"The surname Chen, Xiaoye has long seen that you are not favorable, if you want to die, I can fulfill you!"

Wang Ming followed behind Fan Ruyan, holding a shotgun on his shoulder!

He looked indifferent, as if he regarded Chen Nan as a prey in the Great Xing'an Ridge!

Ye Wanzhi's face turned sallow and said, "Ruyan, Chen Nan's personality is like this, he also respects local customs, hurry up and let your people put the gun down!"

Fan Ruyan snorted coldly: "Chen Nan, we don't need you to teach us to do things, you'd better be a dumb all the way, if you talk nonsense again, don't blame me for not giving Wanzhi face!" "

Out of a woman's sixth sense, she doesn't like Chen Nan!

Chen Nan drank his saliva and said quietly: "What he said just now is also for Wanzhi's face, if you don't listen to the advice, something will happen, and you will bear the consequences!" "

Even if the other party threatens in public with a gun, he looks like a jumping beam clown in his eyes!

He has 10,000 ways to kill the other party before he shoots!

"Cowardly guy, what can happen here?" Fan Ruyan looked disdainful!

Wang Ming said: "Yes, we have so many people and so many weapons, even if we meet Siberian tigers and black blind people, we can protect ourselves, do we need to be as fearful as you?"

"If you're afraid, I can have someone send you back!" Speaking and laughing unscrupulously!

Chen Nan didn't pay attention to him at all!

"Miss Fan, Wang Shao, something happened!"

A young man in his twenties ran over with a shoe in his hand and a face full of horror!

Wang Ming frowned: "What's wrong?" The

young man said nervously: "Da Zhuang is gone!"

"What? Da Zhuang is gone? "Fan Ruyan's face is gloomy, Da Zhuang is the driver when they came before, and his personality is lively and very pleasant!

The young man said: "Yes, after setting up the tent, Da Zhuang said that his stomach hurt, so he went outside the camp to facilitate it, but he has not come back now." I went looking for him but only found his shoes!

As soon as these words came out, unknown fear rose in everyone's hearts!

No one expected that such an ominous thing would happen just after entering the depths of the Daxing'an Ridge!

Even if Da Zhuang really encountered danger, or an animal attack!

But why is there no sound at all?

This is creepy!

The more I think about it, the more afraid I am!

"Chen Nan is right, you guys have taken it indiscriminately, provoking the mountain god, this is the mountain god taking revenge!" Xie Qiang sat in front of the fire, and the faint flames reflected his expressionless face!

He held a long cigarette stick and smoked a cigarette bag pot!

Fan Ruyan was embarrassed and angry: "I don't believe that there is a mountain god!"

Xie Qiang sighed lightly: "But you are missing someone!"

Fan Ruyan said angrily: "I will find out the missing people!" Saying that she left angrily, she went directly to the trunk of a Wrangler and opened a box!

Inside is a drone with a night vision device!

And there are five of them!

"Find, no matter what, you must find Da Zhuang, live to see people, die to see corpses!" Fan Ruyan roared low!

In an instant!

Five drones take to the skies!

"Uncle Xie, is there really a mountain god in the Great Xing'an Ridge?" Chen Nan looked at Xie Qiang curiously, he knew that even if Fan Ruyan and the others used drones to search, it would be impossible to find Da Zhuang, who had disappeared!

Xie Qiang thought for a while and said, "The mountain gods in my understanding are the ones that protect the existence of the Daxing'an Ridge, they are called gods by us, not gods in myths and legends!"

Matthew Yuan said, "I have also heard a similar saying that as long as someone kills the birds and beasts in the mountains in the Daxing'an Ridge, they will get the revenge of the mountain god and pay a heavy price!"

"But this thing is not absolute!"

"For example, if we lose our way in Daxing'an Ridge, we don't have any food, and even if we kill the birds and beasts in the mountain when we are cornered, not only will we not get the revenge of the mountain god, but we will even get the guidance of the mountain god, so as to leave here faster!"

Chen Nan's face was full of surprise: "And this kind of statement?"

Xie Qiang nodded: "The mountain god seems to be protecting the birds and beasts in the Daxing'an Ridge, but he is protecting us mortals!"

"If there really is a famine among the people under the Tianshan Mountains, we can tide over the difficulties with the resources in the Daxing'an Ridge!"

"Xiao Chen, you were right just now, no matter what you do, you should take it with measure!"

"If we are cornered!"

"Even if you hunt the birds and beasts in the mountains, the old man will not blame it!"

"On the contrary, if you are interested in hunting and eating birds and beasts in the mountains, you will pay a price!"

"Mountain god?"

An intriguing smile appeared at the corner of Chen Nan's mouth!

He really wanted to meet the guardian saint of Daxing'anling!


An excited cry came from a distance: "Found Da Zhuang, he is still alive!" Chen

Nan originally thought that Da Zhuang was dead, but he didn't expect to be found!

Immediately got up and walked to the bonfire, and saw the picture transmitted on Wang Ming's mobile phone!


The picture is slightly weird!

At this time, Da Zhuang was kneeling in front of a weasel with dull eyes!

That weasel was golden all over and stood up more than a meter tall!

It looks like it's fine!

Wang Ming grinned: "It turned out to be a yellow-skinned man in the mountains, I thought I really met something amazing!"

Xie Qiang said in a low voice: "It's lucky that it didn't kill Da Zhuang, don't slander its old man!"

"This weasel's fur looks golden, and it should be good to kill it to make a mink!" Fan Ruyan grabbed the drone controller in Wang Ming's hand and controlled the drone to fly towards the weasel on the ground!

Xie Qiang's face changed drastically: "No..."

Before the words were finished, there was an explosion in the distance!

And the weasel's miserable cry!

"You're just crazy!" Xie was furious, he never expected that this woman Fan Ruyan would be so bold, and actually wanted to kill that weasel to take its fur!

At this time, there is no room for redemption!

Even they have to be attacked by weasels in the mountains!

"Ruyan, you are too impulsive, you shouldn't be like this!"

This time, even Ye Wanzhi felt that Fan Ruyan was too much!

Fan Ruyan looked at her, with a hint of anger in her eyes: "I want to make a mink for you, and you blame me?" Ye Wanzhi, shouldn't you dislike me?

Ye Wanzhi's eyes were full of nervousness: "No, I just don't feel like this!" That weasel is very weird, and we rushed to do it before we figured out the details, which may have hurt Da Zhuang!

"Moreover, you promised me when you came that you would not hunt mountain animals!"

Fan Ruyan took a deep breath and forcibly hid his anger in his heart: "Well, I promise you, I will never easily hunt animals in the mountains in the future!"

Chen Nan: "It's late!"

Fan Ruyan looked at Chen Nan angrily: "What do you mean?"

Before Chen Nan could answer, Wang Ming let out a terrified cry: "Lying groove, what is approaching around?"

"Damn, how could there be so much?"

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