the pain on the tip of your tongue to get rid of the feeling of grogginess for a short time!

She looked at the phone on the side and wanted to ask for help!

However, the mobile phone is in front of her, but she is weak!

Han Jinghui suddenly grinned: "Do you want me to help you dial 110?"

His smile made Liang Yuanyuan's scalp tingle, and there was an inexplicable panic: "You... What exactly do you want?

Han Jinghui sighed lightly: "I don't want to do anything, if you and I get together and scatter, I will definitely let you leave, after all, you and I have lived together for more than three years!"

"But you shouldn't threaten me with the child in your arms!"

"I hate people threatening me, no one is an exception!"

Speaking of this, he kicked the barbecue stove in front of him to the ground like crazy, and his face was full of anger!

"Are you going to kill me just because of this?" Liang Yuanyuan's face was full of fear, she never dreamed that the man she loved would have such a murderous side!

She has always thought that Han Jinghui is her true destiny!

It didn't dawn on me until now!

He is a demon who has lived by his pillow for three years!

"Who do you think you are? Even if it kills you? Han Jinghui grinned wickedly: "You should have guessed that Miao Qin died in my hands!"

"Yes, she's my first girlfriend!"

"We were together at fifteen!"

"Like you, she uses children to bind me and try to change my life!"

"So, I pushed her into the artificial lake of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine and watched her drown in front of my eyes!"

"Because, I will not allow anyone to change my destiny!"

"Han Jinghui, you will suffer retribution, you will die a bad death!" Liang Yuanyuan's scalp was numb, and after Han Jinghui said that he killed Miao Qin with his own hands, she knew that Han Jinghui would definitely not let herself go!

Han Jinghui laughed: "Miao Qin also cursed me at that time to die well, but it turns out that I live very moist!"

Speaking of this, he sighed lightly: "You women, words don't count!" She said she wouldn't let me go, but the result? Haven't I been alive and well for more than ten years?

"Not only that, I didn't even dream about her in my dreams!"

He smiled and said, "One thing you don't know, I have become boyfriend and girlfriend relationship with Li Muya!"

"You actually stepped on two boats?" Liang Yuanyuan's face was full of anger!


Han Jinghui slapped over: "I killed my first love girlfriend, I'm about to kill you, what is it to step on two boats?" Liang

Yuanyuan's head buzzed, and a fishy sweet taste spread in her mouth!

Oh, yes!

He's a murderer!


What is it to step on two boats?

Han Jinghui lit a cigarette and smoked with a face full of intoxication: "With her influence in the school, I will definitely be able to advance and become the backbone of the medical school!"

"Any idea what this is?"

"This is called Langcai girl!"

"Actually, all this is thanks to Miao Qin!"

"You, like Li Muya, sympathize with me because of the story on me, and then you slowly like me!"

"Speaking of which, Miao Qin is my Moon Lao!"

"I've already thought about it, when I get married to Li Muya, I'll burn some paper money for her and thank her!"

Liang Yuanyuan's face was full of despair: "People are watching the sky, and one day you will eat the consequences yourself!"

"Baby, you can't blame me for that!" Han Jinghui sighed: "If you stay in the city, it will be difficult for me to find a chance even if I want to kill you, after all, the city is full of surveillance!"

"But you asked me to the Bayi Reservoir..."


"There are no shops in front of the village or behind, and there is no one around!"

"You're sending me the opportunity!"

"So, I have to kill you!"

"As long as you die, no one can stop me from being with Li Muya!"

"Oh yes, you may not know, she called me in the afternoon and asked me to go to the hot spring together!"

"The two of us will soon be able to bathe in love and live a good life without shame!"

Liang Yuanyuan, who was in despair, suddenly laughed: "This is not necessarily!"

A cold light flashed in Han Jinghui's eyes: "Could it be that you think you can still survive today?"

Liang Yuanyuan's smile became brighter: "Turn around and look behind you, I promise you will feel like a ghost!" "

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