
"What happened?"

"Why is Elder Han so obedient?"

"Shouldn't he be the one invited by Chen Nan?"

"Do you say that there will be such a possibility, Chen Nan has mastered the ability to follow words?"

Wang Ming's younger brothers whispered!

Without exception!

They couldn't accept the picture of Elder Han kneeling in front of Chen Nan!

Fan Ruyan's face was also gloomy, and he said in a low voice: "Elder Han, why are you listening to Chen Nan's words?" He told you to kneel, are you going to kneel?

"Hurry up and stand up and kill him!"

"I want him to know the end of my enemy!"

"Although he is the deputy leader of the project team for the development of hepatitis B specific drugs, what does the life and death of people in the world have to do with me?"

Ye Wanzhi and the others were also shocked!

I never expected that Elder Han would kneel!

"You... Are you also a monk? Elder Han looked at Chen Nan with solemn eyes!


A simple word!

Like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, it echoed in the depths of Fan Ruyan's mind!

None of them expected that Chen Nan was also a cultivator!

Moreover, looking at the situation in front of him, Chen Nan's strength seemed to be above Elder Han!

Otherwise, Elder Han would not be so embarrassed!

Xie Qiang and Ma Xiuyuan, as well as Ye Wanzhi, revealed an unconcealable surprise!

If Chen Nan was a cultivator, wouldn't that mean that he could avoid today's calamity?

Chen Nan looked at Xie Qiang: "Uncle Xie, I play with your gun?"

Xie Qiang secretly swallowed: "You don't need this thing, right?"

Chen Nan: "How come, I feel that the earthen gun in your hand is very handsome!"

"If you like it, I'll give it to you!" Xie Qiang grinned, filled it with gunpowder and marbles, and gave it to Chen Nan!

Chen Nan held an earthen gun and walked towards Han Lao step by step!

"Senior, subordinates show mercy, subordinates stay merciful, senior!"

This moment!

Elder Han was completely panicked!

He felt a killing intent!

"Senior, I was wrong, please raise your noble hand and let me live!"

Elder Han kept kowtowing, hoping that Chen Nan could let him live!

Chen Nan's eyes were indifferent: "All things have animism, when you killed the birds and beasts in the mountains, did you ever think that you were wrong?"

"If I am not your opponent today, will you let me live?"

Fan Ruyan's eyes were cold, and he threatened loudly: "Chen Nan, Elder Han is the worship of my Fan family, if you dare to kill him, my Fan family is destined to not let you go!" "


Chen Nan slapped her out in the air, crashed into a jeep, and spat out blood in her mouth!

"You dare to hit me?" Fan Ruyan looked at Chen Nan incredulously, as a Fan family, she was born superior, Mo said outsiders, even the Fan family did not dare to touch her!

"Chen Nan, my Fan family will not let you go, no matter where you escape to the ends of the earth, they will kill you!" Fan Ruyan roared hysterically!


Chen Nan slapped it again!

His eyes are cold, without the slightest emotional fluctuation!

Frightened Fan Ru lost his face and subconsciously closed his mouth!

"Do you think I'm afraid of your Fan family?" Chen Nan's face flashed with disdain: "Today, I am going to kill your Fan family's offerings, but I want to see what your Fan family can do to me!" "


The earth gun spewed out a long tongue of fire!

Elder Han splattered a burst of blood behind him, and then slowly fell to the ground!

The eyes reveal endless despair, as well as unwillingness!

Just when Chen Nan had just shot Han Lao, there were two gunshots in his ears, as well as the sound of arrows breaking through the air!


When it was too late, a True Qi erupted in Chen Nan's body, directly enveloping him and Xie Qiang!

Successfully withstood two bullets and six arrows!


Wang Ming and the others' scalps were numb!

Although they also knew that the strength of the cultivator was very strong, they did not expect to be resisted by Chen Nan in the case of a sneak attack!

This is unacceptable for them!


The True Qi in Chen Nan's body erupted, and the bullets and arrows flew out!

Then he turned his head to look at Fan Ruyan: "Mean woman, want to kill me?" What the are you? "

The invisible spiritual power crushed towards Fan Ruyan!

Let it spew out a mouthful of blood!

"I have to thank you for breaking the taboo of killing women!"

Treat women, Chen Nan is very kind!

But now!

Fan Ruyan aroused his killing intent!

Especially what does the death and life of the world's people have to do with me!

This sentence is selfish to the extreme!

If you don't kill her, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in Chen Nan's heart!

"Chen Nan, there is indeed something wrong with Ruyan, but please let her have a way to live in my face?" Ye Wanzhi's face was full of tears and blocked Ye Wanzhi's body!


Chen Nan was full of anger and had nowhere to vent!

This moment!

He couldn't find any excuse to refuse Ye Wanzhi!

After all!

When Fan Ruyan wanted to kill herself, she also cried and begged the other party!

Although Fan Ruyan rejected her!

But he couldn't refuse the other party!


The four true qi burst out!

Instantly destroyed those four Wranglers!

At the same time, Chen Nan forced them to hand over their mobile phones, and then destroyed them all!

"If you can get out of Daxing'an Ridge, it means that your life should not be extinguished!"

"If not, then this will be your life!"

This is Chen Nan's final compromise!

But for Fan Ruyan and others, it was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day!

They are now at least two hundred kilometers away from Pangu Station!

If there is no car!

No cell phones!

As well as food!

They will be disoriented and then starved to death!

"Chen Nan, do you really want to do things so desperately?" Fan Ruyan covered her chest and roared!

"you paralyzed, don't kidnap me with morality, if it weren't for Senior Sister Ye helping you intercede, you would be dead by now!" Chen Nan shouted angrily!

Ye Wanzhi's eyes were complicated: "Like smoke, take care!" Saying that, he turned around and resolutely got on Xie Qiang's Haval H9!

Although she and Fan Ruyan have had a relationship that lasted for more than ten years!

But today, all the good and nostalgic are gone!

Because Fan Ruyan made her feel strange!

Makes her feel terrible!

"Leave it to fend for yourself!" Xie Qiang laughed and started the car to drive towards the distance!


The weasels gathered around and took away the corpses of the birds and beasts on the ground!

Went to the car again and found some food!

Not even a single compressed biscuit was left for them!


but left Fan Ruyan and others dozens of stinky farts!

They burst into tears, and even two of them fainted!

Until a fresh breeze blew and blew away the smell of fart in the forest!

"Sister Ruyan, what should we do now?" Wang Ming's face was full of nervousness, he didn't expect the situation to be so embarrassing!

Everyone else also subconsciously looked at Fan Ruyan!

At this time, they have fallen into a desperate situation!

They simply can't get out of Daxing'anling alive!

If, even Fan Ruyan couldn't take them away!

Before he died, he said anything that he had to pay for the first thousand gold of this ice city giant!


If you her before you died, you can't be considered a wasted life!

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