Night falls!

Chen Nan walks on the tree-lined path of the campus!

It was quiet!

Only unknown bugs are playing the Summer Night Symphony!

It gives a comfortable, empty feeling!

It's just...

Any college grove will not be peaceful on summer nights!

It's a tryst paradise!

Yes... Hell?

"Did you take me here on purpose?" Ye Wanzhi's face was red and his ears were red, although there were only two of them on the sheep gut path in the woods!


But he heard faint humming sounds around him!

Chen Nan looked innocent: "Don't wronged me, it's much closer to go to the history department this way!" "

He has already asked Li Muya!

Xie Lei is currently working as a security guard in the history department!

Today is his first day at work!

He said he had to come and see what he wanted!

Ye Wanzhi's face turned slightly red!

It's so embarrassing, it turns out that I think too much...

Chen Nan held her hand: "Of course, if you also want to release in nature, I can satisfy you!"

"Hey, don't!" Ye Wanzhi snorted!

Although she longs for a release in nature, there are people everywhere in the woods...

She couldn't accept doing that kind of thing here!


Chen Nan received a call from Sun Er: "Brother Nan, look at Douyin, those turtle grandchildren of the Western Medicine Department have begun to fight back, frantically pouring dirty water on us!"

"I know!"

Chen Nan said and hung up the phone, opened the Douyin hot search list, and a striking title appeared in his eyes!

The title is simple: #Tsinghua Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine openly challenges Western medicine #!

This topic was detonated!

After all, the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine is extremely hot today!

Hepatitis B kits can greatly improve people's lives!

Chen Nan's expression was calm!

Even if the Western medicine department pours dirty water on the Chinese medicine department!

But this little thing can't affect his mentality!

But Ye Wanzhi couldn't stand it, her face was full of anger: "Why are people from the Western Medicine Department so shameless?" It is clear that they came to the door to provoke and proposed a competition, but in the end they hit it backwards!

"Those people's methods are really dirty, they simply do everything!"

Chinese and Western medicine have been competing with each other for many years!

The reason for the decline of Chinese medicine is mainly that many people are optimistic about Western medicine!

Therefore, there are countless people on the Internet who support Western medicine!

These are two systems that are hostile in themselves, and now Chinese medicine has just achieved a little success and fame, and openly provoked Western medicine, which has caused the indignation of countless netizens!

Think that TCM has some achievements, and I am complacent!

This attitude of no one is destined to make Chinese medicine go long!

All kinds of mockery and slander!

So much so that even some fans of Chinese medicine are very disappointed with the performance of Chinese medicine!

Think that Chinese medicine is not humble enough!

Of course!

The Department of Western Medicine also publicly stated that the day after tomorrow, that is, at five o'clock on Saturday afternoon, it will set up a ring at the school gate to find amateurs for medical skills!

And, even more outrageously, live broadcasting!

Ye Wanzhi said angrily: "If I am not a person from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine and have not seen Liu Mang come to the battle book with my own eyes, I have believed what I say on the Internet!"

"Looking at this matter from the eyes of a stranger, our Chinese medicine department is really arrogant!"


Chen Nan directly slapped his hands after seeing it: "Good, good, good!"

"Zheng Chou couldn't find the opportunity to make a name for himself in Chinese medicine, so the other party sent it to the door!"

"It's a blessing!"

"Aren't you nervous at all?" Ye Wanzhi knew that Chen Nan was a cultivator and his strength was also very strong, but cultivators and doctors were two professions!

She didn't believe that Chen Nan could win in Saturday's big competition!

"You don't know anything about my strength!" The corners of Chen Nan's mouth flashed an intriguing arc!

"Don't look at many people on the Internet scolding Chinese medicine, but this is not a bad thing!"

Ye Wanzhi was puzzled!

Chen Nan: "Because the more fiercely they scold today, they will be extremely shocked, admired, and even guilt when they see my strength another day!"

"What do you say they will do to atone for their sins?"

"Unbelievable praise, support Chinese medicine?"

"Even if today's online statements are false, they will become true!"

"At that time, the arrogance in their mouths will turn into self-confidence!"

"Only with absolute self-confidence can we dare to challenge Western medicine!"

Ye Wanzhi's beautiful eyes were full of curiosity: "How many means do you have that I have not seen?"

"Follow me, you will slowly see my means!"

During the conversation, the two came to the history department!

Compared with the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Department of History is a large department, although I don't know how many students there are, but it is conservatively estimated to be tens of thousands!

"Hello buddy, how do you get to your dormitory?" Chen Nan said to a security guard of the history department: "What, I am Xie Lei's friend, he is your security guard who just came today!"

The young security guard said, "Xie Lei is not in the dormitory, he is standing guard at the door of the department!" "

Stand guard?" Chen Nan's face was full of surprise!

The young security guard said: "Yes, Xiao Xie has a very positive attitude, and he took the initiative to apply for night shift standing guard on the first day!"

"Okay, thanks!"

Chen Nan thanked him!

I already knew that Xie Lei was standing guard at the gate of the history department, so he didn't go into the grove and came directly to him!


Along the way, he also discovered the special features of the history department!

Although the ratio of men and women in the history department is not much different!

But the girls here all have a special beauty!

Many girls in ancient costumes danced beautifully under the street lamps and uploaded videos of dancing to the Internet!

Seeing Chen Nan's eyes staring at those beauties in ancient costumes, Ye Wanzhi's heart was sour, reached out and pinched the soft flesh around his waist, and said with a red face: "If you like ancient costumes, I can buy a few and try them!"

Chen Nan shook his head: "Some women rely on clothes to enhance their temperament and appearance, and you don't need to, you are natural!"

Ye Wanzhi's face was red: "Slippery tongue!" "

For Chen Nan's praise, she is very useful!

Chen Nan: "If you want to set off your beauty with clothing, I hope it is..."

Ye Wanzhi asked, "What is it?"

Chen Nan cleared his throat and said with a bad smile: "Black silk! "

Let Ye Wanzhi, who has a cold personality, wear black silk, this matter is imaginary just thinking about it!

You don't need to think about it to know that if she wears black silk, she should have a different kind of temptation and sexiness!

Ye Wanzhi's face blushed like a ripe peach: "I haven't worn it, but you can try it!" "

Although she is conservative in her thinking, she usually disdains to wear black silk!

But for the sake of the beloved man, I am still willing to give it a try!

Chen Nan was overjoyed in his heart and whispered: "If I can, I hope it is the black silk with the open crotch!" "

You beg to be beaten!"

Ye Wanzhi was embarrassed and angry, and raised his powder fist to hit Chen Nan!

But at this moment, a red Ferrari roared over, and the speed almost crashed into the two of them!

Fortunately, Chen Nan's eyes were quick, and he took Ye Wanzhi into his arms, and looked angrily at the young man driving a Ferrari: "Driving so fast in school, you should be here the track?" Can you afford if something happens? "

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