Everyone's faces changed!

In the dark!

A pair of green, emotionless eyes are staring at them deadly!


On the stone!

As well as on the tree!

There must be at least a few hundred of them!

When they approached silently, everyone could see their appearance clearly!

It's a weasel!

Their eyes are chilling, and people shudder!

Let everyone feel a strong sense of oppression!

Although they have two shotguns in their hands, six crossbows!

But facing hundreds of weasels is like a praying mantis blocking a car!

"Miss Fan, this is all because of you, if it weren't for your mistake in operating the drone and hurting the Immortal Family, we would not have been retaliated by its clansmen at all!" Xie Qiang's face was solemn, he put down the cigarette stick in his hand and slowly raised his hands above his head!

Then he looked at the weasel in front of him and said nervously: "Immortals, they don't know the rules of the mountains, so they beat some birds and beasts in the mountains, and please let them live for their ignorance!"

"Allow me to say sorry for what just happened!"

"The drone explosion just now was an accident, not that they wanted to hurt the Immortal Family!"

Animism, especially weasels!

Folk call it Wong Tai Sin, and they are even more proficient in human speech!

Because of this, Xie Qiang will explain!

I have to say, this guy is still very smart!

What he said just now seemed to be for the sake of Fan Ruyan and the others, but it was them who opened their mouths, and they already wanted to clear themselves from Fan Ruyan and the others!

So as to dodge the weasel attack!


This pack of weasels is obviously not so easy to fool!

Their eyes were cold, and they didn't take Xie Qiang's words to heart at all!

In their eyes, these humans are a gang!

Seeing this, Chen Nan secretly sighed!

Leaving a doppelganger, the Buddha-figure went to the vicinity of the previous drone explosion!

From a distance, I saw the weasel lying weakly on the ground, with several wounds in its abdomen, bloody, shocking!

Chen Nan's appearance made the weasel show a jealous gaze!

It seems that I didn't expect this guy to be an immortal!

However, thinking of what Chen Nan said was measured, I was relieved in my heart!

Being able to say such words shows that the other party's nature is not bad!

Chen Nan took out a Spirit Jiao Pill and put it in his mouth: "Acquaintance is fate, today I will give you a creation!" "

The Spirit Jiao Pill is refined from the flesh and blood of the dragon on Kunlun Mountain, and ordinary people can be reborn after taking it, and giving it to this weasel can also be regarded as a good relationship!

The next moment, a yellowish light bloomed on the weasel, and its body also recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The weasel's eyes were full of shock!

I didn't expect that the elixir given to it by Chen Nan had such a heaven-defying effect!

Chen Nan said softly: "I asked Fan Ruyan to kneel down and apologize, can you let them live?"

The weasel hesitated, but nodded anyway!


Chen Nan disappeared in front of the weasel and returned to the camp!

Although he also didn't like Fan Ruyan and the others!

But after all, they are all of the same race!

He said in a low voice: "Fan Ruyan, today's events are all caused by your appetite, you must kowtow to all the immortal families to apologize, otherwise all of us will die here!"

"What? Let me apologize to a bunch of beasts? Impossible, even if I die, I will not be able to kowtow to them! Fan Ruyan was furious, as the eldest lady of the Fan family of the Ice City giant, she was born superior!

Usually when others see her bowing to her, making her kneel in front of a group of weasels, it is tantamount to hitting her in the face!


Fan Ruyan's words made those weasels croak!

Some weasels even jumped on those five cars!

They are fierce and imposing!

"See? You have already provoked them, and without apologizing to them, we simply cannot get out of Daxing'anling alive! Chen Nan said in a low voice!

Xie Qiang also said, "Miss Fan, do you really want everyone to die with you?"

"All this is because of me, and it has nothing to do with Sister Ruyan, I kneel down and apologize!"

I have to say that Wang Ming is really a big licking dog!

Until now, he still wanted to maintain Fan Ruyan's face, and knelt on the ground with a pop!

It's just that those weasels didn't pay attention to him at all!

There was even a weasel that landed in front of Wang Ming, pouted his butt and let out a strange smelly fart, and Wang Ming's tears flowed out!

Coughing and retching while crying!

Chen Nanqiang smiled and said, "The words can only deceive a three-year-old child, how can you deceive these immortal families?" "

Everyone else pinched their noses too!

Although they also knew that weasel farts stink, they didn't expect it to stink to this extent!

This stench directly enters the soul, making people feel dizzy!

Looking at those croaking and approaching weasels, those little brothers brought by Wang Ming were panicked!

They all spoke: "Miss Fan, or you will admit your mistake!"

"Yes, leave the green mountains without worrying about firewood, there is no need to plant them all here!"

"I feel that there is no shame in admitting a mistake to these immortals!"

"Don't worry, after leaving, we will definitely forget what happened today!"

"Damn it!"

Fan Ruyan's face was gloomy!

She didn't expect things to be so tricky!

I didn't expect that this group of weasels was really human!

Knowing this, you shouldn't have killed that weasel before!

Although face is important!

But at the moment of life and death crisis, she still wants to live!

Thinking of this, she gave up the last of her dignity, knelt on the ground with a pop, and endured the humiliation in her heart: "Today's matter is wrong with me, and I hope you can let us live!" "


There was a faint cry in the distance!

The next moment, the weasels gathered around scattered and soon disappeared into the night!

If it weren't for the smell of some weasels still in the air, no one would have believed that they had been surrounded by hundreds of weasels before!

"All things have animism, I hope you will not kill innocents indiscriminately, if not, you will not have such good luck!" Chen Nan lit a cigarette!

Thanks to the generosity of that weasel just now, if it really insists on killing Fan Ruyan!

He definitely won't save Fan Ruyan!

After all, she deserved it!

Fan Ruyan's face was gloomy!

She has lived for so many years, and it is the first time that she has lost face like this!

Kneeling in front of a pack of weasels is unbearable in itself!

Not to mention that Chen Nan counted her down in person!

This is tantamount to a slap on her face!

After returning to the tent in a fit of rage, she picked up her mobile phone and sent a text message: Dad, I was bullied by a group of weasels in Daxing'anling, send the strong people in the family over, I want to kill those damn weasels!

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