Ye Wanzhi also sensed a wave of hostility rising in Fan Ruyan's heart, crossed his fingers with her, and said with a smile: "Ruyan, introduce you, the deputy leader of our laboratory, Chen Nan!" The

hostility in Fan Ruyan's heart disappeared a little, and his eyes were full of surprise: "This guy is so young, he is actually your deputy team leader?"

Ye Wanzhi shrugged: "Although he is young, he is a special recruit!" Some time ago, that smoking cessation pill was developed by him!

"It turned out to be a genius!" Fan Ruyan smiled, and then stretched out his hand: "My name is Fan Ruyan, Wanzhi's lover." I don't care what you see today, if you dare to divulge a word after you go back, be careful that I let people cut off your tongue!" Looking

at Ye Wanzhi again, he looked embarrassed!

Lowered his head and did not dare to look at Chen Nan's eyes!

"I didn't see anything!" Chen Nan smiled, he is not the kind of man who loves to chew the root of his tongue, even if he sees the two together, it is impossible to talk nonsense everywhere!

"Let's go, go back to the hotel!"

Fan Ruyan said and took Ye Wanzhi's hand and walked to the side, where a black Rolls-Royce Cullinan was parked!

It can be seen that the woman's family is superior, otherwise it is impossible to drive a luxury car of this level!

Half an hour later, the group of three arrived at a five-star hotel!

"Good evening Miss!"

"Good evening Miss!"

After entering the hotel, the hotel staff and the duty manager came to say hello!

Fan Ruyan snorted quietly and said, "Chen Nan, this hotel is the property of my Fan family, if you have any needs, you can order the staff!"

"All consumption is recorded on my Fan family's account!"

"Traveling at public expense, there is no need to owe favors to your Fan family!" Chen Nan said and took out his ID card and said to the staff at the front desk: "Help me open a big bed room!" "

They are indeed traveling at public expense, and all consumption can be reimbursed when they go back!"

Even if you don't reimburse it, it's not a big deal!

After all, he still has tens of billions of wealth in his card!

"Help me open a big bed room too!" Ye Wanzhi also took out her ID card, she and Chen Nan came on a business trip together, if she stayed in the presidential suite, let Chen Nan live in a big bed room, her heart was more or less uncomfortable!

Then the staff opened two rooms for the two, both on the same floor, and still next door!

After returning to the room, Chen Nan ordered takeaway!

After taking a shower, takeaway was also delivered to the door!

He originally wanted to get up with Ye Wanzhi to taste the special stewed goose here, but in the end he gave up this idea!

The little two have just reunited, so they can't spoil people's good deeds, right?

Good soundproofing in a 5 star hotel!

But Chen Nan is a strong man in the nine-layer realm of the foundation building period, and his hearing is amazing!

You can clearly hear the beautiful melody coming from the next room!

Or low!

Or high-pitched!

This made him a little depressed!

Since he became a medical student, he has not touched a woman for a month!

Now in the hotel, it is easy to think about it!

Not to mention the sound coming from next door!

Although he can control the desires of his heart!

But curious!

I don't know how Ye Wanzhi and Fan Ruyan play!

After all, he had never seen this kind of thing!


His spiritual power quietly penetrated the wall, and the scene in the next room was clear and appeared in his mind!

If you have to describe it in words!

That's six nine seventy-two!

In addition to some rubber products!

The beautiful and fragrant picture made Chen Nan subconsciously withdraw his spiritual power!

He himself is very tormented, let alone watching this kind of picture!


This night was destined to be difficult for him to sleep!

The two people next door hardly stopped!

Express your thoughts and love to each other!

After dawn, Chen Nan received a call from Ye Wanzhi, telling him to go to breakfast and go home!

After the meal, Fan Ruyan took the two to Ye Wan's house!

Ye Wanzhi was born in a family of scholars in Bingcheng, his grandfather once fought against enemies, and his parents were both school teachers!

It's just that they're all retired now!

"Hello uncle and aunt, my name is Chen Nan, I am Senior Sister Ye's junior brother, and when I first came to the door, I didn't have any respect!"

Chen Nan put the prepared gifts in the living room!

Although this business trip is a business trip, he is also friends with Ye Wanzhi, and the idea that Chen Shan instilled in him since childhood is that you must understand etiquette to be a person!

The Ye family is humble and courteous to Chen Nan, and his handsome appearance is very enthusiastic!

Especially Ye Wanzhi's grandfather liked it very much, because he heard that Chen Nan had developed a smoking cessation pill, and he was also the deputy team leader of his granddaughter's laboratory!

To put it bluntly, he belongs to the young talent!


For Fan Ruyan's appearance, a trace of displeasure flashed in Ye Wanzhi's parents' eyes!

Because they know that their daughter and Fan Ruyan have a close personal relationship!

This is unacceptable for two retired teachers!

Ye Wanzhi said, "Grandpa, we really need your help this time, I hope you can contact your previous partner and let them take us to Daxing'anling!"

"If we can develop a specific drug for hepatitis B, it will change the fate of hundreds of millions of people!"

Old man Ye sighed: "I know the importance of your research project, but now entering the Daxing'an Ridge this season, you can't meet the wild Siberian tiger!" "

The Daxing'an Ridge is extremely vast, and there are many no-man's lands that humans have not set foot in!

If winter is over!

The Daxing'an Mountains are covered with ice and snow, and food is scarce!

Sometimes, even if you don't enter the Daxing'an Ridge, wild Siberian tigers will come to the outside world to feed!

But now this season, there is no shortage of food in the Daxing'an Mountains!

Finding wild tigers in the northeast is like finding a needle in a haystack!

"But we have limited time, and we can't wait for winter!" Ye Wanzhi grabbed the old man's arm: "You can always help us, contact a few old hunters to take us in, okay?" Please!

Old man Ye couldn't stand his granddaughter's coquettishness at all, and quickly called a stop: "Okay, I'll contact a few people for you, you can try your luck in Daxing'anling!"

"Thank you Grandpa!" Ye Wanzhi is overjoyed!

Then Old Master Ye made a few phone calls, and then said, "You guys take the train and get off at Pangu Station, they will wait for you there." But before you go, you have to say hello to the comrades of the Forestry Administration! "


Ye Wanzhi replied with a smile: "Then we will go first!"

"Wait!" Ye Mu said displeased: "It's hard to go home, let's leave after lunch!" In any case, Chen Nan is also the first time to come to the door, how can there be a reason to leave with an empty mouth? Do you still have any rules? Ye

Wanzhi's face was full of embarrassment!

Chen Nandao: "Auntie, don't blame Senior Sister Ye, the main thing is that our project is really urgent!" Even if you stay, you won't be able to calm down and taste your craft!

"Do you want to wait for us to come back and taste your craft?"

Ye Mu hesitated and said, "Then let's make a decision, you must go home for a meal before you go back!"

Chen Nan replied: "Done!" Watching

the three of them leave in the car, Ye Mu let out a long sigh: "What a good young man, it's a pity, our daughter..."

A trace of determination flashed in Father Ye's eyes: "Wait for them to come back, find a way to let them cook raw rice and mature rice!" "

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