"You actually want to kill me?"

Chen Nan was amused!

Is it just because I am handsome, so I look like a bully?

"Since the eldest lady wants him to die, then the old immortal will help you kill it!" Jing Laoyun said lightly!

It was as if in his eyes, Chen Nan's life was like a bird and beast in the mountains!

"Ruyan, Chen Nan is my friend, why are you doing this to him?" Ye Wanzhi's pale face blocked in front of Chen Nan: "I will never allow you to hurt him!"

A cold light flashed in Fan Ruyan's eyes: "So, you have not been able to give up your soul during this time, is it because of Chen Nan?" Did you break the agreement between us and fall in love with him?

Ye Wanzhi shook his head, his eyes flashing with pleading: "No! We're just colleagues, not what you think! Please, for my sake, will you let him live?

She didn't doubt Fan Ruyan's words, in her heart, the other party was a ruthless person!

"Reverse you!" Xie Qiang was furious, and directly took out an earthen gun in his bag and blocked it in front of Chen Nan: "If anyone the dares to move Chen Nan, don't blame me for shooting him!" "

Although he is afraid of the Fan family, Xie Qiang can't manage so much!

First, he is not used to Fan's style of acting!

Second, he knew that Chen Nan was the deputy leader of the hepatitis B project team!

What he does is good for the country and the people!

Even if he died, he had to protect Chen Nan!

"Old thing, you want to die, don't you?" Wang Ming and the others aimed their muzzles, as well as crossbow arrows, at Xie Qiang, as long as it was an order, Xie Qiang would have to go to see King Yan in an instant!

Matthew hurriedly said: "Miss Xie, Chen Nan and you have no grievances, you have a large number of adults, let him live!"

"Dare to intercede for him, believe it or not, the old man destroyed you?" Elder Jing's eyes froze, and the breath of the Foundation Building Period realm erupted like a volcano erupting!

This moment!

Everyone felt that the air was a little thinner!

The other party seemed to have transformed into an awakened beast, and just one look could make them die miserably in an instant!

"You... You turned out to be a cultivator? "Xie Qiang's scalp is numb!

He didn't expect the other party to be a cultivator!

Elder Jing said lightly: "Kneel down and apologize to my young lady, I will let you live!" "


Xie Qiang pulled the trigger without warning!

Steel balls from the earthen gun sprayed out!

He and Jing Lao were not far apart, and after this gunshot, Jing Lao was shot instantly, and red blood flowed from his chest!

The sudden change shocked everyone!

No one expected that after knowing that the other party was a cultivator, Xie Qiang not only did not put down his weapon!

He even shot and wounded Jing Lao!

"Give the face something that is not a face, since you want to die, then the old man will fulfill you!" Jing Lao Qiang resisted the urge to slap Xie Qiang!

It's just that because of the injury, his speed is obviously much slower!

And Xie Qiang took advantage of this time, loaded the earthen gun in one go, and when the other party appeared in front of him, he decisively aimed it at his chest!


The earth gun spewed out a dazzling tongue of fire!

A blood mist splattered behind Elder Jing!

Respect the old man slowly fell to the ground!

Dying eyes widened!

I never expected that a strong man in the foundation building period would die tragically in Daxing'anling!

I didn't expect to die in the hands of an earthen gun!

Xie Qiang's face was full of anger, and he stared at Fan Ruyan coldly: "Miss Fan, I don't understand why you want people to kill Chen Nan!"

"Don't you know that the projects they study benefit the country and the people?"

"Why take his life for your own selfishness?"

"Do you know how many lives he can save if he succeeds?"

"Oh, by the way, you are the eldest lady in the rich family!"

"Born high, enjoy the life of brocade clothes and jade food!"

"And how do you know the sufferings of mortals?"

Speaking of this, his emotions became excited, his face was full of blue tendons, and his eyes showed a cold light: "You don't know, but I don't know!"

"My wife has hepatitis B!"

"Because hepatitis B developed into cirrhosis and eventually left me!"

"Today is the first anniversary of her death!"

"Both my son and daughter have hepatitis B!"

"Because of this disease, they have been boycotted by many companies!"

"Because of this disease, my daughter was abandoned by her boyfriend!"

"It's all because of this disease!"

"But we don't even have the right to blame him!"

"Because her boyfriend is right!"

"This disease is inherited, and people don't want their children to contract this kind of bad disease!"

"Now it's hard to look forward to it, but you let people kill Chen Nan because of a little break?"

"Lao Tzu is out, who the dares to move Chen Nan, I will shoot him!"

"Anyway, I have already killed a cultivator, and I will not lose money in this life!"

Speaking of this, he turned his head to look at Chen Nan behind him and grinned: "Xiao Chen, you go, Uncle Xie is here to break you off!"

Chen Nan looked at him stunned!

He didn't expect Xie Qiang to kill a Foundation Building Period realm cultivator in order to save himself!

I didn't expect that he would even care about his life, just to save himself!

After all, they are Pingshui meet!

This moment!

He felt a sense of responsibility!

Just because I participated in the development of a specific drug for hepatitis B!

Although it is a meeting of Pingshui!

But Xie Qiang is very similar to him!

When he entered Wuyang City alone, wasn't he also fighting for the hope he couldn't see?

"Kill my Fan family's offerings, insult my family miss, none of you can leave!"

Elder Han slowly stood up, his eyes were as cold as a knife!

"Ruyan, please, let Chen Nan leave, okay?" Ye Wanzhi's eyes were filled with tears, and he kept pleading, hoping that Fan Ruyan could let Chen Nan die!

Not only because the two were colleagues, but also because she knew what Chen Nan's existence meant to the medical community!

He is still young, he independently developed smoking cessation pills, and the research direction of hepatitis B is also proposed by him!

As long as he is given time, the medical community will shine because of him!

"Shut up!" Fan Ruyan was furious: "You never begged me for anything, but now, you beg me to let Chen Nan go?" You dare to say that you yourself do not like him? "



A piercing scream came!

I saw a large group of weasels appear in all directions, and there must be at least a thousand!

The appearance of these weasels changed the situation on the scene in an instant!

Fan Ruyan pointed to the weasel leader in the distance and said, "Elder Han, help me kill that weasel, I will make a costume out of its fur!" Elder

Han nodded slightly, and then looked at Chen Nan and Xie Qiang, and an astonishing murderous aura burst out of his eyes: "I'll help the eldest lady get rid of these two guys first!" "

This moment!

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became depressed!

Wang Ming and the others were full of excitement and expectation!

If you can see the cultivator make a move, you have no regrets in this life!

"Na life!"

Elder Han shouted angrily, and flashed towards Chen Nan and Xie Qiang!

Chen Nan spat out thunder: "Kneel!" "


The breath of the nine-layer peak powerhouse in the foundation building period was like a mountain, falling heavily on Elder Han!


He bent his knees and knelt on the ground under everyone's horrified eyes...

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