Looking at the brilliant fire in the air, Li Mu let out a light sigh: "Didn't you say to let them have a way to live?"

Chen Nan: "I changed my mind, can't I?" Li

Mu was speechless!

He thought that Chen Nan's approach was a bit cruel!

Contrary to the faith of the Guardians!

After all!

Many of the people in the Fan family are innocent!

"Well, I lied!" Chen Nandao: "I never thought of letting them go, and said that if I destroy their entire clan, then none of them will be able to live!"

Speaking of this, he patted Li Mu's shoulder: "Let the overseas brothers help me kill the other two clansmen of the Fan family!"

"Don't say no!"

"I swore to heaven to destroy the entire Fan family, otherwise five thunders will hit the top, and my soul will be scattered!"

"I'll you fairy plate!" Li Mu jumped like thunder!


the next day!

Chen Nan and Ye Wanzhi came to the capital with the Xie family sisters and brothers!

After agreeing to take care of their sister and brother, Chen Nan will not break his word!

Arranged Xie Lei to Tsinghua as a security guard!

This is Xie Lei's idea!

He failed the college entrance examination and did not get into a good school!

Now that I can come to Tsinghua, even if I am a security guard, I am very content!

Of course, his purpose is not just to be an unknown security guard!

He wants to use his role as a security guard to integrate here, and then learn knowledge and enrich himself!

At this point, Chen Nan had no reason to refuse at all!

Xie Wen worked as a property consultant in a sales office and declined Chen Nan's offer to arrange a job!

Chen Nan also knows that being a property consultant is very hard!


In the face of Xie Wen, who lives by his own ability, he can't refuse her request!

After that, Chen Nan and Ye Wanzhi returned to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine!

Came to Li Muya's laboratory!

For the return of the two, everyone responded with warm applause, and Li Muya also asked people to prepare flowers!

After all, they deserve it!

At the same time, Chen Nan also knew the progress of the work!

The sampling work has been extremely smooth, and now 10 million plants of Siberian tigers have been cultivated, and live experiments have begun!

Germs were injected into mice carrying the hepatitis B virus!

If the hepatitis B virus in the mice can be killed, then a second experiment can be carried out!

It's just that the second experiment is not a guinea pig!

It's expensive rhesus macaques!

Rhesus monkeys are 94% genetically similar to humans, and they can infect all diseases that humans can infect!


Rhesus monkeys are extremely expensive!

From the previous 10,000 to 100,000 each, and the market is priceless!

Even Li Muya, the dean of the medical school, only got one, and is currently on the way back!

"In addition to this, there is good news!" Li Muya smiled: "This is something we accidentally developed, it can be said that we unintentionally inserted willows into the shade!"

Speaking of this, she took out a kit and said, "This small kit can detect whether it carries the hepatitis B virus!"

Ye Wanzhi's face was full of shock: "Team leader, are you serious?"

Li Muya smiled and nodded: "This is the No. TXK6701 germ, if I'm not mistaken, it should be the specimen you brought back from the hippos in the zoo last time!"

"This kit can 100% detect the presence of hepatitis B virus in the body!"

"And, results in five minutes!"

"It's also very convenient to use, dripping blood on it!"

"100% accuracy!"

Chen Nan swallowed his saliva wildly, and did not hide his inner joy: "Actually, this invention alone can shock the medical community!" "

Daxia is a big country of hepatitis B!

According to current statistics, one in ten people has hepatitis B!

Although hepatitis B carrying does not affect life!

But hepatitis B virus will slowly damage the liver and affect liver function!

And the liver is a very tolerant and bearable organ!

Once the patient feels unwell, go to the hospital for examination, and the result is nothing more than two points!

Either mid-term, or late!


How many are you carrying?

Nobody knows!

No one would think of going to the hospital to check if they have hepatitis B!

But if you have this kit, anyone can check if they have hepatitis B at home!

So as to love the liver and protect the liver!

Get checked early to prevent lesions!

Chen Nan: "Is this kit expensive?"

Li Muya: "The cost is only twenty yuan, any family can afford it!"

"This good news can be made public!" Chen Nan laughed, laughing from the bottom of his heart!

Li Muya said: "The idea of finding antibodies in animals was proposed by you, and the paper was written by you!"

"Do you think I value that?" The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose, and he looked unruly: "I can't write papers, not that I can't write, but I can't write!" "

It's a great honor!

It belongs to Chen Nan!

But it also belongs to everyone in Li Muya's studio!

Li Muya knew that Chen Nan didn't care about these false names!

He looked at Ye Wanzhi: "Or, you will write?"

Ye Wanzhi: "Forget it, this work is still done by the team leader!"

Li Muya smiled bitterly, obviously it was an honor!

But it seems that no one cares!

When I think about it, I am relieved!

Who cares about the vanity of a real researcher?

That afternoon!

A paper on hepatitis B kit was published on the most authoritative medical forum in China!

There are very few people who are paying attention at first!

It can be reposted by major news media on major social forums!

This news exploded!

Thoroughly exploded!

This invention allows more people to detect whether they have hepatitis B!

Let many people know if their body is healthy!

It can also slow down the occurrence of liver cancer to a certain extent!

Especially when people see the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Tsinghua Medical College, they are all deeply shocked!

I'll drop a good drop!

Chinese medicine has been silent for all these years, and suddenly did something that shocked the world!

It's like a lake that's been silent for decades!

It has long faded from view!

But now, suddenly there is a huge wave!

So much so that it masks the aura of Western medicine!

Even on the same day, the papers of some old professors of Western medicine were ignored!

The rise of Chinese medicine has become inevitable, and countless people are proud and looking forward to it!


There are also people who look at Chinese medicine unpleasantly!

Western medicine in the same department is the best example!

This does not!

Just when the team members of Li Muya's studio gathered in the campus cafeteria and tasted the fruits of joy!

The Western Medicine Department has sent someone!

The other party's name is Liu Mang, and he is a senior student in the Department of Western Medicine!

Also a graduate student!

"I heard that the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine has developed a hepatitis B kit, and our students in the Department of Western Medicine are proud of you, so we came to congratulate you before!" Liu Mang smiled: "I also want to take this opportunity to have a good discussion with the disciples of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine!"

"I wonder if someone in the Department of Chinese Medicine has the courage to accept the challenge?"

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