"Chen Shao said and smiled, how dare I trouble you?"

"Does not exist!"

"Absolutely non-existent!"

Qin Haoran smiled and wiped off the blood on his face, then sat in the cab of Ferrari and kicked the accelerator away!


But his angry scolding voice came: "The surname is Chen, you are waiting for the little master on a dog day!"

"I, Qin Haoran, don't kill you, I'm your grandson!"

"This guy changes his face quite quickly!" The corners of Chen Nan's mouth flashed with disdain, but he didn't take it seriously, a small disciple was not enough to threaten him!

Chen Nan looked at Shi Jian and said politely, "This eldest brother, can you give my brother a leave?"

"Brother Xie Lei has suffered a work injury, so there is no need to take leave!" Shi Jian smiled, he could also see that Chen Nan was not an ordinary person, and he was still willing to give this bit of face!

Chen Nan patted the dust on Xie Lei's body: "I shouldn't have eaten, right?" Looking for a place to drink? "

Okay?" Xie Lei is a little restrained!

"Go, go, go! It will take you at least three or five days to recover from this injury! "Shi Jian is the captain of the security team, and this is to give Chen Nan face, and secondly, he wants Xie Lei to avoid Qin Haoran's retaliation!

"Hmm, eat it!"

After walking out of the campus, Chen Nan gave Xie Lei a Spirit Pill!

This elixir can transform him and strengthen his physique!

If you encounter something similar in the future, you won't be beaten so badly!

Of course!

Even if he took Lingjiao Pill, he couldn't cure Xie Lei's hepatitis B carrying!

After all, that thing is a blood disease!

BBQ stall outside the school!

Chen Nan ordered some barbecue, crayfish and beer!

Sit with Ye Wanzhi and Xie Lei!

"Brother Chen, did I cause you trouble?" Xie Lei asked nervously!

While peeling the shrimp for Ye Wanzhi, Chen Nan asked, "What do you feel?"

Xie Lei lowered his head, like a child who had done something wrong: "I also know that I shouldn't stop Qin Haoran, but I just can't change my more true personality!"

"You don't have to change yourself!" Chen Nandao: "I never think that comparison is really a bad thing!"

"The reason why there are so many bad people in this world, and the reason why so many people are bullied, is because there is a lack of more real people!"

"If each of us is willing to be truthful and willing to say no to injustice, then the world will be a better place!"

Xie Lei raised his head, and his eyes flashed with a moving light!



Qin Haoran was treated and bandaged!

Although it's all skin trauma!

But his face was beaten beyond recognition by Chen Nan, and he was swollen like a pig's head at this time!

He picked up the phone and dialed his aunt's mobile phone, like a little widow who had been insulted, crying and crying: "Aunt, I was beaten, you have to help me avenge!" "

Half an hour later!

A beautiful woman wearing a dark blue cheongsam dress and long hair appeared in the hospital!

If Chen Nan saw it, he would definitely know it!

This person is none other than the member of the Guardian Ninth Squad, Qin Hongyu!

It is also Qin Haoran's own aunt!

Qin Hongyu wore a playful smile: "Didn't you say that you can run rampant in Tsinghua?" How could someone beat him so hard? I guess your mother won't recognize you when she sees you, right?

Qin Haoran said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if my mother recognizes me or not, the important thing is that my aunt can recognize me!" "

Although the Qin family has tens of billions of assets in Kyoto!

It is a wealthy family in the eyes of countless people!

But for Qin Hao, if you want to be able to eat well in the Qin family, you must coax your aunt!

Who can get the favor of his aunt!

Ironclad will definitely get a lot of benefits!

Like him!

Luxury cars, mansions!

All of them were given by Qin Hongyu!

"Tell me, why did someone beat you?" Qin Hongyu asked lukewarmly!

For the character of her nephew, she is clear!

"Don't think about turning black and white upside down and distorting the facts!" Qin Hongyu's voice was indifferent: "I will let people investigate the incident, cause and process you mentioned!"

"If you dare to lie to me, don't blame me for destroying my relatives righteously!"

"Of course!"

"If you hadn't done something wrong first, your aunt would have helped you get justice!"

Qin Haoran forcibly endured the tension in his heart and said, "I drove into the school, was stopped by a new security guard, and then beat him!"

Qin Hongyupi smiled and did not smile: "Yo, learn to bully people?"

"Do you want to change departments?"

"How's orthopedics?"

"I heard your dad say that the WiFi signal of orthopedics is very good!"

"How about you two be companions?"

"Save your dad from being there alone!"

"Aunt, I know I was at fault, and I apologize to the security guard who was beaten. However, his brother had to force me to kowtow to the other party three times!

"Please don't let me go to my dad's, okay?"

Qin Haoran was almost not scared to pee!

Whether the WiFi signal of orthopedics is good or not, he doesn't know!

But he knew that last month Dad had a little scandal with the company secretary!

Directly broke his legs by his aunt!

Now I am still lying quietly in bed and being taken care of!

It is said that life is very good, even peeing has nurse support...

A flash of essence flashed in Qin Hongyu's eyes: "Did he really force you to kneel?"

Qin Haoran nodded frantically like a chicken pecking rice: "I didn't lie about this, I dare to swear with my father's life, if I lie, let him become a castrate!"

Qin Hongyu: "If you say this, I will truthfully tell your father!"

Qin Haoran was about to cry: "Isn't this for stabilizing our family?" The starting point is good, why do you have to tell my dad! If he knew, he would definitely hit me!

Qin Hongyu ignored Qin Haoran's sobs and walked to the window alone: "You all apologized to that security guard, but the other party forced you to kneel, this..." It's a bit too much!

Qin Haoran quickly nodded: "It's simply quite excessive!" I told him at that time that even if I died Qin Haoran, I would not kowtow to him and apologize!"

Qin Hongyu: "However, you are still alive now!" "

Ahem!" Qin Haoran was extremely embarrassed, and said aggrievedly: "Aunt, I don't want to lose the face of our Qin family, but that guy seems to be a cultivator!"

"I don't know what he used, I feel that there are insects in my body tearing and biting!"

"As a last resort, I relented..." Saying that, he lowered his head with a look of shame!

Qin Hongyu frowned slightly: "The other party is a cultivator?"

Qin Haoran nodded repeatedly: "I feel that eight or nine are not far from ten!"

Qin Hongyu asked, "Do you know where the person who hurt you is?"

Qin Haoran grinned and said, "I've been letting people monitor them, and they're eating barbecue on the barbecue street now!"

"Let's go! Take me to meet that guy for a while! Qin Hongyu said, "By the way, go to Tsinghua to visit a friend!"

Qin Haoran's face was full of surprise: "Aunt, you also have friends in Tsinghua?" Haven't I heard you talk about it?

Qin Hongyu walked in front with a solemn expression: "I can take you to visit that friend, but you must be tight-lipped about his identity!"

"If, you dare to reveal his identity..."

Qin Haoran was excited, and quickly said, "I volunteered to go to the orthopedic department to be with my father!"

Qin Hongyu's footsteps paused and said softly, "Orthopedics... No, you can go somewhere else!

Qin Haoran: "Such as?"

Qin Hongyu: "Crematorium? "

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