Then the three went to the Bingcheng Forestry Hall!

Chen Nan brought the relevant documents and certificates and met the person in charge of the Forestry Department!

Went through some formalities!

If ordinary people want to enter the Daxing'an Ridge and look for wild Siberian tigers, and sampling will definitely not work!

But Chen Nan is the deputy leader of the hepatitis B R&D project team of Tsinghua Medical College, and they also received a call from Tsinghua before, hoping that they can cooperate!

Therefore, Chen Nan came over just to go through the process!

In addition, the other party also sent a middle-aged man named Ma Xiuyuan to follow them and cooperate with their work!

He knows the habits of Siberian tigers very well and has entered the Daxing'anling area many times!

This time, one is to cooperate with Chen Nan and their work, and the other is to install a locator on the Siberian tiger to determine the location of the other party, as well as the life trajectory!

Three o'clock in the afternoon!

Chen Nan, Ye Wanzhi, Ma Xiuyuan, and Fan Ruyan and their group of four arrived at Pangu Railway Station!

This railway station is located on the outskirts of Daxing'anling, and it is the most convenient way to enter Daxing'anling here!

Walking out of the station, I saw a middle-aged man holding up a sign with Ye Wanzhi's name written on it!

That was the son of Old Master Ye's old friend, named Xie Qiang!

He is in his forties, almost two meters tall, has a bald head, and has dark skin!

After determining the identity of the other party, Ye Wanzhi said: "Uncle Xie, this time we will trouble you to take us into the mountain, don't worry, we will give you the guide fee."

Xie Qiang waved his hand, and his voice was loud: "It is my honor to serve the country, and this is not a slap in the face to raise money?" "

At this time!

In the distance came four well-modified Jeep Wranglers armed to the teeth!

After the car stopped, a group of young people who looked like brothers quickly got out of the car, and then came to Fan Ruyan, and said nervously: "Sorry sister Ruyan, we are late!"

Fan Ruyan snorted quietly: "Is everything ready?"

Brother Gongzi, who was the leader, grinned: "I will definitely go all out for the things explained by Sister Ruyan, this time we have prepared two hunting rifles and six crossbows, which can ensure the safety of our trip!"

"Miss Fan, do these people also want to follow us into the mountains?" Chen Nan frowned, looking at Ye Wanzhi's face, he could accept Fan Ruyan to follow into the mountain together!

But now there are more than ten more brothers!

This is unacceptable!

Fan Ruyan asked rhetorically: "Is there any problem?"

Chen Nan said directly: "This time I went into the mountains for scientific research, not sightseeing, let alone hunting!" You let your people go back! The

leading brother Gongzi was furious: "Lying groove, which green onion are you counting?" Dare to talk to Sister Ruyan in this tone, I'm afraid you're not tired of living, right?

Fan Ruyan waved his hand, signaling for the other party not to speak, and then looked at Chen Nan: "To correct a little, I didn't let them come here for sightseeing, nor for hunting!"

"I did this to keep you safe!"

"After all, there are many large wild animals living in the Daxing'an Ridge!"

"Without expert protection, we are very likely to encounter accidents!"

Chen Nan interrupted her directly: "We don't need their protection!"

Fan Ruyan's face was gloomy: "Then let's protect Wanzhi, right?" Chen

Nan was speechless!

Seeing the two arguing, Ye Wanzhi said, "Senior Brother Chen Nan, or let them follow!" After all, one more person is also one more guarantee!

"If you say that, then I have nothing to say!" Chen Nan shrugged indifferently, in his opinion, these few of them are enough, and there is no need for more people at all!

Not to mention this group of Gongzi brothers, their purpose is not to protect Ye Wanzhi!

More like hunting!

"Let's go, get in the car!" Fan Ruyan gave Chen Nan a defiant look, and then sat on the front Wrangler.

"Uncle Xie, I'll take your car!" Chen Nan sat on Xie Qiang's Haval H9!

Ma Xiuyuan also sat on Xie Qiang's H9, after all, he is a person from the Forestry Department, and he can feel that these people are plotting evil in the mountains!

To put it bluntly, this is the enemy of his career!

Ye Wanzhi felt that Chen Nan and Fan Ruyan had some hostile relationship, so he hesitated or got into Fan Ruyan's car!

"Xiao Chen, we can't afford to offend those people, you don't want to be enemies with them as much as possible!"

The car started, and Xie Qiang spoke: "If I'm not mistaken, that young man before was called Wang Ming, and his father is the biggest forest owner in our country!"

"Assets are hundreds of millions, and black and white take all!"

"If it really angers him, he will dare to make a black hand!"

Chen Nan's expression was relaxed!

How black can a forest owner's hands be?

Ma Xiuyuan said in a low voice, "Shouldn't that forest farmer you said be called Wang Dalei?"

Xie Qiang nodded!

Matthew Yuan's expression was solemn!

Wang Dalei this person, he knows!

If Wang Ming hunted wild animals after entering the mountain, even he didn't know whether to stop it!

After all!

This kind of person really can't afford to mess with it!

Chen Nan spread out the map of Daxing'an Ridge and asked, "Uncle Xie, where are we going now?"

Xie Qiang said: "Go to Beacon Mountain, a donkey friend saw wild Siberian tigers there a month ago, but I don't know if our luck is so good!" "

Pangu Station is more than 100 kilometers away from Beacon Mountain, but because it belongs to the mountains and the mountain road is rugged, it took more than five hours to reach this 100-kilometer journey!

When I came to Beacon Mountain, it was dark!

The crowd parked and camped five vehicles to prevent encounters with large wildlife.

After that, assemble the tent, light a campfire and start preparing dinner!

Dinner was a pheasant and a hare, which Wang Ming hunted on the road when they came!

A moment later, the smell of meat filled the camp!

Just when Ye Wanzhi found Chen Nan with a roasted hare, he found that the other party was eating compressed biscuits!

That thing is choking and doesn't taste good!

But he eats with relish!

"I'm sorry, I've already had dinner, feel free!" Chen Nanwan rejected Ye Wanzhi's kindness, although he didn't consider himself a good person!

But he will never be with Fan Ruyan and others!

Naturally will not enjoy their prey!

"Chen Nan, I know that you are disgusted to bring so many people here, but I still want you to give me face!" Ye Wanzhi's face was full of embarrassment, in fact, she didn't expect Fan Ruyan to bring so many people here!

Chen Nan smiled: "I won't embarrass you."

"But there is something that troubles Senior Sister Ye to tell Fan Ruyan, some things are almost enough, don't go too far!"


"And every place has its own customs!"

"Even if the hunters here hunted decades ago, they would keep small and big!"

"But when they came, they hunted down all the big and small prey!"

"If they still take it like this, they will be punished!"

Fan Ruyan came over: "I do things, do I need you to teach?" "

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