It's late at night!

Chen Nan left the camp and came to a high hill!

After he appeared, countless weasels gathered around!

It was the weasel leader who was at the head!

At this time, its injuries have been completely healed!

The hair on his body is flowing with a pale golden glow!

It stood up, like a moon worship, and bowed to Chen Nan with its clansmen!

"Don't thank me, it's only for your sake to protect the Daxing'an Ridge!" Chen Nandao, "However, I do have something I want to ask you for help!" The

weasel leader nodded very humanly!

It possesses spirituality and can understand Chen Nan's words!

It's just that it can't be expressed like a human!

Chen Nandao: "Help me find the whereabouts of the Siberian tiger!" The

weasel leader nodded repeatedly, and then gave orders to his clan!

In an instant, all the weasels disappeared on the hill!

"With the help of the weasel, you should be able to find the Siberian tiger soon, right?" A burst of anticipation rose in Chen Nan's heart.


Good idea!

But there was no news of the Siberian tiger for five days in a row!

And they have already climbed more than a dozen mountains, and the next few mountains are all on foot!

For Chen Nan, this distance is nothing at all!

But in addition to him, even Xie Qiang called out that his physical strength was not as good as before, not to mention Fan Ruyan's sons and daughters among those wealthy families!

They all had blood blisters on their feet and wanted to quit more than once!

But seeing Fan Ruyan's indifferent eyes, they all gave up that idea!

Probably because they were shocked by the weasel before, these guys have become very peaceful!

All three meals a day are compressed biscuits!

Occasionally get some bacon to improve your life!

In a few days, everyone lost a lot of weight!

And everyone is listless, like dead parents!

"Beyond the mountain in front is the territory of Russia, if the Siberian tiger runs over there, it will be troublesome!" Xie Dong smoked, his eyes full of sorrow!

The number of Siberian tigers is very small, only thirty-seven at present!

It is really difficult to find wild Siberian tigers in the endless forest and sea!

"Rest here for the night, if you can't find a clue of the wild Siberian tiger tomorrow, then you can only return!" Chen Nan sighed, he sent an army of weasels!

If you really can't find it, it only means that there are no Siberian tigers here!

This night is destined to be very torturous for everyone!

After all, they came here to find wild Siberian tigers, but if they didn't succeed, they would be very disappointed!


The next morning!

A loud tiger roar resounded through the mountains and forests!

Hear the tiger cry!

Everyone ran out of the tent excitedly!

"That Siberian tiger is in the west, listening to the sound is more than a thousand meters away from us!" Xie Qiang's face was full of excitement: "Quick, everyone hides and don't move, the Siberian tiger is very alert, if it knows that we are here, it will definitely leave!"

"Who's coming?"

Matthew Yuan took out the anesthesia gun in the box!

To collect the blood of a Siberian tiger in the wild, you must use an anesthesia gun to anesthetize it!

Xie Qiang smiled and said, "Leave it to Chen Nan, this guy's physical fitness is much stronger than mine!" Chen

Nan took the anesthesia gun without hesitation, like a sturdy spirit monkey tossing and turning in the mountains!

"This guy's speed is really fast, and he was definitely a good hunter before!" Xie Qiang couldn't help but sigh, impressed by Chen Nan's strength!

Chen Nan stood quietly on a big tree!

A moment later, a wild Siberian tiger with a body length of more than two meters came into view!

It is burly and strong, especially the huge head, which exudes the beast aura of the king of a hundred beasts!

Even Chen Nan had some heart palpitations when he saw it!

It's just that behind it is a pack of weasels!

Chen Nan almost didn't laugh out loud!

He didn't expect that this group of weasels actually drove him a Siberian tiger!

No wonder it took so long!

After the Siberian Tiger came within his range, he decisively pulled the trigger!

The range of the anesthesia gun is only fifty meters!

But for Chen Nan, the effective range is within a thousand meters!

With his spiritual power, he can completely control the needle to fly farther!


This is too against the sky!

It's easy to reveal your identity!


The anesthesia needle instantly hit the neck of the Siberian tiger!

The Siberian tiger is extremely vigorous, and after feeling the pain, it emits a deafening roar!

He even ran out for hundreds of meters before falling to the ground!

"Come on, come on, sample!"

Chen Nan was in a good mood and beckoned to Ye Wanzhi after falling on the tree!

Ye Wanzhi hurriedly went up, took out the sampling tool, and obtained the hair of the Siberian tiger, as well as the blood!

Then put it in the device you carried with you!

At the same time, Matthew Yuan also installed a small locator on the neck of the Siberian tiger, and after doing this, he called his colleagues in the ice city!

Ask if you have located this wild Siberian tiger!

Make sure the locator has been activated, and everyone leaves!

After all, the effect of anesthesia is only more than half an hour, and they must be far away!

If this guy really attacks them like crazy, the consequences are unimaginable!


The group returned to their car!

Seeing the car, everyone's faces showed a long-lost smile!

Although the trail is rough, it is also much easier than hiking!


Near the car, there were two old men in their sixties!

They are roasting hares!

In addition to this, there are some corpses of hares, pheasants, and octopus piled up next to them!

At least a hundred birds and beasts must have died in their hands!

This scene made everyone's faces change!

Especially Wang Ming and others, they have not yet come out of the fear of being dominated by weasels!

You must know that they just hunted more than ten birds and beasts and were targeted by weasels!

And these two hunted so many birds and beasts, will the weasels in the mountains spare them lightly?

Chen Nan also frowned!

He didn't expect these two to be masters of the first floor of the foundation building period!

With the strength of these two, even if they encounter a weasel pack, they can retreat with their whole body!

It's just that they hunt so many birds and beasts, and their means are inevitably a little ferocious!

Fan Ruyan's face was full of joy: "Respect the elder, Han Lao, why are you here?"

Elder Jing smiled and said, "We received news that the eldest lady asked us to come and kill the weasel in the mountain."

"However, there was no trace of weasels along the way, so we could only hunt the birds and beasts in the mountains to lure out the weasels!"

"It's just that the birds and beasts have killed a lot, but they have not met the weasels in the mountains!" Speaking of this, the tone is full of regret!

Xie Qiang said in a low voice: "Miss Fan, those immortals have obviously let us live, why do you want to let people kill them?" Isn't this cruel for you? "

He has a deep affection for this mountain forest and is in awe of those weasels!

But he didn't expect Fan Ruyan to be so cruel!

Fan Ruyan's face was fierce: "Those weasels forced me to kneel, how can I vent the hatred in my heart if I don't kill them?"

Speaking of this, she looked at Chen Nan and said, "Respect the elder, don't worry about the weasel matter first, you help me teach this person a lesson, it is he who made me kneel to those damn beasts!"

"He's just like those weasels, damn it!"

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