"There is a reason why Chinese medicine has declined!"

"Yes, it's because there are too many guys similar to Chen Nan in the field of Chinese medicine!"

"They are the moths of the TCM community, shame!"

Countless people insulted and denounced Chen Nan at this moment!


The ten old professors in the guest table all showed shocked expressions!

Because, their answer is the same as Chen Nan!

These twenty amateurs are all in good health and do not have any diseases!

Is this a coincidence?

They can't calm their hearts for a long time!

"Everyone, please be quiet, is Chen Nan a quack doctor, can't you look at the diagnosis given by the ten old professors?" Dong Jianjun had a shallow smile on his face!

"Do you still need to see the diagnosis given by ten old professors?"

"Yes, their diagnosis must be different from Chen Nan!"

The atmosphere of the scene is a bit chaotic!

Dong Jianjun waved his hand: "Even though many people are dissatisfied with Chen Nan, they decide the results of this competition!" Out of respect for the competition, it is still necessary to announce their medical certificate! Hearing

this, the scene became quiet!

Dong Jianjun cleared his throat and said seriously: "The conclusion given by the ten expert panel judges is... Twenty passers-by are in good health and without any diseases! "


There was a dead silence at the gate of the huge Tsinghua University!

All of them had an unconcealable shock on their faces!

Some people have a numb scalp!

Some people get thick goosebumps on their bodies!

Someone thinks they have auditory hallucinations!

Otherwise, it can't be the same result!

The people watching the live broadcast were also shocked beyond words!

If one out of twenty people is in good health, it's luck!

It's a coincidence that two people are in good health!

But twenty people are all in good health, how can this be explained?

Even those five young talents of the Western Medicine Department felt their scalps tingle!

Looking at the silent scene, the people of the Chinese medicine department breathed a sigh of relief!

It seems that Senior Brother Chen Nan is not an ordinary person!


"Damn, how could things be?" Xue Ruiwen's face is sallow!

Dong Jianjun's words were like a basin of ice water poured on his head, making him feel cold all over!

A sense of foreboding also arose in his heart!

Could it be that Chen Nan is really a divine doctor?

If so, he would be in big trouble!

He simply couldn't bear the responsibility of the Western Medicine Department after losing to Chen Nan!

"I know that many people are confused, this point, we might as well ask Chen Nan, how did he learn that these twenty amateurs are healthy!"

Dong Jianjun's words made Chen Nan the focus of the audience again!

The difference is!

This time, everyone's eyes looking at Chen Nan were filled with deep awe, doubt, and curiosity!

People have a variety of emotions in their eyes!

But one thing is obvious!

No one underestimated Chen Nan anymore!

In the midst of all the attention, Chen Nan spoke: "Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to looking and hearing and asking questions, but for me, the word 'hope' is enough to see what kind of disease the patient suffers from!"

"Yes, it doesn't need to be that complicated!"

He is as arrogant as ever!

But at the moment!

Who dares to question his abilities?

Chen Nan continued: "I have always believed that as a doctor, the most basic ability is to judge whether a patient is sick through the first impression!

"Instead of asking about the condition first, and then asking the patient to draw blood tests according to the condition, do CT, color ultrasound, and judge what the patient's condition is based on these results!"

"Not only will this delay the patient's time, but it will cost the patient more money, and in some specific cases, it will even endanger the patient's life!"

"The most important thing is that if the diagnosis of a condition requires a machine, then what is the meaning of the existence of doctors?"

"Student Chen, I really love you to death!" An excited cry came from the crowd: "You're so right, I'm disappointed in all hospitals now, disappointed to the extreme!"

"I don't know about others, just say me, I have children!"

"On the fifth day of the first month of last month, the eldest of my family said that he had a headache and dizziness!"

"I'm thinking about taking her to the hospital!"

"After going to the hospital, the doctor asked about the condition, then asked him to draw blood for testing, and then prescribed a CT of the nose, according to what he said, it was suspected to be rhinitis!"

"After reading all the test results, I said it was okay, and prescribed some medicine to go home and eat!"

"After eating for three days and still not getting better, this time I didn't go to the hospital, I went to the small clinic!"

"People say that they eat too much, and the headache caused by food accumulation is prescribed some drugs to aid digestion!"

"Just ate two, guess what?"

"Hey, healed!"

"Are you saying outrageous?"

"This matter is not over yet!"

"After a few more days, my second eldest had a high fever that did not subside, and after taking medicine for a few days, he did not see any improvement!"

"As a last resort, my wife took her to the hospital for examination!"

"It's still the same process, first ask about the symptoms, then the doctor writes a bill, draws blood tests, and takes CT!"

"The difference is that this time the cause was found! Say it's bronchopneumonia, let the hospital be treated!

"My wife has just been out of confinement, and she is almost scared to cry when she hears this!"

"I went directly to the hospital on leave and asked the doctor if he had to be hospitalized? The doctor said that it was convenient to observe in the hospital!

"As soon as I listen, good fellow, this is treating me like a sheep and asking for my wool!"

"I took my wife and children to the clinic near the community in a fit of anger, and explained the cause, and people used a stethoscope to listen to the child's lung situation and said that there was no big problem!"

"After four days of hanging bottles, hey, the second is also healed!"

"Lively, restored to the usual appearance of being beaten!"

"And then, the next day!"

"My junior who has just reached the full moon in my family starts coughing and fever!"

"Our whole family panicked, after all, it is not a child's play for a newborn to get sick, so we went to the hospital immediately!"

"As for what the process is... I don't need to say more, right?

"Ask about the cause, draw blood tests, take CT, I feel that this is already a fixed process to go to the hospital!"

"The result is the same as the second old, bronchial pneumonia, said that the second eldest was infected, and let us go through the hospitalization procedures, we must be hospitalized!"

"Seriously, I believe what the doctors say, but the first two events made me extremely disappointed in the hospital!"

"Then call the doctor at the clinic near the community and ask him what to do!"

"After hearing this, the doctor said directly, brother, you call me to show that you can trust me, come back with the child, I will put some Chinese medicine stickers on him, we can't betray your trust!"

"I listened to the doctor's words, took the child to him, and after only three days of sticking, my junior was cured!"

"I didn't take medicine, I didn't get an injection, and I wasn't hospitalized!"

He said impassionedly about what happened to him, and the more he said, the more excited he became: "I don't understand, doctors rely on years of experience to treat patients!"

"How come it is that now, you have to rely on some instruments to diagnose the patient's condition?"

"Is it that without those instruments, you Western doctors will be laid off?"

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