The breath of the strong man in the Golden Pill period gushed out in Qu Yuan's body!

Let the void tremble!

Qu Yuan hugged his arms and looked playful in his eyes: "He reached the ninth layer of the foundation building period at a young age, and his talent is indeed good!"

"But well..."

"You're so arrogant!"

"Before we come, we may be able to stand up to all living beings and do whatever we want!"

"And now, you shouldn't be so arrogant!"

"Just after easy folding, don't you understand such a simple truth?"

Fan Zhigang looked at Chen Nan angrily, gritted his teeth and said: "Chen Nan, you insulted my Fan family's dignity and killed my Fan family, if you kneel down and repent now, I can ask Senior Qu Yuan to give you a pain!"

"Otherwise, I will cut off the flesh and blood from you with a knife!"

"Tamp your muscles!"

"Peel your skin!"

He did not hide his killing intent in his heart!

The Fan family has been passed down for so many years, and it has never been so humiliated!

Chen Nan lit a cigarette and asked calmly, "So, you are not here to give Uncle Xie a filial piety?"

"A pariah, what qualifies him to bow down to us?"

"Even if that kind of person dies, it will reduce the burden on society!"

The Fan family laughed out loud!

Even if they were very jealous of Chen Nan before!

But now!

There is a Jindan period powerhouse by his side!

A small Chen Nan was not enough to threaten them!

Chen Nan shook his head helplessly: "You guys, you shouldn't pin all your hopes on this guy!"

"You think he can kill me if he is Jindan?"

"This is also too much to look down on me Chen someone, right?"

Qu Yuan was amused: "I heard that people in the world love to pretend, this is really true!" Speaking of this, his expression instantly became indifferent: "If you humiliate Ben Shangxian again and again, then I will send you Shangxi..."

The words are not finished!

A rainbow roared out from in front of Chen Nan!

Under everyone's terrified eyes, he pierced Qu Yuan's dantian!

Let a sound like metal erupt from its body!

That's the sound of Jindan shattering!

Followed by!

Thick True Qi gushed out from his body!

This moment!

Qu Yuan panicked!

Full of fear, unease!

He squeezed his hands and wanted to seal the injured dantian!


Even if the dantian was sealed, the true qi in his body was gushing!

In his mouth!

Nasal cavity!




Valley Road!

Even the pores erupted with a pale golden glow!

"Why... Even if you have a horcrux... But why can it hurt me..." Qu Yuan let out an unwilling roar, and the light in his body was as dazzling as the sun!

Then it gets weaker and weaker!

He fell to the ground, his body constantly convulsing!

The weak eyes are full of unwillingness and fear!

"I said I wouldn't let you off the plane, but you didn't listen!" Chen Nan sighed lightly: "This situation is not what I want!"

"If there is an afterlife, don't be so obstinate!"

"You're pretending... It's really good! Qu Yuan smiled miserably, and then lost his breath!

Qu Yuan's tragic death was like a thunderbolt for the Fan family!

This is their backer!

They were also counting on Qu Yuan to be able to kill Chen Nan!


Who would have thought that the Golden Pill Stage powerhouse with the reputation of Shangxian would die in Chen Nan's hands?

What's even more outrageous is that the other party has no room to fight back!

Chen Nan took a puff of his cigarette, looked at the people of the Fan family who were dumbfounded, and asked with a smile: "Who wanted to kill me just now?" Come, come, repeat what you just said! "

He's laughing though!

But for the Fan family, his smile is more terrifying than the devil!

"Who are you?"

Fan Zhigang collapsed to the ground with a pop, only fear in his eyes!

Everyone else was also masterless and terrified!

Even Qu Yuan was killed by Chen Nan, how could they be Chen Nan's opponents?

Especially Fan Ruyan!

A strong remorse rose in her heart!

If he hadn't been hostile to Chen Nan, would things have turned out like this?


If that was the case, she would most likely serve him with Ye Wanzhi!

"Put on these filial clothes and go to Uncle Xie!" Chen Nan waved his hand casually, and thirty-two filial piety clothes appeared in front of everyone's eyes!

This is what he prepared before!

"Let's go, let's go!"

"Mr. Chen, let's go to see off Mr. Xie, and please raise your noble hand and let my descendants die!"

The Fan family put on those filial clothes in horror!

The so-called dignity, face, is worthless in the face of life and death!

Looking at the appearance of everyone wearing linen and wearing filial piety, a sneer appeared at the corner of Chen Nan's mouth: "Remember to cry carefully, I will decide your life and death according to your performance!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

That's it!

A group of filial piety and virtuous grandchildren appeared at Xie Qiang's funeral!

They came to the funeral site crying!

Crying is silent!

As if, Xie Qiang was their closest relative!

This made the people of Pangu Town very puzzled!

I have never heard that the Xie family has so many relatives!

"Lying groove, the middle-aged man in front seems to be the richest man in Bingcheng!"

Someone recognized Fan Zhigang and let out an exclamation!

"Oh my God, is this true? How could the richest man in Bingcheng give Lao Xie Pima Dai Xiao? "

Those people at the funeral scene felt their hearts pounding wildly, and the sudden appearance of a group of filial piety and virtuous grandchildren wearing linen and filial piety made people feel curious!

Not to mention that the one who took the lead is still the richest man in Bingcheng!

Six o'clock in the afternoon!

Xie Qiang and his deceased wife were buried together!

The guests also dispersed!

Only Chen Nan, Ye Wanzhi, Li Mu, and the Xie family sisters and brothers with pain-filled faces were left in the cemetery, and the thirty-two members of the Fan family!

"Mr. Chen, our Fan family knows that we are wrong, and we are willing to give the Xie family sisters and brothers a certain compensation!" Fan Zhigang's face was full of respect, he knew that this would not make up for the pain in the hearts of the two siblings!

"I hope you can let us do something for them!"

Chen Nanyan kept his mouth, looked at the photo of Xie Qiang on the tombstone, gritted his teeth and said: "What you do can't make up for the pain in their hearts, what you can give, I can also give!"

Fan Zhigang hesitated, pushed Fan Ruyan to the ground, and said with a firm look in his eyes: "All this is because of Fan Ruyan, if Mr. Chen feels unhappy in his heart, he can use her head to sacrifice Mr. Xie's undead soul!"

"If you feel that killing her dirty hands, I am willing to kill your relatives!"

"I only ask Mr. Chen to let my Fan family have a way of life!"

Fan Ruyan's face was full of despair!

Unexpectedly, her father would sacrifice her life at this time!

"Wanzhi, for the sake of our relationship over the years, can you help me intercede with Chen Nan!" Fan Ruyan and tears fell like rain and knelt in front of Ye Wanzhi's body!

Ye Wan's foot kicked her away and said angrily, "If I hadn't helped you intercede last time, how could I have killed Uncle Xie?"

"I was wrong, I was really wrong!"

Fan Ruyan couldn't cry!

Chen Nan gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go, before I change my mind!"

"Thank you, thank you Mr. Chen for not killing!" The Fan family was like an amnesty, grateful and weeping, and hurriedly headed towards the northern town!

A moment later!

The helicopter takes to the skies!

Fly over their heads!

"Uncle Xie, it's dark!" Chen Nanhu's body shook, and the nine swords soared into the sky: "Junior, send you the last ride!" "


A dazzling burst of fire erupted in the air!

It's like fireworks!


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