"What the are you? What qualifications do you have to educate Xiaoye? Qin Haoran looked angry: "Don't say that Xiao Ye didn't hit your woman, even if he did, what?"

"Xiao Ye has money, even if he knocks her to death, it's not a big deal!"

"Good dogs don't get in the way, get out of here!"

Saying that, he slammed the throttle!

"Steady, steady, you are a cultivator who is high and does not eat the world's fireworks, don't be familiar with this rich second generation!" Ye Wanzhi whispered in Chen Nan's arms, for fear that Chen Nan would kill the other party with blood splattered in anger!

Chen Nan took a deep breath and said, "Young man, don't do whatever you want with a few smelly money, money is the most useless thing this year!" "

Drive fast in a vehicle on a college campus!

This is an extremely uncivilized act!

It is also a disregard for the lives of others!

If something really happens, even if you have money, you can't get public opinion!

"Oh, it feels like you're hanging! If you're so awesome, why can't you go to heaven? Qin Haoran spat viciously, and then left in the dust!

"I really didn't expect that even a holy place like Tsinghua has such a disciple!" Chen Nan secretly shook his head, holding hands with Ye Wanzhi and walked towards the school gate!

Ye Wanzhi said: "No way, it is very difficult for outsiders to be admitted to Peking University Tsinghua University, they must be the top among the same students, but the locals are different!"

"If we get four hundred points in the test, it is estimated that we will just pass the second main line, right?"

"But students here in Kyoto can go to Tsinghua University and Peking University!"

"Oh, I forgot, you're a special enrollment..."

"Kombat 120!"

As soon as he arrived at the school gate, Chen Nan saw a large group of people surrounded in front of him, and the scene was a little chaotic!

"Xiao Lei, who injured you?"

Seeing Xie Lei covering his head and sitting on the ground with a face full of blood, Chen Nan was furious!

He never expected that Xie Lei would be beaten on the head and bleed on the first day of work!

He felt sorry for Xie Qiang's spirit in the sky!

Xie Lei forced a smile: "Brother Nan, it's just some skin trauma, it's not a big deal!"

"This is all broken head bleeding and skin trauma? Have you forgotten what my profession is? Chen Nan knew that Xie Lei had a thick and straightforward personality, and he didn't want to provoke right and wrong!


He Chen Nan is not a soft persimmon!

No one is allowed to hurt Xie Lei!

He looked at a security guard in his thirties and asked politely, "This big brother, what's going on with my brother?" Who hurt him?

The security guard was called Shi Jian, he hesitated, and said helplessly: "Little brother, don't think about revenge, you better let Xie Lei change jobs!"

"If he continues to stay here, the other party will not give up!"

"You just need to tell me who he was injured by, and I can handle the rest!" Chen Nan forced out a smile!

He could see that the other party was thinking about Xie Lei!

It can also be learned that it was not an ordinary person who injured Xie Lei!

But how could he have ever feared others?

Shi Jian said: "It's Qin Haoran, the third young master of the Qin family, just now he drove a sports car into the history department, and the Xie Lei brothers stopped his car without knowing him, and the other party was angry, and taking out a baseball bat in the car was a severe beating!"

Chen Nan felt a pang of anger in his heart: "Is that the red Ferrari just now?"

Shi Jian whispered: "Little brother, that Qin Haoran is the son of the Qin family, and the Qin family has tens of billions of assets in Kyoto, although I don't like him too!"

"But we can't afford to mess with such a big man!"

"Brother Xie Lei offended him just now, and with his character, he will definitely not give up!"

"Let's help him change jobs!"



The red Ferrari drove in the distance!

At this time, a melon face appeared on the co-pilot, with a pure and moving appearance!

Qin Haoran was talking and laughing with her, and he seemed to be in a good mood!

Seeing this, Chen Nan directly blocked the door!

Seeing that the road was blocked, Qin Haoran was furious: "Why the are you like a mad dog?" And endless? Believe it or not, Xiaoye kicked the accelerator and killed you a turtle grandson? Chen

Nan walked to the cab, pulled the car door, and took Qin Haoran out with one hand under the shocked eyes of the onlookers, and then there was a punch and kick!

The onlookers were all stunned!

I didn't expect Chen Nan to be so daring to dare to beat Qin Haoran in public!

This is the school grass and a tyrant of the history department!


This guy is absolutely finished!

In the hearts of everyone, Chen Nan was tantamount to being sentenced to death!

With Qin Haoran's rewarding personality, if he could leave alive today!

We won't give up!

"You... Isn't it... Lose your marbles? Qin Haoran fell weakly in a pool of blood, and his eyes were full of anger when he looked at Chen Nan: "I am the third young master of the Qin family, and if you hit me, you will be the enemy of the Qin family..."

"I'm not going to let you go..."

"Can you please stop punching in the face... Woo hoo, stop fighting, don't fight! "

Qin Haoran's mentality has completely collapsed!

Chen Nan didn't take his threat to heart at all!

"You give me a reason to hit me, right?" Qin Haoran looked at Chen Nan in horror!

Chen Nan said in a low voice, "The security guard you just hit is my brother!"

"I apologize, and I apologize to that brother!"

Stay green and green mountains without worrying about firewood!

Even if Qin Haoran had the heart to kill Chen Nan, he had to be soft at the moment!

If not, he was really afraid that Chen Nan would kill him!

Chen Nan's face was full of indifference: "Kowtow three heads and let you go!"

Qin Haoran became angry: "What? Let me kowtow to him with a security guard? Is your head in water? It can't be, even if I die, it's impossible to kowtow to him with a watchdog!

"Brother Nan, or forget about this matter!" Xie Lei's face was full of weakness, although he also knew that Chen Nan was a cultivator and his strength was very strong!

But he didn't want Chen Nan to offend the Kyoto giants because of him!

He was afraid of causing trouble to Chen Nan!

"Xiao Lei, you don't care about this matter! Brother Nan must ask you for an explanation! Chen Nan shot out a True Qi in the air, and instantly submerged into Qin Haoran's body!

After this True Qi entered Qin Haoran's body, it began to rage in his body, colliding!

"Damn, what did you do to me?" Qin Haoran howled heartbreakingly, and he had an illusion, as if there was a poisonous insect in his body, which was running rapidly in his body!

Chen Nan: "Don't you want to die?" Don't worry, your dream is about to come true!

"I apologize, I apologize!"

Qin Haoran was completely panicked, and endured the pain and kowtowed three times in front of Xie Lei!

The so-called family dignity!

The faces of the three young masters of the Qin family were all ignored!

All he wants is to be alive!

Chen Nan pinched the trick with one hand, and the True Qi in Qin Haoran's body disappeared instantly!

His face was full of indifference: "If you dare to touch a single hair of my brother, I will let you die without a place to be buried!"


"My name is Chen Nan, a student of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine!"

"If you want revenge, you can let the horse come at any time!"

"The premise is that your strength is tough enough!"

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