Liu Mang's appearance caused dissatisfaction among many students in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine!

Sun Er was the first to stand up and glared at each other angrily: "Senior Liu Mang, everyone is a descendant of Yanhuang, and promoting Chinese medicine is every medical worker's lifelong dream!"

"But why is your Western medicine department so bad?"

"Seeing that we just had some results, do you want to come to the door to suppress?"

"Why, there are no ingredients in your Western Medicine Department cafeteria, do you have to take all the bamboo shoots on the mountain before stopping?"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted a burst of applause!

After all, Chinese medicine has just made some achievements!

It's time when everyone is motivated!

At this time, the Western medical department sent people to provoke and declare war!

This behavior is really disgusting!

Liu Mang said with a smile: "Our Western medicine department has a very good food, and we don't disdain to go to the mountains to grab bamboo shoots!"

"As for why I came to the door today..."

"Don't be angry when you say it!"

"Although we all belong to medical school, are you qualified to fight against us before?"

He looked arrogant, and did not put the people of the Chinese medicine department in his eyes at all!

But he was right!

Before this, they didn't take the Chinese medicine department seriously at all!

Liu Mang's words angered many TCM students!

"You say, than what?"

"Yes, than what?"

"Do you think our Chinese medicine department is afraid of you?"

Some advanced students of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine spoke!

The Western medical department is too deceitful, and it must be fought over!

Liu Mang said: "It's very simple, let's go to the gate of the school to set up the ring, and each department will immediately select five amateurs, and then diagnose whether they are sick!"

"If you are sick, come up with a cure!"

"See which side has a short treatment process and quick results!"

"Use this to divide the winners and losers!"

The eyes of the students on the side of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine flashed with jealousy!

Although they have studied medical skills for several years, most of them are theoretical, and it is not difficult to treat a cold and fever and massage the bones!

But who knows what kind of amateurs the five selected amateurs suffer?

Moreover, TCM treatment is mainly based on 'nourishment'!

In terms of treatment course and effect, it is far less expensive than Western medicine!

If only to compete this way!

They are very likely to lose a mess!

And they!

Don't dare to lose!

After all, Chinese medicine has just gained some fame!

At this time, if you lose, you will become a sinner in the field of Chinese medicine!

"Is five amateurs too few? Or do the two faculties find twenty amateurs for diagnosis? Chen Nan stood up, still holding a bowl of rice in his hand!

Liu Mang smiled and asked, "Can you represent the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine in battle?"

"He can!"

Li Muya sat quietly at the dining table!

The Western medicine department deceived people too much, and when she saw that the Chinese medicine department had some achievements, she came to the door to suppress it, and this behavior deeply angered her!


When Li Muya finished saying the word 'he can'!

The Chinese medicine department suddenly fryer here!

"Groove, did I hear you right? The dean actually wanted to let Chen Nan fight?

"It's not... He Chen Nan is a freshman, what qualifications does he have to represent the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine?

"I don't deny this guy's abilities, but his abilities are also limited to theory!"

Although Chen Nan did a lot of things after coming, every single thing was beyond people's reach!


Healing depends on experience!

These seniors who have been enrolled for many years do not have the courage to fight against the people of the Western Medical Department!

He Chen Nan, okay?

Liu Mang was overjoyed and said with a smile: "Since Dean Li said that this junior can do it, then let's talk about it?" "

He just came with the attitude of trying it out!

Because he doesn't think that anyone in the Department of Chinese Medicine dares to fight!

In fact, whether they should fight or not, they are the biggest winners!

If they refuse the challenge launched by the Western Medical Department, they can take the opportunity to mock and suppress a wave!

On the contrary, even if you really accept the challenge, you will definitely lose!

"You will decide the time and place!" Chen Nan said lightly!

Isn't it to cure and save people?

That's what he does best!

Liu Mang said: "The day after tomorrow Saturday, Saturday at five o'clock in the afternoon, we will hold a competition at the school gate!"

After a pause, he said, "Since it's a competition, it has to be a little colorful, right?" "

Everyone trembled violently in their hearts!

There is a sense of foreboding!

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose: "Could it be that the Western Medicine Department has set its sights on the hepatitis B kit patent developed by our Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine?" Liu

Mang's smile instantly froze!

He really came for the patent for the hepatitis B kit!

But I never expected that Chen Nan would see through their thoughts!

If this is admitted, wouldn't it be equivalent to losing to the other side in the first confrontation?

Just as he was thinking about how to answer!

Chen Nan's voice sounded again: "If you can really win, what if I give you this patent?"

"In a word!"

Liu Mang almost didn't laugh out loud!

"Chen Nan, do you know what you're talking about?"

"Yes, that is a treasure developed by our Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, how can it be given to the Department of Western Medicine?"

"You shouldn't be an internal traitor sent by the Western Medical Department, right?"

"No, it can't be like this!"

The students of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine shouted one after another!

"How? Are you going to surrender without a fight? Liu Mang laughed unscrupulously: "If you think that Chinese medicine can win, you definitely won't have such worries!" "

The students of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine were suddenly stunned!

Someone looked at Li Muya and said nervously: "Dean Li, you can't let Chen Nan take the hepatitis B kit as a bet!"

Li Muya slowly stood up with an elegant smile on her face: "One thing you may not know, the reason why we were able to develop the hepatitis B kit is because of Chen Nan!"

"In layman's terms, he is the founder of the hepatitis B kit!"

"So, he has the right to decide where the hepatitis B kit goes!"

"Even if it's a gift to the Western Department of Medicine!"

The scene was silent!

Except for those partners in Li Muya's laboratory, everyone else was dumbfounded!

Looking at Chen Nan, his eyes were full of shock!

Who is this forced?

Why did you come to Tsinghua to make such a big invention?

Envy me to death!

Liu Mang said, "Since Dean Li also supports Chen Nan to compete with us on behalf of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, then I will go back and tell the leaders of the department about this news!"

Chen Nan spoke: "Wait first!"

Liu Mang smiled: "Junior Brother Chen Nan wants to repent?"

Chen Nan: "You said Caitou before..." The hepatitis B kit is the color head of our TCM department. Take the liberty of asking, if the Western medical department loses, what do you take as a lottery?

Liu Mang's face was full of pride: "Our Western medical department should not lose!"

Chen Nan said disapprovingly, "There is no absolute!" After all, you just said that you 'should' not lose, but what if you lose?

Liu Mang asked, "What do you want to do?"

Chen Nan thought for a while and said, "Otherwise, if your Western medicine department loses, make a public statement and admit that Chinese medicine is stronger than Western medicine!"

"Let's just say that Western medicine is a branch of Chinese medicine!"

"On curing diseases and saving people, it must be Chinese medicine!"

Speaking of this, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "You guys, dare you bet?" "

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